2022-07-27 Meeting notes: Implementers topics: UX/UI

2022-07-27 Meeting notes: Implementers topics: UX/UI



Discussion items

  • Updates on topics from last call?
    • Review tables across all Apps
      • MCLs
      • Request to have frozen headings on MCLs
  • Page to collect our agreements on UX/UI topics: UI / UX agreements across apps
  • Continue: Implementers topics | Cross-app: UX/UI

    • Modals or other popups need to move–should not be fixed in place on the screen
      • ability to change size of modal
    • Warning Modals needed when deleting any record in any App when it is the source of truth for other records
    • Wildcards (truncation marks) need to be standardized across all Apps
    • How Dates are formatted and entered
    • Spaces handling
    • Possible: Look-up functionality across apps


Multi column lists (MCL)

TopicsNotesAI SIG statusAutomaticJIRA ticket
MCL: export lists - current view
  • export option helps as more functionality in Excel
  • e.g. export is available for some MCLs in orders
  • does not help in every situation;
  • but would be nice as an additional option
  • multi page list:
    • difference between export this page and export all
    • could start with exporting current page
    • and extend with option to select page or all data
    • depending on how many lines it can be expensive
    • there are situations in ERM where we do not want to export all
  • export view vs export all → add an intermediate step and open a modal where user can select
  • Chat:
  • Von Brooks Travis an alle 06:13 PM
    Could we build 
    Von Sara Colglazier  an alle 06:14 PM
    But for Items will be the same, too
    For Serials/Periodicals
    Von Brooks Travis an alle 06:14 PM
    And uses the MCL UI to “specify” the data to be exported (records, via search/filter, and columns, via visible column selection)?
    Von Zak Burke an alle 06:17 PM
    We likely could. "Export to Excel" flirts with “Generate an expensive report” in some cases, and “reporting" is a whole different ball-of-
    IOW, some parts of this are really easy. Some parts are pretty hard. Is a partial solution that addresses the easy bits useful, or does it just feel like an incomplete implementation?
  • Sara: we need a way to browse in lists
  • Owen in chat: And for Agreement Lines that's why we've got this story just underway ERM-2289 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • This makes the agreement lines "first class citizens" in terms of search & filter, whereas previously they've only been accessible via the Agreement
  • Kimie in chat: Of possible interest - I made some export mockups with Khalilah for eholdings here that allows users to make choices in a pop-up modal.


needs confirmation

depends on use case/MCL

MCL: export lists - all data
  • John Coburn and Zak Burke will have a look and check possible ways to export full MCL list to excel technically
  • maybe create a Spike
  • come back and talk about results in a few weeks


New topics

TopicsNotesAI SIG statusAutomaticJIRA ticket
Modals: movable
  • Modals or other popups need to move
  • should not be fixed in place on the screen
  • In various Apps functional Modals be moved out of the way while in use but at the same time cover over information that is needed while using the Modal.
  • Not all modals are "Look-up" modals, some are "Fill-out" modals and so info is on the screen now hidden
  • e.g.: in the Receiving App, the Receiving Note.
  • Additionally, I often want to copy and then paste into the pop-up modal info from the screen behind, but no longer can.
  • I would hope that if I can move it out of the way, I then would also be able to copy off it to pate into fields in the popup
  • my demo example would get be when I am creating a piece in the Receiving App.
  • modals could be moved somewhere where user cannot see them anymore; should not happen
  • To Do: collect use cases
    • creation modal:
      • receiving: creating receiving piece; information needed is hidden; creating somethin with modal
    • look up modal:
      • title look upinformation is variable
    • warning modal


Modals: size
  • Ability to change size of modal
  • it would be helpful to be able to change the size of the popup
  • e.g. enlarge to view more lines / more information
  • apart from scroll option

Modals: Keyboard shortcut modal
  • When I use keyboard shortcuts I need to view them separately from the screen I am working on
  • maybe open in a separate window or pane
  • Charlotte in chat: An extra pane, sounds a bit like Tags, when in the three pane layout


Modals: Warning modals
  • Warning Modals needed when deleting any record in any App when it is the source of truth for other records
  • To avoid dead links, or even disappearing records and information, when deleting a record to which other Apps link or connect or downstream display information regarding, a warning modal should appear informing the user that if they confirm the deletion then the following other records in such-and-such apps will be unlinked or deleted as well

Modals: Shortcut for ENTER key
  • In the User Management SIG today (6/29/2022) it was discussed that it would be convenient to have the ENTER key perform the Primary button function on a modal. 

Wildcards: standardized

  • Wildcards (truncation marks) need to be standardized across all Apps
  • Currently depending on what App either % or * is the truncation mark to use. 

Date formatting

  • How Dates are formatted and entered

Spaces handling

  • Example: In Inventory 'extra' spaces are eliminated,
  • while in Orders they can exist and impact search & retrieval:
    • From Orders: Newspaper  of  extra  spaces  becomes Newspaper of extra spaces in Inventory.
  • If you copy Newspaper of extra spaces from Inventory to search in Orders by Orders Lines, you retrieve nothing, until you add the spaces back

Search: lowercase vs. cap
  • Use of lowercase vs CAP re: searching not consistent,
  • barcode example (in my case, B891369-MHC vs. B891369-mhc) or
  • KW in Inventory searching for something that is an Identifier for example, in my case (MHeb* works but not (MHEB* ... ... different in other apps

Next steps

  • Group will collect use cases where modals need to be moved or resized
  • will reconvene in 2 weeks


18:07:34 Von  Charlotte Whitt  an  Alle:
    You are so super well organized. It’s a joy, Martina
18:07:44 Von  Maura Byrne  an  Alle:
    +1, Charlotte
18:07:45 Von  Laura Daniels  an  Alle:
    +100 Charlotte!
18:08:08 Von  Jana Freytag | VZG  an  Alle:
18:10:37 Von  Dung-Lan Chen  an  Alle:
    I can imagine there will be time that all results will need to be exported.
18:13:34 Von  Brooks Travis  an  Alle:
    Could we build something that hands off the exports to mod-data-export-spring?
18:13:48 Von  Sara Colglazier   an  Alle:
    But for Items will be the same, too
18:14:08 Von  Sara Colglazier   an  Alle:
    For Serials/Periodicals
18:14:56 Von  Brooks Travis  an  Alle:
    And uses the MCL UI to “specify” the data to be exported (records, via search/filter, and columns, via visible column selection)?
18:15:58 Von  Zak Burke  an  Alle:
    We likely could. "Export to Excel" flirts with “Generate an expensive report” in some cases, and “reporting" is a whole different ball-of-wax, and something of a can of worms.
18:17:07 Von  Zak Burke  an  Alle:
    IOW, some parts of this are really easy. Some parts are pretty hard. Is a partial solution that addresses the easy bits useful, or does it just feel like an incomplete implementation?
18:22:54 Von  Owen Stephens  an  Alle:
    And for Agreement Lines that's why we've got this story just underway https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/ERM-2289
18:23:35 Von  Owen Stephens  an  Alle:
    This makes the agreement lines "first class citizens" in terms of search & filter, whereas previously they've only been accessible via the Agreement
18:24:30 Von  Laura Daniels  an  Alle:
    I agree with Zak that we need to differentiate between exporting a results list and reporting
18:25:41 Von  Kimie Matsudo Kester  an  Alle:
    Of possible interest - I made some export mockups with Khalilah for eholdings here that allows users to make choices in a pop-up modal.
18:25:42 Von  Kimie Matsudo Kester  an  Alle:
18:29:38 Von  Kristin Martin (University of Chicago; she/her)  an  Alle:
18:30:33 Von  Owen Stephens  an  Alle:
    The eHoldings export is available on snapshot at least
18:35:21 Von  Owen Stephens  an  Alle:
    I'm very supportive of what Zak is suggesting and do think there could be a useful small win here
18:42:39 Von  Maura Byrne  an  Alle:
    That sounds like we need to open a window with keyboard shortcuts.
18:42:50 Von  Laura Daniels  an  Alle:
    Yes! (what Maura said)
18:44:23 Von  Charlotte Whitt  an  Alle:
    An extra pane, sounds a bit like Tags, when in the three pane layout
18:46:00 Von  Laura Daniels  an  Alle:
    interesting point, John, about needing the modal to stay visible -- I work with applications that routinely end up opening modals off-screen and it's maddening!
18:52:45 Von  Kimie Matsudo Kester  an  Alle:
    We can debate whether or not the modals and which modals can be moveable but my question is there a technical coding reason that makes it too difficult to make the modal movable?
18:52:48 Von  Sara Colglazier   an  Alle:
    +1 Owen ... thanks!
18:53:26 Von  Charlotte Whitt  an  Alle:
    + 1 Owen. I’m sure the Instance Look up modals have the same issue
18:54:21 Von  Kristin Martin (University of Chicago; she/her)  an  Alle:
    This problem is not unique to FOLIO.
18:58:54 Von  Sara Colglazier   an  Alle:
    I think the bigger problem are those that actually create things, like the Interface one or Receiving Pieces etc
18:58:55 Von  Owen Stephens  an  Alle:
    I have a theory that the ticket system used when developing software influences the way the system works because we (as product owners and developers) get so used to how the ticket system works we mistake it for intuitive 🙂
18:59:21 Von  Laura Daniels  an  Alle:
    I am intrigued by that theory, Owen, I think you're onto something.
19:00:32 Von  Owen Stephens  an  Alle:
    4 weeks I will be away
19:00:44 Von  Kristin Martin (University of Chicago; she/her)  an  Alle:
    I'll be away in two weeks, but I shouldn't be the deciding factor.
19:00:44 Von  Dung-Lan Chen  an  Alle:
    2 weeks is fine.




Home Organization

Ann-Marie Breaux



Brooks Travis



Charlotte Whitt

Index Data

Dennis Bridges


xDung-Lan ChenSkidmore College

Gill Osguthorpe

UX/UI Designer - K-Int

Heather McMillan Thoele


Ian Ibbotson

Developer Lead - K-Int


Jana Freytag

VZG, Göttingen

Khalilah Gambrell


Kirstin Kemner-Heek  

VZG, Göttingen


Kristin Martin



Laura Daniels


Lloyd Chittenden

Marmot Library Network


Martina Schildt

VZG, Göttingen


Martina Tumulla

hbz, Cologne


Maura Byrne


Mike Gorrell

Index Data


Owen Stephens

Product Owner -  Owen Stephens Consulting

Patty Wanninger


xSara ColglazierFive Colleges / Mount Holyoke College Library
xKimie KesterEBSCO
xJohn CoburnEBSCO
xZak BurkeEBSCO

Action items
