Poppy - Release Notes (Now Published to Main Page)

Changes and Required Actions

Functional AreaChange or AdditionConsiderationsAction timing,
Action required
CommentsContact person,
Related JIRAs
Affected app or moduleWhat has been changed or added that should be noted for this releaseWhat challenges may arise related to this change or addition

When can the action be taken (before, during or after upgrade)?

If applicable, detail what action(s) must be taken here

Is this action required for the next release?

Name of user leaving comment: comment on what you encountered or ask a question @mention Contact personUser name of person that can provide additional detail.
Include issue link for bug fix, story or feature that applies
Consortia managerAdded mod-consortia and ui-consortia-settingsPlease review the following documentation Steps to setup Consortia env. This will instruct you as to how and why you would enable this functionality. Configuration takes place after the upgradeApplicable only for multi-tenant FOLIO customers. If site is not multi-tenant the are no actions required to disable these functions.
LoginChanges made to mod-consortia, mod-login, mod-users, mod-authtoken. Username is unique across member tenants

If the cluster has existing users - all they should be processed by the consortium pipeline: Steps to setup Consortia env.  The process of adding tenants to the consortium will take care about migration of existing users that have a type that does not equal to 'patron' or 'dcb'.

For Forgot email/Forgot password functionality make sure that config entries for module 'USERSBL' like: 'FOLIO_HOST', 'RESET_PASSWORD_UI_PATH' populated for each tenant in the consortium. So no new params added, just make sure that all existing ones are populated for each tenant.

For mod-authtoken to be able to do cross tenant requests for ECS based envs need to populate system property: 'allow.cross.tenant.requests=true' 

Make sure that the DB schema for the central tenant is located in the DB cluster as schemas for all other tenants in the consortium.Serhii_Nosko 
Consortia managerIn an environment that has consortia functionality enabled (see above) There is now an area in settings where consortia membership can be edited.Membership can only be edited in the UI. To add or remove members you must use APIs (see above for more info)After migration
Consortia manager(ONLY valid in central tenant) Settings areas that can be manipulated via the consortia manager now have a "source" field with a possible value of "consortium" OR "local"No action is required but users should be aware they can only edit settings with source "local" unless they're in Consortium Manager.N/A
Export managermigrated mod-data-export-spring to quartz implementationNo longer need to re-enable modules. Just install and enable onceThis would be a consideration for after the upgradeMore than one mod-data-export-spring can now be run in parallel.
InvoicesInvoices can now be assigned to previous fiscal years. When processed all transactions will be made against the corresponding fiscal year. Users will need specific permissions to perform this action (see below). No action requiredIf ignored invoices will continue to apply to the current fiscal year.
Users(ONLY applicable if consortia enabled) User type is a required field. For non-consortia environments it is optional but can be used if desired through the UI.In a consortia environment, users must be given a type of "patron" OR "staff". There is also a type of "system" and "shadow", "dcb" that is used by FOLIO to manage user accounts and access across members.

Dennis Bridges 

New Apps

AppDescriptionComments/notesProduct Owner
mod-consortiaBackend module that enables workflow collaboration between FOLIO tenantsNot included in FOLIO platform complete
ui-consortia-settingsUI module that surfaces workflow collaboration functionality in FOLIO systems with mod-consortia enabledNot included in FOLIO platform complete

Permissions Updates

AppNew PermissionsDeprecated PermissionsProduct Owner

Invoice: Pay invoices in a different fiscal year

Consortia manager

Consortium manager: Can view existing settings

Consortium manager: Can create, edit and remove settings

Consortium manager: Can share settings to all members

Consortia: View affiliations

Consortia: Assign and unassign affiliations

Settings (Consortia): Can view consortia membership

Settings (Consortia): Can view and edit consortia membership

Organization SettingsSettings (Organizations): View settings

Acquisition units SettingsSettings (acquisition units): View acquisition units

Finance Settings

Settings (Finance): View settings

Settings (Finance): Export fund and expense class codes