2024-03-06 Meeting notes: Agreements + Inventory interaction

2024-03-06 Meeting notes: Agreements + Inventory interaction




Discussion items

  1. Possible solutions for problem statements on AGR and INV relationship Owen Stephens 


  • description of resources is core function of Inventory > that's why a link to Inventory is needed

  • question: what is the approach to having these things described?
  • Sara: some formats are not containerd in KBs we are linking to > so users need to put them in Inventory
  • applies to resources that are not traditionally managed by KBs
  • the description part should be shown paired down > example: how orders displays titles from Inventory 
  • example: video
    • is described in Inventory and displayed in Discovery
    • needed: link in Agreements
  • some libraries double for ebooks or streaming (Agreements, Inventory)
  • Laura in chat: I would love for something like the URL (MARC 856) to come from somewhere other than the marc (or other) source bib record
  • we should not replicate what Inventory is doing
  • there are different external processes that need to be taken into consideration (e.g. Union Catalogue)
  • we are not talking about article level here
  • Kristin: we are not going to solve the whole problem > focus on what parts can we solved
  • goal: reduce duplicate labour
  • at this point: we should not over-complicate things
  • it would be great to link directly from an agreement to an Inventory record
  • at least: Supplementary Documents URL option would help in Agreements
  • Charlotte in chat: Could the Instance look up module be accessed from Agreement, and then the linking done via the the look up module - exactly like how the POL look up works
  • in Agreements it is not a two way link > question: does it need to be?
  • Laura in chat: those 2-way connections really worry me... they seem fragile - Maura agrees
  • Sara: wee need to avoid to much clicking to find the resource that I would like to point to
  • Sara: ideally there would be a package AGL and title AGLs
    • package AGL links to HLM
    • individual AGLs link to individual POLs (ebooks are ordered individually)
  • Think about:
    • If I had everything I need - what would that look like | in a perfect world what do you want
    • what would the minimal approach be < what would be the bare minimum

Next steps

  • Identify what can be solved
  • Identify what the minimal needs are
  • Come back to this discussion rather sooner than later
  • Discussion with technical input on application to aplication linkage of this type
  • Get guidelines or information on standard approach for storing a link
  • figuring out where the connecting points are that make sense to have those connection/integration happen


00:16:35	Kristin Martin:	We do double too for ebooks
00:16:46	Kristin Martin:	And streaming.
00:21:58	Laura Daniels:	I would love for something like the URL (MARC 856) to come from somewhere other than the marc (or other) source bib record
00:24:32	Owen Stephens:	I’d say a KB is a bit more layered in what it does, but I’d agree that the “what is the picture now” is a limitation typically
00:25:19	Owen Stephens:	Where do you record that Kristin?
00:25:37	scolglaz:	We do something similar with the 0359|
00:25:49	Martina Schildt | VZG:	It would be great if we could come to a point where we have solved what we can solve and accept what can't be done
00:25:54	Owen Stephens:	Reacted to "We do something simi..." with 👍
00:26:13	Maura Byrne:	Reacted to "It would be great if..." with 👍
00:26:15	Laura Daniels:	The conflation of inventory (lower case "i") management with rich bibliographic descriptions for public discovery is also somewhat problematic, in my mind
00:26:30	Dung-Lan Chen:	Reacted to "It would be great if..." with 👍
00:26:40	Owen Stephens:	Yeah - I’m a big believer that holdings is the right place for the 856, but it’s often in the bib
00:26:47	Laura Daniels:	Reacted to "Yeah - I’m a big bel..." with 💯
00:26:59	scolglaz:	We also have the 856 in the HOL and only there
00:27:05	Owen Stephens:	Reacted to "We also have the 856..." with 👍
00:27:05	Laura Daniels:	we shove lots of data into bibs because MARC lets us
00:27:28	Owen Stephens:	Reacted to "we shove lots of dat..." with 😂
00:28:00	Owen Stephens:	I could see Agreements offering a slightly more loose connection… but there are challenges
00:28:01	scolglaz:	Well, I should have said, we have the URL in our HOL and no 856 in the MARC SRS etc
00:29:08	Khalilah (EBSCO):	Must leave for next meeting. Thank you Owen for the discussion.
00:29:17	Martina Schildt | VZG:	Reacted to "Must leave for next ..." with 🙏
00:29:57	Owen Stephens:	Reacted to "Must leave for next ..." with 🙏
00:29:58	Kristin Martin:	Yeah, and our 957 field with the Agreement line name sort of provides that link. We do the same thing with copying the link.
00:30:39	Charlotte Whitt:	Could the Instance look up module be accessed from Agreement, and then the linking done via the the look up module
00:30:53	Charlotte Whitt:	Yes exactly like how the POL look up works
00:31:21	Martina Schildt | VZG:	Reacted to "Yes exactly like how..." with 👍
00:32:55	Laura Daniels:	In such cases, does Inventory need to "know" about the agreement?
00:34:24	Laura Daniels:	those 2-way connections really worry me... they seem fragile
00:34:27	scolglaz:	Just Instance really
00:34:37	scolglaz:	And a single one at that!!
00:34:41	Maura Byrne:	Reacted to "those 2-way connecti..." with 💯
00:56:13	Dung-Lan Chen:	figuring out where the connecting points are that makes sense to have those connection/integration happen.
00:58:20	Owen Stephens:	Reacted to "figuring out where t..." with 👍
01:00:42	Charlotte Whitt:	So I was looking for more information about data in sync across apps, and storage, and found this technical doc written by Raman Auramau (2022) - https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DD/pages/1780396/FOLIO+Cross-Application+Data+Sync+Solution




Home Organization

Amanda RosTAMU

Brooks Travis



Charlotte Whitt

Index Data

Dennis Bridges


    xDung-Lan ChenSkidmore College

Gill Osguthorpe

UX/UI Designer - K-Int


Heather McMillan Thoele


Ian Ibbotson

Developer Lead - K-Int

Jana Freytag

VZG, Göttingen


Khalilah Gambrell


Kimberly Pamplin

Kristin Martin



Laura Daniels


Lloyd Chittenden

Marmot Library Network

Marc JohnsonK-Int

Martina Schildt

VZG, Göttingen

Martina Tumulla

hbz, Cologne


Maura Byrne


Mike Gorrell

Index Data

Mike TaylorIndex Data

Natascha OwensChicago

Owen Stephens

Product Owner -  Owen Stephens Consulting

Patty Wanninger


    xSara ColglazierFive Colleges / Mount Holyoke College Library

Kimie KesterEBSCO

John CoburnEBSCO

Zak BurkeEBSCO

Corrie HutchinsonIndex Data

Lisa McCollLehigh

Jean PajerekCornell

Mark Veksler

Scott PerryU. of Chicago

Sharon BelaineCornell


Natalya PikulikCornell

Kara Hart
    xCathy Tuohy

Jamie Jesanis

Tara BarnettIndex Data

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