2021-05-26 Data Import Subgroup meeting

2021-05-26 Data Import Subgroup meeting

Recordings are posted Here

Attendees: Jennifer Eustis Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated), leeda.adkins@duke.edu , Christie Thomas , Nick Cappadona , Monica ArnoldJenn Colt , Lisa McColl , Timothy Watters 

To do's in red

Agenda topics:

  1. Follow up from last meeting - NO UPDATES. WILL LOOK AT THESE NEXT MTG
    1. Rancher environment for Data Import/quickMARC testing
    2. Data Import FAQ updates A-M to add other answers by next week. SMEs - please add other questions to the FAQ
  2. Current development
    1. Hotfix 1 changes released and available on Bugfest. Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated)is still reviewing them. Will be finalized by Friday
    2. Current sprint: Bugfixes for Iris Hotfix 2, Stripes upgrades, Schema upgrade testing, Prep for add'l automated tests, UI shortcut keys
      1. Field protection fixes? - planned for Hotfix 2
  3. Libraries using Iris Data Import
    1. We think no one is live with Iris, but a few libraries have it in sandbox mode
    2. Cornell needs Hotfix 1 before proceeding with test plans
  4. Next week's meeting - several SIGs/subgroups are canceling due to WOLFcon. Should we cancel or meet? CANCEL
  5. DI update for Implementers meeting. Slide deck is here.
  6. Default behaviors (implicit/explicit) - CONTINUE WITH THIS AT NEXT MTG
    1. A-M started a spreadsheet; will this be helpful as a way to make the relationships between the actions clearer?
      1. Added rows for quickMARC edit/create actions and Instances created by POLs
      2. Update instance - only updates fields that are not part of the MARC record, e.g. instance status
    2. Shelfready scenario: import the fully-cataloged MARC record
      1. Update instance status (Action profile = update instance) (also implicit update of the SRS MARC)
      2. Delete acq data from 9xx field (Action profile = Update SRS MARC/modify) (also implicit update to instance, to remove a vendor number, or other extraneous info. Note that the 9xx data can live on the SRS MARC but not affect the instance if the 9xx data is not surfacing in the instance. If the default MARC-Instance map does not have any mappings for that 9xx data, then no updates will surface on the Instance after the SRS MARC update)
      3. Update the holdings with call number (Action profile = Update holdings)
      4. Update the item with barcode (Action profile = Update item)
    3. Scenario
      1. Batch update to an item, but not retaining the MARC record, which is just being imported to carry in the change
      2. If matching only on holdings ID or item ID, will make the updates on those records and not update the ACTUAL SRS MARC;
      3. A-M make a video of brief and how it affects holdings/item without Instance/SRS MARC update, versus - if I use a brief MARC to update suppress or status on a group of MARC records, will that overlay the SRS MARC
    4. To do: Next week, A-M talk with Kimie and see if ideas for updating the UI for implicit
    5. Is implicit a temporary situation or not? Does it need to be temporary? Why or why not?
  7. Creating FOLIO orders from MARC 9xx data
    1. Lehigh MARC program creates SRS MARC for the new orders as well as Instances. In FOLIO, currently POLs only create Instances, not SRS MARCs
      1. Per Michelle Suranofsky this is the project: https://github.com/folio-labs/order-import-poc
      2. Chicago has made it more configurable and added the ability to create invoices.  Their branch: https://github.com/folio-labs/order-import-poc/tree/uchicago-invoice-import
    2. Upcoming meeting: Go through Acquisitions workflow - matchpoints, import profiles
    3. Kiwi will probably not have Data Import for MARC Order/Invoice info. Would it be helpful to prioritize matching by POL to identify relevant Instance, Holdings, Item
  8. Data import setup checklist
  9. Surfacing errors in log summaries
    1. Fix column sorting - will help with large results sets
    2. Mockups
    3. Export – only errors? All?
  10. EDIFACT Invoices
    1. Default profiles and EDIFACT Syntax
    2. Some fixes split to a separate Jira – OK to make it lower priority?
    3. Vendors
      1. Already spoken with GOBI, Harrassowitz, EBSCO
      2. Have contact info for WT Cox, Hein; will reach out to them
      3. Any others?
  11. Import job monitoring and alerting e-mails - POSTPONED
    1. Review proposed implementation
    2. Discuss default e-mail text