2022-11-16 Data Import Subgroup meeting

2022-11-16 Data Import Subgroup meeting

Recordings are posted Here (2022+) and Here (pre-2022)                   Slack channel for Q&A, discussion between meetings

Requirements details Here                                                                    Additional discussion topics in Subgroup parking lot

Attendees: Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) Jennifer Eustis  Monica Arnold Kim Wiljanen Christie Thomas Lisa Smith Lynne Fors Jenn Colt Lloyd Chittenden Raegan Wiechert Taylor Smith Heather MacFarlane (Deactivated) 

Current development (Nolana and Orchid)


    • Morning Glory hotfix 
      • MODDICONV-276 - Getting issue details... STATUS : hotfix created and being tested by Michigan State and Cornell; should be ready in the next day or two; migration script packaged into the HF release, not stand-alone
    • Nolana Bugfest - any additional feedback?
      • Working on a few more Nolana Bugfixes, which must be finished by the end of next week
      • Data export issues have been causing blockers
      • Jennifer: imported 6K into Bugfest (just creating SRS MARC & instances), but it went fine; production: can't do more than 600 at a time (creating SRS MARC, Instances, Holdings, Items); need more research
        • Work to separate ISRI and regular Data Imports - should keep ISRI from being slowed down
        • So much is trying to query and act on Inventory - CI/CO, Bulk edit, Export, Import - devs have taken steps to separate the streams and protect CI/CO from the effects of batch actions
        • Backend logging additions in Orchid will help to provide more troubleshooting info as well 
      • A-M: Review the sample test profiles that PTF is using - see if we can add an 035 OCLC match for one of the update scenarios
    • Small ISRI feature: ability to assign various profiles UXPROD-3831 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      • Updated PPT with wireframes and additional details can be found here.
      • Reviewed with Charlotte and Mike Gorrell; all fine
      • Will be discussed at MM SIG tomorrow, along with Charlotte and a couple libraries discussing/demonstrating push from external sources
    • Creating/Updating multiple holdings/items from 1 MARC Bib
      • Brainstorm requirements
        • Creates vs Updates
        • Matching
        • Multiple copies/items associated with different locations/holdings
      • Sample MARC Bibs/demos welcome!
      • Use cases:
        • Create: CDs with 1 going to stacks, 1 going to archives (Jennifer E)
          • Create MARC Bib/Instance, 2 holdings, 1 item on each holding
        • Create: E-resource (Jennifer E)
          • JSTOR: 1 BIB with 5 holdings (each with different location, URL and proxy), 1 item on each holding - all creates
            • Ideally modifications interspersed to create the 856 with specific proxy/URL for each library
            • Right now 6 jobs: 1 to create instance and holdings/items for Lib A, then 4 to create holdings/items for Libs B-E, then clean up MARC SRS
        • Update: Have an e-resource on 2 platforms; Remove access/holdings for 1 platform
          • Would need to be able to batch delete 1 holdings record - talk with Magda - when?
          • Short term - maybe just mark as suppressed and remove the URL for now?
          • Batch of records that come from a vendor, e.g. Hein or aggregators with sets that are synthesized by OCLC - can be huge batches of records
            • Incoming record 1: 2 856s, 1 for agg1, 1 for agg2
              • Sequence of the 856s is not predictable
              • Match on OCLC number and maybe submatch on status and Overlay instance
              • Match holdings based on 856$u/URL
                • For any that are found, take no action
                • For any that are not found, add holdings with 2nd URL (not the first)
            • Incoming record 2: ??
        • (non-multi case) E-resource with 1 holdings and 1 item, but with 5 URLs in the holdings record (Jennifer E)
          • Chicago has similar use cases - multiple URLs in 1 holdings, or multiple URLs in separate items
        • Next Steps
          • A-M will create a table for use cases and Google folder for sample files
          • Continue to talk through use cases

No meetings on 23 Nov and 30 Nov; next meeting will be 7 Dec

Upcoming meetings/agenda topics:

  • UAT for Importing order data
  • Planning for Creating/Updating multiple holdings/items from 1 MARC Bib (dev work to be done in Poppy)


From Lisa Smith - Mich State to Everyone 01:08 PM
So glad it could be fixed quickly!

From Christie Thomas (she/her) to Everyone 01:33 PM

From Jennifer Eustis (she/her) to Everyone 01:47 PM
In Aleph we could delete holdings and item and replace them with what is coming from the incoming marc file

From Lloyd (Marmot Library Network) to Everyone 01:57 PM
working on this topic.