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meet with POs - not scheduled - no feedback from Khalilah so far
question to POs: do features fit into epics?
entering new requests in cases where multiple POs are concerned → choose main focus and "cc" all other relevant POs as part of description → are there other ways?
is the voting option in JIRA used? Does that have any impact?
meet with SIGs - share task - after WOLFcon
meet with CC? - at or after WOLFcon
Meeting on Aug 24th is cancelled
Tentative meeting Aug 17th
WOLFcon planning
at Wolfcon we have a joint meeting with scope criteria
use that as final deadline for new prioritization start?
present the process again in a simple way - overview
goal: come to a conclusion - approval or disapproval
prio: what do people want
roadmap: prio on a more global level
resourcing is separate
How can prioritization feed into roadmap?
SIG can discuss the results and propose themes to the PC/Roadmap team
what feeds into the roadmap - the SIG or the institutional rank - or both
the survey can and needs to feed into the roadmap as well
bring results from different rankings to SIGs - discuss themes and subthemes
please see table below
Future steps
JIRA Questions - invite Peter to one of our meetings?
is there a limit of JIRA accounts?
what is the limit?
if they have an enterprise level it looks like 35,000 members.
how close are we to the limit?
DECIDED Group made a decision to propose to PC
TBD Needs decision making
QUESTION There is an open question
TBD PC PC decision needed
REJECTED Idea is rejected
Group status
New Requests
Create forms for each SIG and one cross-app form in Confluence
New requests are submitted via these forms
Requester enters descriptive title and description with use cases
default information is pre-entered, to capture all needed details
e.g. Assignee (=PO)
SIG label
"new_request" label
New requests should be assigned to a PO (=assignee)
in cases where multiple POs are concerned → choose main focus and "cc" all other relevant POs as part of description
this option should be added as a separate field
there will be an automated import to JIRA via API
once a week
These new requests will be added as features with a new, separate status and label “new_request”
new frequests can be monitored via dashboards
PO or convener does duplicate check
PO or convener brings request into SIG for further refinement and discussion
PO or conevener changes status of request
if necessary: PO can directly change status without SIG discussion (for urgent cases) → this should not be the standard process
Confluence is open to everyone
no account limit
no expert knowledge needed
Requests cannot get lost and are easier to track for the providing institution
new requests are trackable via dashboards
for requester, SIG and PO
possibility to comment
e.g. if others would like to push the request
for PO to mark as duplicate
linkable to duplicates
history can be kept
alternative: Add “New request” as ticket type (like feature, story …)
New requests should be added with a spearate status instead of as a new type → advantage:
type would need to change from “New request” to feature after "approval"
status change is easier, and nevertheless trackable
How to provide new requests is separate from prioritization process, but has been discussed in context of it.
Recommendation: New requests as well as all other tickets in JIRA should be clear in title and description → for being able to understand what exactly the ticket is about → precondition for being able to rank
What should SIGs rank on?
All features with status
in refinement
in progress
not on NFRs
not on Industry standards
Definition: A set of criteria within an industry relating to the standard functioning and carrying out of operations in their respective fields of production. In other words, it is the generally accepted requirements followed by the members of an industry.
The requests go through the SIGs, they decide on whether this is industry standard or something the SIG should rank on.
same as we ranked before; task was to create a new process around existing tickets
new institutions should be able to rank backwards and not only new requests
prevent duplicates
prevent that institutions create duplicate new requests because they are not allowed to rank on existing open features
SIGs or PO decides what industry standards are
SIG prioritization
Use ranking tool
TBD: which one? How?
frequency: regularly, up to PO or SIG convener
duration: 3 weeks to rank
after ranking process: calculate one total rank per feature
cross-app features are ranked by all related SIGs
Add one field per SIG
for the calculated total rank of each SIGs ranking
as part of each ticket
Import total rank into JIRA
in addition: make variance of ranking available to the community (through the ranking tool)
extensive communication
asynchronous prioritization via tool enables all community members to take part
no matter the time zone
no matter whether there are/can be representatives in the SIG meetings
no matter the language barrier
one tool across the project:
for consistency reasons
to ease voting if ther are cross-app features
to make it easier for new members to get to know FOLIO tools
Institutional ranking
Use ranking tool - TBD: which one?
fields to prioritize should include
Impact on work,
frequency: twice a year
duration: 8 weeks to rank
after ranking process: calculate one total rank per feature
Use a combination of fields for the calculated total rank:
Impact on work,
Keep one field for the calculated total institutional rank as part of each ticket
Import total rank into JIRA
in addition: make variance of ranking available to the community (through the ranking tool)
can be a different tool than the one for the SIGs as it fulfills different needs
announce ranking period ahead of time
Check with POs which tool is easiest for them and how process can be as simple as possible for them
Weighting for ranking institutions
Implement differentiated weighting for ranking institutions
for implementation status
for consortia vs. single institution
TBD: How? What will the weighting look like?
Ideally this would be calculated automatically
The weighting needs to be adjusted over time
list needs to be maintained and updated over time
Do we need that weighting?
ranking is just giving direction; not determining
we can review after a year whether we need a weighting or not - but for the moment we leave it out
Ranking values
will be using 5 ranking levels
similar to R1 to R5, but clearer in wording for comprehensibility
there a limit to how many R1s an institution can use
one R1 for every app
2 types of ranking:
do we need it → yes/no
how long can we wait = use R1 to R4
R1 - R5
R5 should not be "0" or nor needed
institutions should not rank features that they do not need