2024-01-29 Meeting notes: Agreements + Inventory interaction

2024-01-29 Meeting notes: Agreements + Inventory interaction




Discussion items

  1. Problem statements on AGR and INV relationship Owen Stephens 


  • Question: How do we manage electronic versus print resources
  • From Owen's slides:
  • Libraries wish to
    • present all resources to users in a unified way
    • manage all resources effectively
    • describe resources to enable discovery and management
    • order resources effectively
    • Dung-Lan in chat: Love the list of "wishes" which can apply to everything we are trying to do essentially :)
  • traditionally e & p managemtn have been separate
  • boundaries have blurred - approach can depend on variety of factors, not just p&e divide
  • FOLIO has attempted to bring together e&p resource management in a single platform, but with mixed success
  • strengths of FOLIO approach
    • ERM functionality allows for e-resources to be well managed - integration with GOKB and EKB
    • integration between Agreements and Acquisitions
    • there are methods for integrating e-resources with discovery systems
  • Weaknesses of FOLIO approach
    • modular approaches of FOLIO and underlying of Agreements and Invemtory respectively maintains traditional split between e&p
    • integration between Agreements and Orders is implemented from Agreements side - whereas integration between Orders and Inventory is a two way integration
    • ERM suite, Inventory and Orders overlao in how they can offer support for e-resources
      • including storage of URLs, activation and ways to define packages
    • there is no way to make Agreements for resources described in Inventory
    • existing implementers have picked the parts across FOLIO apps making sense for them - gaps and overlaps lead to making slightly different decisions though
  • How to achieve objectives
    • present all resources to users in their discovery solution in a unified and comprehensible way
    • manage all resources effectively and efficiently avoidong duplication of effort
    • describe resources to enable discovery and management
    • order resources effectively, incluing p&e orders and "packages" of resources
  • Discussion
    • group agrees to problem statements
    • approach: better to take small steps forward
    • Laura in chat: If we force everything into Inventory we are recreating the systems we were trying to get away from, in my opinion
    • workflows are different, libraries are building FOLIO around their physical workflows
    • we need flexibility for different libraries and their decisions
    • important: how do we present information to users in discovery
    • Laura in chat: Ranganathan: "Save the time of the reader." (law #4)
    • Martina: question: do we focus on patrons? Systems users ask regularly for more linking between records. Should we do the record linking as good as we can and then take care that in discovery everything comes together in the best and most comprehensive way?
    • Dung-Lan in chat: +1 to what Martina just mentioned.
    • Owen: we should do what we can do - but even with IDs we have challenges to link data
      • linked data and entitiy management could be part of the discussion
      • Laura in chat: I was just thinking linked data & entity management, Owen! - but *how* we make those connections is still unclear to me
      • Owen: maybe we need to take steps towards entity management without doing it full
      • manually vs automatic
    • with ERM local KB we did not manage to match resources (e.g. via ISBN) even with a single data source
    • Owen: it would be helpful in order to pick conversation up again: what are the different services that different modules enable in FOLIO > Owen will work on this
    • as a next step think about: what could be an "easy" win - what could be stuff that we could do
    • Martina: linking between Orders and Inventory is done manually or orders creates records - what we expect from ERM is automatic matching for a lot of titles in a package - so maybe take small step and be able to link manual?
    • libraries asked to be able to link license records to physical journals in Inventory

Next steps

  • Owen will lay out possibilities to see how people react
    • includes outcome of today's discussion
    • Sara and Charlotte would be good to have at the call
    • in a month time - better on a Wednesday


18:01:56 Von Martina Schildt | VZG an Alle:
    Agenda: 2024-01-29 Meeting notes: Agreements + Inventory interaction
18:09:47 Von Dung-Lan Chen an Alle:
    Love the list of "wishes" which can apply to everything we are trying to do essentially :)
18:25:55 Von Laura Daniels an Alle:
    If we force everything into Inventory we are recreating the systems we were trying to get away from, in my opinion
18:30:36 Von Martina Schildt | VZG an Alle:
    Totally agree
18:37:35 Von Laura Daniels an Alle:
    Ranganathan: "Save the time of the reader." (law #4)
18:39:22 Von Dung-Lan Chen an Alle:
    +1 to what Martina just mentioned.
18:42:22 Von Laura Daniels an Alle:
    I was just thinking linked data & entity management, Owen!
18:43:04 Von Laura Daniels an Alle:
    but *how* we make those connections is still unclear to me
18:58:23 Von Kristin Martin an Alle:
    I came late because of a very distracting access emergency situation, but I would like to catch up with the whole video, and consider this further too.
18:58:30 Von Owen Stephens an Alle:
    Reacted to "I came late because ..." with 👍




Home Organization

Amanda RosTAMU

Brooks Travis


Charlotte Whitt

Index Data

Dennis Bridges


xDung-Lan ChenSkidmore College

Gill Osguthorpe

UX/UI Designer - K-Int


Heather McMillan Thoele


Ian Ibbotson

Developer Lead - K-Int

Jana Freytag

VZG, Göttingen

Khalilah Gambrell


xKimberly Pamplin

Kristin Martin



Laura Daniels


Lloyd Chittenden

Marmot Library Network

Marc JohnsonK-Int

Martina Schildt

VZG, Göttingen


Martina Tumulla

hbz, Cologne


Maura Byrne


Mike Gorrell

Index Data

Mike TaylorIndex Data

Natascha OwensChicago

Owen Stephens

Product Owner -  Owen Stephens Consulting

Patty Wanninger


Sara ColglazierFive Colleges / Mount Holyoke College Library

Kimie KesterEBSCO

John CoburnEBSCO

Zak BurkeEBSCO

Corrie HutchinsonIndex Data

Lisa McCollLehigh

Jean PajerekCornell

Mark Veksler

Scott PerryU. of Chicago

Sharon BelaineCornell


Natalya PikulikCornell

Kara Hart
xCathy Tuohy
xJamie Jesanis

Tara BarnettIndex Data

Action items


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