2024-02-21 Meeting notes: Number generator

2024-02-21 Meeting notes: Number generator


Feb 21, 2024 


  • Convener and notes: @Martina Schildt 

  • Next meeting: Feb 26, 2024 

Discussion items

  1. Update from BELA (Bulk Edit and Lists Apps) | @Amanda Ros | 5 min.

    1. BELA meets every other Tuesday 10:00-11:00 EST (https://openlibraryfoundation.zoom.us/j/82037550825?pwd=NFMvODZ6UHIzcHVoUCtycVZQSFJCdz09)

    2. Previous 2024 updates (as reported by Jennifer Eustis to Metadata Management SIG, shared here with her permission)

      1. 5 Jan 2024: 

        The BELA (Bulk Edit and Lists App) group met last Tuesday (2024-01-05 BELA Meeting Notes). There is a lot of functionality coming for Quesnelia such as bulk editing Holdings notes fields or Holdings electronic access fields. This group is also working on instance discovery suppress and staff suppress and working on being able to duplicate a list in the List App.

        -Lists and Bulk Edit development is being approached jointly as the functionalities are interrelated

        The question of whether users wanted to use the API or UI to make changes to large data sets came up. SME's thought it was important to be able to edit large data sets via the UI. If you have any thoughts, you can use the BELA Slack channel.

        This group is also working on how to build queries that search for null/empty values UILISTS-87. If you have any thoughts, add comments to this Jira Issue UILISTS-87. The group is also looking for examples of queries which are being recorded on this wiki page.

        -Felix notes that ERM/Dashboards already has the option to search for empty/null values

      2. 23 Jan 2024: We discussed a performance issue detailed in MODBULKOPS-211 and 212 where larger files slow everything down. This Spike will investigate the issues to try to identify what the problem(s) are. There was a good discussion on errors versus warnings. For example, the group through that duplicate entries in the incoming file would be a warning whereas if one identifier brought back multiple records, this would be an error. We continued the discussion of what we expect for updating one property with no change in value and updating two properties with no change in one value.

      3. 6 Feb 2024: The working group worked more on how to handle warnings and errors especially when no changes were made to a field and changes were made to a different field.

    3. 20 Feb 2024 meeting notes

      1. Quesnelia update: Query will work on items and users with Quesnelia. Holdings will be the next sprint and then instances the sprint after that. Right now what is displayed as the query statement is confusing and will be replaced with the cql soon. The Actions remain the same as with uploading a file of identifiers. Errors: There are a number of errors that have specific meanings. Magda created a page with the error message, what it means, and how to fix it: Bulk Edit Errors and Warnings.

      2. Bulk edit instance notes:  Proposed implementation will be to have 2 types of editing, one for MARC SRS and one for FOLIO instances. For MARC SRS, bulk edit changes will propagate to Inventory according to the existing mappings. For FOLIO instances, the behavior will be the same for items and holdings. In Actions, you'll see 2 actions: one for FOLIO and another for MARC instances. Right now, the implementation is limited to 5XX and 9XX. What about repeating fields and subfields? It would be good to limit this for the moment as we can work out challenges slowly. It was mentioned that some institutions have notes in the 795 field. The 795 will be included.  

  2. Presentation of number generator | @Martina Tumulla 


Update from BELA (Bulk Edit and Lists Apps) | @Amanda Ros

  • Question by Owen: lists app is designed to pull multiple list from multiple apps, is that the same for bulk edit

    • Amanda: no, at the moment bulk edit is doing Inventory and Users

  • How would other apps make use of bulk edit or lists app in the future, how do we get in the queue

  • high level roadmap: High Level Roadmap for Bulk Edit App

    • how do apps get scheduled for post trillium

  • Laura in chat: I wonder if it's worth revisiting our discussions from several years ago about cross-app searching now that the "lists" app is being developed -- how many of the use cases might be overlapping?

Presentation of number generator | @Martina Tumulla 

  • different workflows in different institutions to generate numbers (some outside FOLIO, some inside FOLIO)

  • University Libarary of Leipzig is funding development

  • development is done by K-Int

  • Number generator is available in Settings > Service Interaction

  • Martina demoes functionality on Snapshot

  • Available number generators as a table under Settings > Service Interaction

    • ILL: Patron Request Number

    • Inventory: Accession Number

    • Inventory: Call Number

    • Inventory: Item barcode

    • Open Access: Publication request number

    • Organizations: vendor code

    • Serials management: Pattern number

    • Users: Patron barcode

  • Automatically assigned with one sequence - e.g. OA request number

  • or users can choose from sequences via a modal

  • use case: user barcode has different sequences for different user types

  • in the table users can see how many sequences are available per number generator

  • next value is displayed in table, maximum value, usage status

  • Number generator sequences available under Settings > Service Interaction

    • user can choose from different generators

    • output template is where sequences are designed

    • in fourth pane details for sequences are displayed

    • sequences can be created, edited, deleted

    • sequences can be enabled or disabled

  • there is a warning when the sequence threshold is nearly reached

  • start of sequence can be defined

  • format field where e.g. padded numbers can be added

  • checksum, output template, note field

  • information icons with help texts

  • Martina outlines further functionality via slides

  • there will be different number generator options, have it on or off or have it on but editable

  • on a user record for a barcode users will be able to select the generator from a drop-down list - the team is working on it

  • searchable via type-down including extra info such as threshold

  • E.g. for Items there are different numbers, for each users can choose whether they should be on, off, or editable

  • when numbers are the same they can be equaled and one number is generated for two fields (accession number = call number)

  • for receiving there will be an icon and then the numbers can be generated

  • if the wrong number is generated, can the number be deleted

    • yes, but the number would be lost

    • user needs to store (save and close) the record at the end

  • what if people are working simultaneously and generate numbers at the same time

    • a number is only generated once

  • Charlotte: when we are duplicating item records - we need to take care that the numbers are not duplicated as well

  • Maura: can numbers be printed > no, that is out of scope

    • Charlotte: might not be too difficult

    • we already have something similar in Circulation

    • FOLIO Snapshot - then if you see: Settings > Circulation > General > Staff slips > Hold

  • Martina will present in MM and ACQ SIG and Users as well

  • Dung-Lan: what does the number generator for Serials records do

    • Owen: we allocate a sequential number to the pattern - a human readable number to identify the pattern

Next steps


18:01:07 Von Martina Schildt an Alle:
2024-02-21 Meeting notes: Number generator
18:04:37 Von Martina Schildt an Alle:
link to bulk edit Errors and warnings: /wiki/spaces/FOLIJET/pages/11110322
18:09:19 Von Charlotte Whitt an Alle:
Good question, Owen
18:09:25 Von Ros, Amanda L an Alle:
High Level Roadmap for Bulk Edit App
18:10:19 Von Laura Daniels an Alle:
I wonder if it's worth revisiting our discussions from several years ago about cross-app searching now that the "lists" app is being developed -- how many of the use cases might be overlapping?
18:10:48 Von Martina Schildt an Alle:
Reacted to "I wonder if it's wor..." with 👍
18:32:22 Von Charlotte Whitt an Alle:
Martina Tumulla, will you share the link to the slide deck? Thanks a lot
18:43:01 Von Charlotte Whitt an Alle:
Hi @Martina Schildt - In FOLIO Snapshot - then if you see: Settings > Circulation > General > Staff slips > Hold
18:43:08 Von Martina Schildt an Alle:
Reacted to "Hi @Martina Schildt ..." with 🙏
18:43:17 Von Charlotte Whitt an Alle:
Here I have added item barcode and item barcode image
18:44:03 Von Owen Stephens an Alle:
Sorry I lost audio there
18:44:33 Von Owen Stephens an Alle:
If there was a follow up question happy to answer!
18:44:36 Von Maura Byrne an Alle:
18:44:53 Von Martina Schildt an Alle:
Replying to "If there was a follo..."

No worries - no follow up question




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Amanda Ros


Brooks Travis



Charlotte Whitt

Index Data

Dennis Bridges



Dung-Lan Chen

Skidmore College

Gill Osguthorpe

UX/UI Designer - K-Int


Heather McMillan Thoele


Ian Ibbotson

Developer Lead - K-Int

Jana Freytag

VZG, Göttingen

Khalilah Gambrell



Kimberly Pamplin


Kristin Martin



Laura Daniels


Lloyd Chittenden

Marmot Library Network

Marc Johnson



Martina Schildt

VZG, Göttingen


Martina Tumulla

hbz, Cologne


Maura Byrne


Mike Gorrell

Index Data

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Owen Stephens

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Five Colleges / Mount Holyoke College Library

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Index Data

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U. of Chicago

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