Deletion of instances by using the API

Deletion of instances by using the API

At this time, deletion of Instance records cannot be performed through the FOLIO UI (pending UXPROD-1624).  They can, however, be deleted using direct API calls.  This works one Instance record at a time.


  • An Instance cannot have any attached Holdings records, otherwise a DELETE request will fail


  • DELETE to /instance-storage/instances/{{instance UUID}}

Identifying records for deletion:

One method is to mark the instances with both Suppress from Discovery and Staff Suppress.  The logic here is that if something is suppressed in both the public and admin interfaces, it's probably not wanted.  One may also wish to check Previously Held, but this may not be appropriate for temporary Instances that were never really part of the collection to begin with (Interlibrary Loan materials, instructor-provided course reserves, etc.)


  • Links in Acquisitions may be broken due to these deletions, possibly causing UI failures
  • SRS records are NOT deleted in this process, and will still be fetched in OAI-PMH harvests
    • As of Honeysuckle, SRS records are best 'deleted' by marking their state as 'OLD' instead of 'ACTUAL'
  • Any reports about what materials are being deleted (for synchronization of holdings to external services like OCLC) need to be run BEFORE deletion is processed