Create new settings for classification type sorting
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Valery_Pilko April 11, 2024 at 5:30 PM
Ready for PO review.
Hey - I’ve created a separate issue for my question related to expanded dropdown and assigned it to Stripes force team
Please review and correct if needed. Thank you in advance!
cc: ,

Christine Schultz-Richert April 10, 2024 at 3:01 PMEdited
Hey - Listing the options alphabetically is fine, thanks! Also, I actually like the way the success message was implemented better. I will update description

Valery_Pilko April 10, 2024 at 1:25 PM
Please also review the issue with expanded dropdown and ping me if we should fix it in the scope of a separate ticket.

Denys Bohdan April 10, 2024 at 1:18 PM
Hey the issue with dropdown is somewhere in stripes-components. If it needs to be fixed we should have a separate ticket for it

Valery_Pilko April 10, 2024 at 12:43 PMEdited
Order of Classification browse options in settings in your requirement is following:
1) Classification (all)
2) Library of Congress classification
3) Dewey Decimal classification
But on environment it’s alphabetical, is it ok? or should be changed as per requirements?
See attached screenshot:
1) Could multi-select dropdown expand under input field? Because user will not see options already selected (only by dark gray highlight)
Success saving toast message is different from which is specified in requirements:
Should we fix it ?


Purpose: We are implementing the ability to browse by Instance classification types - LC, Dewey, and Classification (all). In order to determine how to sort classification types, there needs to be a way to select configured classification types per each browse option to create clear references and constant values to process the shelving order. Therefore, we need a new section in settings for this configuration.
Create new settings section in Inventory - “Classification browse” above “Classification identifier types”
Create new permission
Settings (Inventory): Configure classification browse
(Existing permission for creating Classification types: Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete classification identifier types)
Build a table that contains the current browse classification options (note: do not need a last updated column”
Column one: “Name”
Classification (all)
Library of Congress classification
Dewey Decimal classification
Column two: “Classification identifier types”
Dropdown multi-select component that contains all of the classification identifier types that are configured (in “Classification identifier types” settings)
Column three: “Actions” with edit pencil icon
Note: Users will not be able to Add or Delete any of the records
Add info popover next to “Classification identifier types”: “If no classification identifier types are selected, classification numbers of all types will be included in the browse option.”
For each option, from a list that contains all Classification types that are configured, allow users to indicate which Classification types should be sorted based on specific option's shelving order algorithm.
Create info popover next to “Classification identifier types” column that says “Please note that if no classification identifier types are selected for a browse option, this option will display all classification identifier types.”
ECS: These settings (both Classification type and the sorting settings) should be managed by the central tenant, requiring permissions in the central tenant to edit.
ECS: This will require permissions to CRUD classification identifier types in central tenant.
ECS: Dropdown should only include shared classification types.
With save, produce the following toast message: “The Classification [browse type] was successfully updated.”
ECS permissions in progress
Central tenant CRUD permissions
Member tenant CRUD permissions
Tenants where user can CRUD classification browse settings
Central, member