2022-04-13 Data Import Subgroup meeting
2022-04-13 Data Import Subgroup meeting
Recordings are posted Here (2022+) and Here (pre-2022) Slack channel for Q&A, discussion between meetings
Requirements details Here Additional discussion topics in Subgroup parking lot
Attendees: Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) Timothy Watters Jennifer Eustis Lynne Fors Jenn Colt leeda.adkins@duke.edu Lloyd Chittenden Monica Arnold Raegan Wiechert Taylor Smith
- Lotus Folijet planning: dashboard where you can see the current scope and status of Data Import work for Lotus - DONE!!
- Current Data Import feature development dashboard and bugfix support
- Current work:
- Admin note bug just found today: hope to fix this week, either in Data Import or Inventory - TBD; also need to figure out if Holdings and Items have the same problem
- Some TestRails deferred to Morning Glory
- A-M: Check the multiple 856s in the holdings record especially - is it the Bugfest env or an actual bug? In Kiwi had to put the second 856 into different field, but was working properly with multiple 856s in Lotus.
- A-M: Check the MARC modification jobs that were getting stuck
- Jennifer E's E2E test worked fine except for the multiple 856s, so may be OK to pass it
- Updating Lotus release notes
Morning Glory
- Morning Glory Folijet and Spitfire planning: dashboard where you can see the current scope and status of Data Import work for Morning Glory
- Current work:
- Adding Admin notes to the 3 Inventory field mapping screens
- Log refinements: UI for deleting logs (no backend yet)
- Starting
- Field protection refinement (distinguish handling for repeatable and non-repeatable fields)
- Per Jenn/Christie, also make sure that the field protections do not prevent modifications on incoming records if the field is protected, e.g. 856 fields)
- Flow control (to help Single Record Imports and MARC Authority UI deletes not get stuck)
- Prep for Importing order data in MARC format (will be Nolana work)
- Field protection refinement (distinguish handling for repeatable and non-repeatable fields)
Agenda topics:
Extend MatchValueLoader implementations to allow filtering according to Qualifiers and MatchCriteria:
Identifier matching should allow for qualifiers, compare part, and match criteria
- 856$u/URI match working well
- Using Static value submatches for true or false works well for checkboxes
- For libraries making matches on OCLC numbers, what is the best way that you have found to construct a match?
- Some using w