2024-09-25 Meeting notes: WOLFcon Session!
See https://wolfcon2024.sched.com/event/1eeqd/app-interactions-catch-up-and-improve for a description of our session AND for a link to participate. This session will NOT be on the normal zoom!
Planned Attendees
@Kristin Martin, @Martina Schildt, @Laura E Daniels, @Maura Byrne, @Felix Hemme , please add yourself!
Laura will monitor online participants!
Martina will assist with coordinating remote speakers!
Please try to attend the Application/Platform Formalization session on Tuesday: https://wolfcon2024.sched.com/event/1eeqp/applicationplatform-formalization (it is not required, just recommended)
You can read more about Application and Platform Formalization here: Application and Platform Formalization Proposals WG
Session Agenda and Notes
Introduction (5 minutes)
Kristin will briefly recap the Application Formalization session from Tuesday.
Card Sorting Exercise (40 minutes)
Members of the App Interaction SIG will participate as a group in the Application Formalization card sorting exercise.
The exercise is available here: https://t5gdyuue2.optimalworkshop.com/optimalsort/byofolio
We will be using this exercise as a mechanism for discussion.
Questions/Conversation Starters
What pain points do you anticipate when it comes time to execute this plan?
What is a reasonable goal for decomposition/integration? How integrated should a system be, in reality, and why?
<<add more here>>
One challenge: where to put apps that are needed across multiple functional areas (e.g., Locations)?
What other factors might be relevant to making these decisions? Does this affect the UI? What will it look like for the end user?
Requests: relates to both circulation and acquisitions? (because often a request is placed at point of order), requests also relates to discovery--created category called “Patron experience”
Distinction between “front of house” and “back of house”
“Stuff” (e.g. Holdings/Items) vs. “Descriptions of Stuff” (Bibliographic data)
For “integration” categories, assumption is that an institution can choose from the list (a “grab bag”)
NEXT STEP: all do this individually (for our own institutions) and then look at what is common and what conflicts there are (in future App Interaction meeting)
Is there anything every library would use? Other commonalities, e.g., for U.S. academic institutions or German libraries
Closing (5 minutes)
What outcomes do we want to pursue from this session? Should we:
Submit our questions to another group?
Plan additional regular sessions to discuss some of these questions further?