2022-06-29 Data Import Subgroup meeting
2022-06-29 Data Import Subgroup meeting
Recordings are posted Here (2022+) and Here (pre-2022) Slack channel for Q&A, discussion between meetings
Requirements details Here Additional discussion topics in Subgroup parking lot
Attendees: Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) leeda.adkins@duke.edu Heather MacFarlane (Deactivated) Jenn Colt Kateryna Senchenko leeda.adkins@duke.edu Lloyd Chittenden Lynne Fors
Morning Glory
- Morning Glory Folijet and Spitfire planning: dashboard where you can see the current scope and status of Data Import work for Morning Glory
Agenda topics:
- Lotus Potential Hotfixes:
- Key factors: regressions or not, risk level, data integrity, any workarounds
- Quota Exceeded error
UIDATIMP-1205Getting issue details...
- Originally identified by Cornell and thought to be associated with very large job profiles, so no hotfix was planned
- Experienced by other libraries migrating to Lotus also
- Low-risk fix
- Received permission for hotfix
- Should be included in Lotus HF2
- 035 Matching regression
MODSOURCE-521Getting issue details...
- Also have to be competing 035s to happen, so if clean all of them out, it's OK
- Also can pre-construct the new 035, and that helps
- Affects MARC-to-Instance, which we were not trying to change
- A-M to talk with devs tomorrow, plus add some manual test cases so that the fixes can be tested heavily before hotfix and after
- Holdings source problem, when Holdings created by opening an order is updated by Data Import
MODORDERS-717Getting issue details...
- Confirm whether this is really locking down fields when Source changes from FOLIO to MARC
- A-M to finish testing a holdings update with Holdings HRID ho00000000014 and see if it changes source and locks down fields
- Then confer with devs to assess risk and regression testing
- Protected fields being removed from the record on import
MODDATAIMP-698Getting issue details...
- For Cornell, since they cannot copy from Sandbox to Production, will have to stop importing until all the profiles are edited
- Maybe consider a feature to mark profiles as Inactive.
- Then they could be built/edited without allowing them to be used yet.
- Could be problematic though, since one use case is copying an existing profile and making changes to it. The new profiles would have to have different names.
- A-M not adding a draft feature for now
Next week:
- Finalize requirements for Data Import creating Orders from MARC Bibs (to be delivered in Nolana)
- Maybe skip next week if attendance will be small
- A-M to ask on Slack channel