2017-11-10 Agenda - Holdings data/MARC mapping WG
Topic: Zoom: Holdings data/MARC mapping working group
Time: Nov 10, 2017 1:00 PM EST (US and Canada) / 7:00 PM CET (Denmark, Sweden, Germany)
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1) Review the Use cases listed in the spreadsheet started by Lynn Whittenberger - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19aBX4Lpvy7OxyJqhdMpMS713599g7B_SJ7mlIhwGKaE/edit#gid=0
a) Charlotte, Harry ... mark each usecase with alpha, beta (=V1), end 2018, etc. - Charlotte will update doc with Harry's input
2) MARC mapping - see google doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kdYx63J0KoqR3-LUHuPAzERgj8WE0OQ08rzuCaJaHWs/edit#gid=952741439, tab #2: 'Holdings Metadata for Inventory'
a) more input?
3) Wrapping up - The WG have had 4 meetings; what would be next step ...
- listed documents and input at the landing page for this group - please add, if anything is missing
- looking ahead - Topics, idea, please list your input:
- more UX wireframes
- edit of holdings data,
- how to present holdings data (and item data) for electronic resources - e-books, e-journals, databases etc. (see Kristin Martins post on Discuss, https://discuss.folio.org/t/inventory-ux-iteration-1-english/1363/3)
- solve the 'holdings statement' issue (11/6) so it gets rich enough to cover the usescases we have today - what is the missing piece?
- Export of holdings data - figure out the workflow, the rebuild of data for export etc. - this is not alpha, but soon ...
- more UX wireframes
- ILL records (we talked about it on 11/1/2017)
- topics for one of the two workshops:
- notes (what to keep in the general note feature, and definition of specific holdings notes, useful for e.g. search on the specific facets)
- more ideas?