Working with FOLIO APIs
Working with FOLIO APIs
Core Documentation - Learning to work with APIs
Useful API information elsewhere in the FOLIO wiki
MARC Search Query API - MARC Search Query API
Useful links
API Documentation
- https://dev.folio.org/reference/api/
- https://dev.folio.org/reference/api/endpoints/ - CTRL-F to find a specific endpoint
CQL Queries
- https://dev.folio.org/faqs/explain-cql/
- https://dev.folio.org/faqs/explain-database-schema/
- https://github.com/folio-org/raml-module-builder#the-post-tenant-api about likeIndex, ginIndex, uniqueIndex, index, fullTextIndex
- https://github.com/folio-org/raml-module-builder#cql-relations with several sections about CQL
- https://github.com/folio-org/raml-module-builder#cql2pgjson-multi-field-index with several sections about CQL2PgJSON indexes
Slack Channels
Related channels in FOLIO's Slack workspace:
- #learning-apis
- #metadata-management-scripting (for sharing scripts and questions specifically related to inventory and SRS records)
- #raml-module-builder (for CQL query topics)