2021-10-27 Data Import Subgroup meeting

 Recordings are posted Here

Slack channel for Q&A, discussion between meetings

Additional discussion topics in Subgroup parking lot

Attendees: Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) leeda.adkins@duke.edu Lloyd Chittenden Dung-Lan Chen Christie Thomas Monica Arnold Jenn Colt Timothy Watters Jennifer Eustis

Development update: 

Agenda topic: 

  • Lotus Feature Prep: Update Inventory records based on POL/VRN matches
    • Data Import, Acq, Inventory POs/lead devs met; should be able to implement this in Lotus
      • Thunderjet (Acq): needs to create 1 new endpoint
      • Folijet (DI):  needs to update Match profile UI and matching logic
      • Prokopovich (Inventory): no dev work required
      • All necessary data is already available
    • See notes on the feature page; confirm workflow and last SME questions