Data elements - Instance [wip]
Data elements - Instance [wip]
Instance Metadata Elements | Jira story | Status | Input Type | Description | Property name in instance.json Query search | Repeatable | Required |
https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/x/EFVZ | GitHub | R: Repeatable NR: Non repeatable | Y: Yes N: No | ||||
Instance HRID | UIIN-223 | ✓ | Read only | The human readable ID, also called eye readable ID. A system-assigned sequential ID which maps to the Instance ID | hrid | NR | Y |
Metadata source | UIIN-223 | ✓ | Read only | Format of the instance source record, if a source record exists (e.g. FOLIO if it's a record created in Inventory, MARC if it's a MARC record created in MARCcat or EPKB if it's a record coming from eHoldings) | source (sourceRecordFormat)? | NR | Y |
Date Added to FOLIO created | UIIN-223 | ✓ | Record metadata component | The date that the original instance record was created. | NR | Y | |
Instance status term | UIIN-223 | ✓ | Select | Instance status term (e.g. cataloged, uncatalogued, batch loaded, temporary, other, not yet assigned) | statusId | NR | N |
Cataloged date | UIIN-223 | ✓ | Editable | Date [or timestamp] an instance when is was considered "cataloged" (not the same as date added to system or date updated) | NR | N | |
Instance status code | UIIN-223 | ✓ | String | NR | N | ||
Instance status source | UIIN-223 | ✓ | String | NR | N | ||
Date status updated | UIIN-223 | ✓ | String | Date [or timestamp] for when the instance status was updated | statusUpdatedDate | NR | Y |
Previously held | UIIN-223 UIIN-343 | ✓ | Checkbox | Records the fact that the resource was previously held by the library for things like Hathi access, etc. | previouslyHeld | NR | N |
Staff suppress | UIIN-223 UIIN-343 | ✓ | Y/N flag | Records the fact that the record should not be displayed for others than catalogers | staffSuppress | NR | N |
Statistical code | UIIN-223 | ✓ | Select | Statistical codes (e.g. ASER; name: Active serial; type: SERM (Serial management) or books; name: Book, print (books); type ARL (Collection stats) etc.) | statisticalCodeIds | R | N |
Statistical code type | UIIN-223 | ✓ | Select | Statistical code type (e.g. ARL stats, cataloger, collection or Package code) | R | N | |
Suppress from discovery | UIIN-223 | ✓ | Y/N flag | Records the fact that the record should not be displayed in a discovery system | discoverySuppress | NR | N |
Created by (user) | UIIN-223 | ✓ | Record metadata component | Indicates user who created the instance | NR | Y | |
Date updated | UIIN-223 | ✓ | Record metadata component | Indicates the date that the instance was last updated | NR | Y | |
Mode of issuance | UIIN-223 | ✓ | Select | RDA Mode of Issuance is a categorization reflecting whether a resource is issued in one or more parts, the way it is updated, and whether its termination is predetermined or not (e.g. monograph, sequential monograph, serial; integrating Resource, other) | modeOfIssuanceId | NR | N |
Instance status | UIIN-223 | ✓ | Select | Administrative categorization of the instance status to indicate where a record is in the workflow or the type of record) | NR | N | |
Updated by (user) | UIIN-223 | ✓ | Record metadata component | Indicates user who last updated the instance | NR | Y | |
Classification | UIIN-230 | ✓ | String | Classification (e.g. classification scheme, classification schedule). A system of coding and grouping library materials (books, serials, audiovisual materials, computer files, maps, manuscripts, realia) according to their subject | classifications | R | N |
Classification identifier type | UIIN-230 | ✓ | String | List of classification schema (e.g. LC, Canadian Classification, NLM, National Agricultural Library, UDC, and Dewey) | R | N | |
Contributor | UIIN-226 | ✓ | String | Personal name, Corporate name, Meeting name | contributors = /@ name | R | N |
Contributor type ID | UIIN-226 | ✓ | Id for the contributor type term defined as a reference table in settings | contributorTypeId | R | N | |
Contributor type | UIIN-226 | ✓ | Select | Contributor type terms defined by the MARC Code List for Relators | contributorNameTypeId | R | N |
Contributor type free text | UIIN-226 | ✓ | Free text element for adding contributor type terms other that defined by the MARC code list for relators | contributorTypeText | R | N | |
Nature of content | UIIN-470, UIIN-471 | ✓ | Select | RDA Nature of content - see Felix Hemme's spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15b5ZLN3ChRy8RKqTOpfmYLZ5sZtmJJ62RZ0u-B7ZWd4/edit?usp=sharing | natureOfContentTermIds | R | N |
Publisher role | UIIN-227 | ✓ | String | The role of the publisher, distributor, etc. | R | N | |
Edition | UIIN-227 | ✓ | String | The edition statement, imprint and other publication source information | editions | R | N |
Format category | UIIN-227 UIIN-638 | ✓ | Select | The format terms are catagorized (e.g. audio, computer, mikroform) | R | N | |
Format term | UIIN-227 | ✓ | Select | The unique term for a format wether it's from the RDA carrier term list of locally defined. | instanceFormatIds | R | N |
Format code | UIIN-227 | ✓ | Select | The unique code for a given format term | R | N | |
Format source | UIIN-227 | ✓ | Select | Format source: RDA carrier terms labelled rdacarrier, and locally defined data labelled folio | R | N | |
Language | UIIN-227 | ✓ | Select | The set of languages used by the resource | languages | R | N |
Physical description | UIIN-227 | ✓ | String | Physical description of the described resource, including its extent, dimensions, and such other physical details as a description of any accompanying materials and unit type and size. | physicalDescriptions | R | N |
Place of publication | UIIN-227 | ✓ | String | Place of publication, distribution, etc. | publication | R | N |
Publication date | UIIN-227 | ✓ | String | Date (year YYYY) of publication, distribution, etc. | publication | R | N |
Publication frequency | UIIN-227 | ✓ | String | The interval at which a serial appears, e.g., daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc. | publicationFrequency | R | N |
Publication range | UIIN-227 | ✓ | String | Range of sequential designation/chronology of publication, or date range. | publicationRange | R | N |
Publisher | UIIN-227 | ✓ | String | Name of publisher, distributor, etc. | publication | R | N |
Resource type source | UIIN-227 | ✓ | Select | Set in Settings. | NR | Y | |
Resource type term | UIIN-227 | ✓ | Select | The unique term for the resource type wether it's from the RDA content term list of locally defined. | instanceTypeId | NR | Y |
Resource type code | Select | System generated. | NR | Y | |||
Link text | UIIN-229 | ✓ | Select list | Link text is used for display in place of the URL | electronicAccess | R | N |
Materials Specified | UIIN-229 | ✓ | String | Materials specified is used to specify to what portion or aspect of the resource the electronic location and access information applies (e.g. a portion or subset of the item is electronic, or a related electronic resource is being linked to the record) | R | N | |
URI | UIIN-229 | ✓ | String | Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a string of characters designed for unambiguous identification of resources | electronicAccess | R | N |
URL public note | UIIN-229 | ✓ | String | URL public note to be displayed in the discovery | electronicAccess | R | N |
URL relationship | UIIN-229 | ✓ | String | Relationship between the electronic resource at the location identified in field 856 and the item described in the record as a whole. the value of the 856 2nd indicator. The possible values are: No information provided Resource Version of resource Related resource No display constant generated | R | N | |
Resource identifier | UIIN-225 | ✓ | String | An extensible set of name-value pairs of identifiers associated with the resource | identifiers | R | N |
Resource identifier type | UIIN-225 | ✓ | Select | Resource identifier type (e.g. ISBN, ISSN, LCCN, CODEN, Locally defined identifiers) | identifierTypeId | R | N |
Instance ID | ✓ | Read only | The system assigned unique ID of the instance record; UUID | id | NR | Y | |
Notes | UIIN-260 | ✓ | String | bibliographic notes (e.g. general notes, specialized notes), and administrative notes | notes | R | N |
Ownership and custodial history | Text | R | N | ||||
Other related titles | UIIN-231 | String | R | N | |||
Subject headings | UIIN-228 | ✓ | String | Subject headings | subjects | R | N |
Alternative title | UIIN-224 | ✓ | String | An alternative title for the resource. (e.g. original language version title of a movie) | alternativeTitles | R | N |
Alternative title type | UIIN-224 UIIN-362 | ✓ | Select | Alternative title type (e.g. Parallel title, Distinctive title, and Cover title) | alternativeTitles | R | N |
Index title | UIIN-224 | ✓ | String | Title normalized for browsing and searching; based on the title with articles removed. | indexTitle | NR | N |
Resource title | UIIN-224 | ✓ | String | The primary title (or label) associated with the resource | title | NR | Y |
Series statement | UIIN-224 | ✓ | String | A series title associated with the resource (e.g. Harry Potter) | series | R | N |
Succeeding title | UIIN-224 UIIN-426 | ✓ | String | R | N | ||
Preceding title | UIIN-224 UIIN-426 | ✓ | String | R | N |