2017-10-25 Agenda - Holdings data/MARC mapping WG
2017-10-25 Agenda - Holdings data/MARC mapping WG
1) Welcome to the group + Harry Kaplanian
2) House keeping: planning dates and time for the next 2 meetings
3) Scope of this group's work (Charlotte)
- The target group for Inventory app
4) Review the 'Holdings Metadata for Inventory' - Inventory Metadata Elements (alpha) and
- Filip asks for a definition of:
- Holdings Statement (see Holdings Metadata for Inventory)
- Enumeration (See Items Metadata for Inventory)
- Chronology (See Items Metadata for Inventory)
5) Review the Use cases listed in the spreadsheet started by Lynn Whittenberger - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19aBX4Lpvy7OxyJqhdMpMS713599g7B_SJ7mlIhwGKaE/edit#gid=0
6) MARC mapping - see google doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kdYx63J0KoqR3-LUHuPAzERgj8WE0OQ08rzuCaJaHWs/edit#gid=952741439, tab #2: 'Holdings Metadata for Inventory'