2022-05-18 Data Import Subgroup meeting

2022-05-18 Data Import Subgroup meeting

Recordings are posted Here (2022+) and Here (pre-2022)                   Slack channel for Q&A, discussion between meetings

Requirements details Here                                                                    Additional discussion topics in Subgroup parking lot

Attendees: Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) leeda.adkins@duke.edu Jennifer Eustis Monica Arnold Christie Thomas Heather MacFarlane (Deactivated) Jenn Colt Lisa McColl Lloyd Chittenden Lynne Fors Raegan Wiechert Timothy Watters 


  • Still working on updating Lotus release notes
  • Lotus Hotfix Bug created for the Job profile problem (make all matches, then take all actions): was related to item record version; Lotus HF awaiting release
  • Lotus Hotfix Bug for Settings/Data Import panes UI - finished; awaiting release
  • Lotus Hotfix Bug for Holdings Source - we thought it was fixed, but we were able to trigger the bug again today; back In progress
  • Kiwi and Lotus Hotfix Bug for Instance version problem (introduced for optimistic locking) - Kiwi and Lotus HF tested and looks good so far; waiting on additional testing by EBSCO and Index Data before declaring it fixed
  • Inventory Single Record Import: Overlays for Source=MARC Instances retain 003 when they shouldn't (does not affect Kiwi;
    • See Lotus bugfix where we changed the 001/003/035 behavior. This is what is causing the problem. Revisit and confirm what the expected behavior is.
    • Bugfix should have only been applied to ETLs, not all Updated MARCs; the resolved bug was only for situations where the re-imported record's 001 (HRID) was creating an unnecessary 035, and should not be applied to MARC Bibs that are being imported to update existing SRS MARC Bibs/Instances.
    • Create 2 test cases for the resolved bug - one with ETL, and one with new version of OCLC Bib
    • Making the 035-building behavior configurable would be really helpful, per Christie
      • If configuration
        • Continue to keep 001 as FOLIO HRID
        • 001 options:
          • Replace with HRID (no 035 created)
          • Replace with HRID and Move to 035
          • Replace with HRID and Move to 035 with 003 prefix
        • Separate option for deleting preliminary letters from the 001
        • Would need to be a job profile setting, not a tenant-level setting
      • Since it's often rare cases where you want to build a new 035, since it often duplicates one already in the system
      • Draft Jira for identifying duplicate OCLC numbers and cleaning up

Morning Glory

  • Morning Glory Folijet and Spitfire planning: dashboard where you can see the current scope and status of Data Import work for Morning Glory
  • Current work: last sprint before Morning Glory feature freeze
    • Connecting UI and Backend for deleting logs, plus adding the new permissions
    • Finishing Field protection refinement, and then will need test cases and User acceptance testing
    • Flow control mostly completed (to help Single Record Imports and MARC Authority UI deletes not get stuck)
    • Backend of the Job summary at top of log details screen
    • Log hotlinks: styling is being updated to match newer styling in FOLIO. See Users app as example.

Agenda topics:

  • Stopping import jobs
    • See new log status
    • Should we change the trashcan behavior to a confirmation modal?  Yes
    • If yes, also change for Uploaded files that you don't want to import? Yes
    • May not be in Morning Glory, but if not, it should be in Nolana
  • Matching on POL and VRN to update associated Instances, Holdings, Items - It works!
    • Demo Q&A
    • Where are we with creating POLs from MARC Bib data?
      • Very small group working on draft requirements this week, so that it can be developed in Nolana; will review and finalize with Data Import Subgroup, Acq SIG, and MM SIG in the next couple of weeks
    • Everyone play with this in Snapshot or Snapshot-2 and let's talk about it more next week. If questions/comments, ask on the Data Import Slack channel
    • Not yet tested:
      • Cascade matches (try POL first; if yes, update; if no, try VRN; if yes, update; if no, stop)
      • Update Instance, create holdings and item
      • When multiple POLs or VRNs are associated with the same Instance/Holdings/Item 
      • Other scenarios that should be tried?


From Jennifer Eustis (she/her) to Everyone 01:20 PM
It would be great to have the option to opt out. We also want to make sure that the letters before the number aren't present in our OCLC 035s

From Jenn Colt to Everyone 01:21 PM
We should also throw out here that the behavior is different between marc and instance led updates

From Christie Thomas (she/her) to Everyone 01:22 PM
We have not gotten any marc updates to work Jenn. What is the difference in the 001/003/035 handling between instance updates and marc updates?

From Jenn Colt to Everyone 01:23 PM
an instance overlay doesn't seem to the duplicating that the single record (marc led) updates do
but whatever config we get should be able to be applied to both kinds either way

From Christie Thomas (she/her) to Everyone 01:23 PM
I think that the duplication by single record import is because the existing 035 does not have the ocn/ocm/on/om prefix so it is not an exact match.

From Jenn Colt to Everyone 01:24 PM
ah ok

From Christie Thomas (she/her) to Everyone 01:28 PM
Thank you!

From Christie Thomas (she/her) to Everyone 02:02 PM