OCLC 035 Normalization for Instances

OCLC 035 Normalization for Instances

As of Ramsons release, OCLC numbers in MARC Bibliographic records will be normalized to remove unnecessary prefixes, leading zeros, duplicates, and other details when an Instance record is created or updated via Single Record Import or Data Import (Note: As of Ramsons, this normalization is not applied to QuickMARC updates). This page will document the specific details of the normalization process.


When MARC records are ingested via Data Import or Single Record Import (Inventory), OCLC numbers in the 035 field will be identified by the existence of (OCoLC) within the value.

  • Note: If the FOLIO HRID is not in the 001 field of an imported MARC Bib record, the existing 001 is moved to an 035 field, preceded by any 003 data in parentheses, e.g. 001 1234567 and 003 OCoLC would become 035 (OCoLC)1234567. Once that is done, the Instance HRID is placed in the 001 field and the resulting 035 would go through Identification and potential normalization.

Pass Example:

If MARC record contains the following line, then the value in 035 $a will be identified as an OCLC number and will be normalized:

035 $a (OCoLC)00085820197

Fail Example:

If MARC record contains the following line, then the value in 035 $a will NOT be identified as an OCLC number and will not be normalized:

035 $a (OCoLC-M)858201973344


When an 035 value has been identified as an OCLC number, it will be normalized based on whether certain details are present within the value.

  • Note: Normalization will apply to any OCLC 035 values regardless of subfield (e.g. normalization would apply to both $a & $z for 035 $a (OCoLC)00064758 $z (OCoLC)ocm000976939443).


Normalization action



Normalization action



Retain (OCoLC) if present

(OCoLC)123456 would result in (OCoLC)123456

Alpha prefixes that are ‘on’, 'ocn' or 'ocm'

If prefix of ‘on’, 'ocn' or 'ocm' appear in 035 value, they should be removed

(OCoLC)ocm123456 would result in (OCoLC)123456

Alpha prefixes that are not ‘on’, 'ocn' or 'ocm'

If there are any prefix values that are NOT ‘on’, 'ocm', or 'ocn', the original prefix should remain

(OCoLC)tfe501056183 would result in (OCoLC)tfe501056183

Leading zeros

If leading zeros appear, they should be removed

(OCoLC)0000501056183 would result in (OCoLC)501056183

Spaces ( ) or periods (.)

If space character ( ) or period (.) appear within 035 value, then they should be removed

(OCoLC)ocm0000.123456 would result in (OCoLC)123456


  • If duplicates exist after normalization, they should be de-duplicated so that only one of the normalized 035 values remain

  • If there are multiple 035s with the same $a value after normalization and one has additional subfields (e.g. $z), then only the one with multiple subfields will be retained.

  • 035 $a (OCoLC)123456

    035 $a (OCoLC)123456
    would result in
    035 $a (OCoLC)123456

  • 035 $a (OCoLC)64758
    035 $a (OCoLC)64758 $z (OCoLC)976939443 $z (OCoLC)1001261435 $z (OCoLC)120194933
    would result in
    035 $a (OCoLC)64758 $z (OCoLC)976939443 $z (OCoLC)1001261435 $z (OCoLC)120194933

Display in Inventory & Source View

After processing, resulting OCLC 035 numbers will display as expected in the Identifiers accordion of an Instance in Inventory and in the 035 fields of underlying MARC Source View

Inventory Display:


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