NFR: R2 2022 Morning Glory: Implement flow control for Data Import
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Ann-Marie Breaux April 1, 2022 at 12:24 AM
Good to know - thanks, .
Do we need to add a story to account for MARC Authority deletes? These are individual record deletes, triggered from the MARC Authority app UI, and we need to make sure that they do not get stuck behind long-processing import jobs. These were not taken into account when the feature was first scoped, but may be necessary to provide a decent UX. See for more details. Or maybe Spitfire should add a testing/review task to their UXPROD-3517?

Vladimir Shalaev March 23, 2022 at 12:08 PM
IMO this ticket is solving not the general performance of OCLC import issues, but parallel jobs - big data import and OCLC

Ann-Marie Breaux March 23, 2022 at 10:25 AM
Hi and Please see 's comments on MODSOURMAN-716. Is this feature still needed if the Inventory Single Record Import "creates" are faster now? I'm thinking probably yes, but I'm not sure. To make this feature unnecessary means that
1. We need to ensure that Inventory Single Record Imports (creates or updates) do not get stuck behind long-processing import jobs
2. We need to ensure that MARC Authority deletes (which are individual record deletes, triggered from the MARC Authority app UI) do not get stuck behind long-processing import jobs. These were not taken into account when the feature was first scoped, but may be necessary to provide a decent UX. See .

Kateryna Senchenko February 11, 2022 at 2:40 PM
Hi , I don't think we'll need additional Karate tests, checking the main functionality with existing tests should suffice. Thank you!

Ann-Marie Breaux February 11, 2022 at 6:02 AM
Hi One more question about this feature - will we need any new or adjusted Karate tests?

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Implement flow control as a way to ensure that Inventory Single Record Import jobs do not get stuck behind large import jobs.
For additional details, see ARCH-14 and Architectural review in Lotus, but implementation will not be until Morning Glory
NOTE Description of the Inventory Single Record Import process drafted in the scope of MODCPCT-38:
NOTE Spitfire implementing Delete MARC Authorities via UI in Morning Glory UXPROD-3517 - those import jobs should also take priority over large import jobs