Thunderjet - Jira Flow
Thunderjet - Jira Flow
What should I do before I start working on a Story/Bug
- Make sure the requirements and acceptance criteria are clearly expressed and there are no unanswered questions
- Make sure the estimation in story points is added to a Story/Bug;
- Note: estimate should be added to a Story/Bug itself and should include the effort of related sub-tasks if any. Estimates should not be added to sub-tasks as they won't be added to Velocity.
- Populate Development Team field to indicate Thunderjet
- Optional: Fill out Tester Assignee field for UI Stories/Bugs to indicate the PO responsible for final verification and closing of the stories item.
- Note: leave Tester Assignee field empty for back-end stories/bugs as they are to be verified and closed by any available team-members.
- Fill out Fix version(s) field:
- Select Unreleased Fix Version from the dropdown:
- Patch version (available if patch release is planned)
- Minor version (available if no major changes have been committed)
- Major version
- Select Unreleased Fix Version from the dropdown:
- Make sure the work on a Story/Bug is not blocked/dependent and it conform to the Definition of Ready
- Make sure a Story/Bug is added to an active sprint (ACQ Sprint [XX])
- Note: Make sure you have enough time to complete an additional Story/Bug by the end of current sprint before adding it to an active sprint; otherwise start working on it and keep it in the next sprint.
- Assign a Story/Bug to yourself
- Move a Story/Bug to In Progress as soon as you start working on it
- Ensure that the Story/Bug has links to an appropriate feature, and to any related stories which might provide additional/helpful context.
- Note: Contact SM or PO if you need help choosing a feature
- Note: It may be acceptable to omit epic/feature links on some bugs, but they should be provided when applicable
What should I do while working on a Story/Bug
- Communicate to the team and PO in case you find out that estimate for the story is not valid any longer and get it updated
- Note: try to avoid tweaking the original estimate during the sprint as it is considered as scope change
- Update the status of a Story/Bug accordingly:
- In Progress - work in progress
- Blocked - work is blocked
- In Code Review - PR is created and code review is in progress
- In Review - PR is merged and pending deployment
- In case a Story/Bug is moved to Blocked status, link corresponding blocker or indicate the reason in comments (if not blocked with some specific story)
- @Tag other people in comments if you need some feedback
- Add comments in case there was some additional valuable info found out while development or in case there were some important discussions on the appropriate solution - it can help other people to better understand what was done in scope of a Story/Bug.
- Make sure Major Fix Version is selected if you are going to introduce major changes;
- Updates to interface versions should be introduced together with corresponding code changes (without waiting until releases are to be created)
- Make sure PR is available in a Story/Bug and PR description is added
- Merge PR when all comments are fixed and there are at least two approvals from other developers
- Make sure your updates are working as expected on test env
What should I do before I assign a Story/Bug to PO for review
- Make sure the estimation in story points was added to a Story/Bug
- Make sure Development Team field was populated
- Make sure Fix version(s) field was filled out
- Make sure a Story/Bug was added to an active sprint (ACQ Sprint [XX])
- Add a comment with screenshots, gifs, videos to prove dev verification successfully done on reference env
- Re-assign a Story/Bug if updates are available for review on test env:
- Dennis Bridges or Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) for UI Stories/Bugs
- @unassigned for Back-end Stories/Bugs
- Move story/bug to In Review
JIRA Status | Description | Assignee/Actions |
Draft | PO is defining the user story. Not ready for the team to review. | Assignee: PO (or BE Lead for back-end stories)
Open | Ready for development team to groom. | Assignee: None
Assignee: BE Lead (for UI stories)
In Progress | Development is in progress | Assignee: Developer
Blocked | Development is blocked | Assignee: Developer
In Code Review | PR is done and Code Review is in progress | Assignee: Developer
In Review | PR is merged and updates are ready for review | Assignee: Developer
Assignee: PO or Unassigned/Developer (for back-end stories)
Closed | Story is accepted by PO and closed | Assignee: PO or Developer (for back-end stories)