2024-09-09 Meeting notes: itemCost Field on item record

2024-09-09 Meeting notes: itemCost Field on item record


Sep 9, 2024


Please try to do the homework, but you are still more than welcome to attend even if you don’t have time!

Please familiarize yourself with requirements around UXPROD-4776: itemCost Field on item recordDraft

Current situation or problem:

In FOLIO, there isn’t currently an adequate and consistent field to store an item’s monetary value. In every story or feature request for actual cost, one resounding prerequisite is this value existing on the item record. Spokane Public Library has an automated process of billing Actual Costs for items based on an item note value. A similar solution that could be implemented in FOLIO proper, but once again depends on this prerequisite field.

The Resource Access SIG has agreed that there is a need for this field in every proposal for Actual Cost.

As mentioned, I see having this at the item level (rather than Title or Holding) as the most valuable as it enables the granularity needed for some institution. But, perhaps, a hierarchical model (e.g. Effective item cost) that could be inherited from Titles and Holdings would be a benefit.

Spokane Public Library currently uses an Item Note called LostCharge (as mentioned above) and has a scripted and fully automated Actual Cost solution to handle the thousands of billing processes per day. This Item Note gets populated with PO Line details during fine creation but could hopefully someday be populated during new order item creation instead.

In scope
Put item cost field on the item record.


Convener and notes:


2024 Meeting and topic calendar

  • @Joseph A Molloy @Tara Barnett @Martina Schildt, @Laura E Daniels @Dung-Lan Chen @Kristin Martin @Lloyd Chittenden@Owen Stephens @Heather McMillan @Charlotte Whitt @Kimberly Pamplin PLEASE ADD YOURSELF



 Discussion topics









5 min



  • Upcoming meetings (Tara)

10 min-



  • Finalise plans for App Interaction SIG WOLFcon session

45 min

Actual cost

@Joseph A Molloy
















Actual cost

@Joseph A Molloy

Change "Decimal Numbers" to currency.
SIGs that have discussed, reviewed, contributed to, and recommended the implementation of the Item Cost field on the Item Record:
Folio Implementors SIG
Resource-Access SIG
App Interaction SIG

Reiteration: how the field is populated and how it is leveraged is outside the scope of work and has nothing to do with Actual Cost (for now).

Action items:
UXPROD-4776: itemCost Field on item recordDraft
New UX Mockup
              Context of the view
              Show it in the edit screen
              What Accordion is it under?

Two slides on the edit and detail view of the item record.
 @Laura E Daniels, @Charlotte Whitt, and @Joseph A Molloy to meet and create a refreshed wireframe.

Present to MM the JIRA with revised wireframes (no suggested timeline).
Invite some Acquisition SIG members to the MM SIG with us when presented to the group.






 Action items

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