Bulk Edit Errors and Warnings

Current Error Message

Why this error is displayed?

How To Fix it?

User Friendly Error

Current Error Message

Why this error is displayed?

How To Fix it?

User Friendly Error

[409 Conflict] during [PUT] to [http://inventory/items/<item-uuid>] [InventoryClient#updateItem(Item_String)]: [ERROR: Cannot update record <item-uuid> because it has been changed (optimistic locking): Stored _version is <version-number>_ _version of request is <lower-version-number>]


It is the error related to Optimistic locking implemented for inventory data. The error means that the record could not be updated because newer version of the record is in the database. That error will occur if in the time required for bulk editing the record (from the moment the record was displayed to the moment the changes were committed) the record was updated by someone else.

Retrieve the record again for bulk editing so that the latest version


Electronic relationship not found by id = <some value>


Bad data error. The value provided for the electronic relationship does not have an equivalent in the database.

Update the record with the valid value.


Holdings record source not found by id=null

Bad data error. Holdings record source is a required field and is not populated.

Holdings source has to be assigned to the record


Field "preferredContactTypeId" : Invalid Preferred contact value: <some value>

Bad data error. The value provided for the prefered contact on the user record does not have an equivalent in the database.

Update the record with valid value