2022-10-10 Meeting notes: PC and SIG communication | Future topics



  • Convener and notes: Martina Schildt
  • Next meeting: Oct 19th | topic: cross-app data sync update and outcomes of working group

Discussion items

    • Select topics for next meetings
    • PC questions
    • AI Slack channel: open vs closed


Future topics

  • Topic proposal by Owen Stephens for October:
    • UX patterns for common cross-app tasks (e.g. would it be useful to have a UX for a 'quick add' task that could be used in different contexts when you need to create something in another app). I think it would be good to have UX specialists (Kimie, Gill) present for this, and possibly also some Stripes devs (e.g. John C/Zak)
      • fast-add is a good model - Laura will demo 
      • Owen has some examples from invoice creation to talk about
      • Martina S. will check whether Gill and Kimie will be available
      • Date: Oct 24th
    • Use of shortcut keys and macros for more effective cross-app working  - it also be good to have UX and Stripes/dev knowledge for this discussion I think. I know @Laura (she/they) uses macros so might have insights into the potential for cross-app working
    • Potential for external 'workflow' solutions for cross-app interactions
      • I think 'workflow' is a dangerous term here - in this context it's more about automation than user workflows, although I think there is overlap
      • I was particularly struck by the solution in production at TAMU (Jeremy Huff and Sebastian Hammer presented, the recording is at https://prod-zoom-recordings-openlibraryfoundation-org.s3.amazonaws.com/50dc6c87-3912-43fa-8287-56ec73b12bbb%2Fshared_screen_with_speaker_view%28CC%29.mp4 starting at 3 hrs, 14 min) - I think getting someone from TAMU to talk about how this is used would be v interesting
      • There was also a presentation on the use of a tool called Airflow at Stanford for "bibliographic workflow" but I've not watched that yet so not 100% sure if it is completely applicable - I think the core use case there was systems migration but it may go beyond that
  • Data sync update and recommendations on next steps → next week
  • UX/UI and implementers topics
    • should be Wednesdays

PC questions for SIGs

    1. Can you share the purpose of your SIG: functional area/cross cutting/affinity group, etc?
      1. About us

        The App Interaction SIG reviews workflows and data flows between FOLIO apps to clarify relationships and agree on future development steps. Its role is to determine gaps in cross app functionality and develop mechanisms and solutions to support required functions. For this outcome to be achieved it defines app interactions for all types of resources as well as all kinds of use cases for the various needs of institutions. As part of defining workflows between FOLIO apps, different scenarios for varying external partners and sources are taken into consideration.

      2. Feedback from AI:
        1. AI helps identifying where current technical solutions are not adopted in a conssitent way | engage in conversations and support stearing in better direction
        2. as evolving, we more and more look at inconsistencies (not only technical but UI as well) | aiming at more consistency
        3. working with Stripes dev team and UX experts | to ensure consistency
        4. establish ease of use | for a more intuitive use of the system across apps | easier to just use
    2. What areas does your SIG have responsibility for?
      1. where apps come together
      2. span many (not all) apps | many core apps | hardly helper apps
      3. advocacy for overall user experience | and consistency (especially as we have no UX SIG)
    3. What do you feel like your SIGs purpose is currently? Has it changed over time?
      1. UX/user experience is a topic that has been "added" | natural evolution
      2. initially more about mechanics | how apps work together
      3. more devs in the beginning
    4. Do you have product owners who regularly work with the SIG? Do you feel that your requirements are being successfully developed into FOLIO?
      1. idea: have a JIRA label
        1. Martina Schildt take care
      2. "blurred" how much conversations feed into development
    5. How do you feel about the resources allocated in the development areas that are focused on?
      1. no own dev team | all can pick out work - depends
    6. What are some of the challenges facing your SIG/subgroup? Are there ways in which you feel the SIG has been unable to accomplish it's mission?
      1. see above | no dev team
      2. different SIGs have different needs | needs may be opposed in different apps/SIGs
      3. roadmap planning | cross-app search | codex-search rethinking
      4. balancing dependencies | sometimes needed, sometimes not wanted
    7. If you work on areas of development, do you feel like there are areas of development not resourced at all or significantly under-resourced?
      1. cross-app search
    8. What has been successful with the SIG? What things contributed to that success?
      1. UX/UI topics
      2. Vendors became organizations
      3. every AI member dedicates time and wants to improve the system | looking outside of siloed SIGs | looking at the system at a whole | bring awareness back to SIGs
      4. coherent system for our customers | necessary to talk about app-interaction/cross app topics
    9. What could the Product Council do to help the SIG?
      1. Dedicated liaison from PC attending AI calls
      2. AI one of the important SIGs to prioritize
    10. Do you feel like the Roadmap accurately represents the work of your SIG (both desired and already accounted for)?
      1. no direct influence on roadmap
      2. roadmap does not reflect our work
      3. guided by what SIGs and POs are looking at
      4. Roadmap needs updating and revisiting
      5. Many topics listed under "in future"
      6. for implemented institutions and planning to implement it is key to be able to plan and rely on the roadmap | more detail than calendar year
    11. How can we improve our communications with the SIG? Does the current monthly reporting work? Would have a dedicated PC meeting for your SIG be helpful?
      1. longer and more in depth updating oppotunities would be better
      2. more structured reporting | what are reports intended to achieve | PC should be clear about expectations
      3. currently reports are often focussed on reporting on what is being done in own SIGs | not much attention on what anybody else is reporting
      4. idea: 10 minute presentation for a SIG at each PC meeting | similar to sprint reviews | would that be helpful as they stopped being done
    12. Is the SIG comfortable communicating with the PC and have a sense of when a PC conversation would be helpful?
    13. What functions should the PC be accomplishing and how would the SIGs like to have those need met?
      1. difficult to find answers as a group

AI Slack channel: open vs closed

  • Discuss and decide

Next steps


00:21:46	Laura Daniels:	good point, Maura
00:23:39	Maura Byrne:	+1 Laura
00:29:00	Maura Byrne:	+1 Dung-Lan
00:30:02	Maura Byrne:	+1
00:36:01	Maura Byrne:	+1 Martina
00:37:33	Maura Byrne:	BIG YES
00:37:34	Owen Stephens:	+1
00:37:36	Heather:	+1 to that!
00:37:40	Jana Freytag | VZG:	100!
00:37:41	Dung-Lan Chen:	+1
00:37:55	Charlotte Whitt:	+ 1
00:40:17	Maura Byrne:	+1 Charlotte
00:40:36	Laura Daniels:	+1
00:45:43	Martina Schildt:	https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/PC/FOLIO+Roadmap
00:47:29	Maura Byrne:	+1 Owen
00:49:38	Maura Byrne:	BRB
00:51:50	Maura Byrne:	back
00:52:32	Dung-Lan Chen:	+1 to Charlotte
00:54:51	Jana Freytag | VZG:	+1
00:55:00	Jana Freytag | VZG:	Martina




Home Organization

Ann-Marie Breaux


Brooks Travis



Charlotte Whitt

Index Data

Dennis Bridges


xDung-Lan ChenSkidmore College

Gill Osguthorpe

UX/UI Designer - K-Int


Heather McMillan Thoele


Ian Ibbotson

Developer Lead - K-Int


Jana Freytag

VZG, Göttingen

Khalilah Gambrell


Kirstin Kemner-Heek  

VZG, Göttingen

Kristin Martin



Laura Daniels


Lloyd Chittenden

Marmot Library Network

Marc JohnsonK-Int

Martina Schildt

VZG, Göttingen

Martina Tumulla

hbz, Cologne


Maura Byrne


Mike Gorrell

Index Data


Owen Stephens

Product Owner -  Owen Stephens Consulting

Patty Wanninger


Sara ColglazierFive Colleges / Mount Holyoke College Library

Kimie KesterEBSCO

John CoburnEBSCO

Zak BurkeEBSCO

Action items
