Classification (instance-level data, resembles the structure of call numbers) has a Classification type, which are similar to the Call number types; for the first iteration of this work, we should generate shelving orders for the following types:
LC and Dewey classification numbers should be sorted using the same normalization rules we applied for item-level call numbers
FYI: Like call number types, classification types can be configured in Inventory settings - however, I believe a user can only create Local types and cannot edit types with source = "folio". The others are assigned the "folio" source and can be assigned by the user manually in FOLIO source Instance records, or derived from mapping of the MARC bibliographic record (see: Default MARC Bibliographic-to-Inventory Instance Mappings)
LC mapping:
050$ab AND/OR 090$ab
$a and $b go on the same line, with a space between them
If multiple $a in the same field, put them in separate classification fields with first $a and its $b if present in first classification field, and second $a (and its $b, if it has one) in second classification field
Dewey mapping:
$a (which may repeat) and $b all go on the same line, with a space between each subfield
If there is a slash in $a, remove it and close up the space
If there is a $b between two $a's within one 082 field, put the first $a and $b in one classification field, and the second $a in second classification field
Add Inventory tenant-level setting to configure whether Classification or item-level call numbers should be available as a browse option
Deferred at this time, tenant level configuration will be investigated in the future
This option should allow libraries to specify whether they'd like Item-level call number browse options OR instance-level classification browse options
Depending on which option is selected, those browse options would be available
Populate browse results with Instance-level classification
Create columns
Number of titles
Instances can have MULTIPLE classifications with different classification types
Unlike item-level call numbers, Instance classification numbers are stored in a single field (no separate fields for prefix or suffix, etc.)
Therefore, the browse results only contain a single property: Classification
These call numbers should be included REGARDLESS of the presence of holdings/items
If no exact match is found, the browse query should be placed in proper order (with preceding and succeeding classification numbers) as a placeholder (“x would be here)
In order to determine how to sort classification types, there needs to be a way to select configured classification types per each browse option to create clear references and constant values to process the shelving order. Therefore, we need a new section in settings for this configuration. NEED MOCKUP/Determine what the multi-select component should be
Create new settings section (“Classification browse” - under Instance? Need to determine)
Create new permission? (need to confirm current inventory permissions)
Build a table that contains the current browse classification types
Library of Congress classification
Dewey Decimal classification
Classification (all)
For each option, from a list that contains all Classification types that are configured, allow users to indicate which Classification types should be sorted based on specific option's shelving order algorithm.
ECS: These settings (both Classification type and the sorting settings) should be managed by the central tenant, requiring permissions in the central tenant to edit.
User would need permissions in the member tenant at least to view Inventory settings.
Note: In this implementation, if a member tenant has a local Classification identifier type, all local types from all member tenants would be browsable in the Classification (all) option.