Examples of supported queries
Query example | Supported operators | Supported values | UI query example | Associated Jira | |
1. | Search for users belonging to a specific patron group | = (equal) in != (not equal) not in | List of existing patron groups, ordered alphabetically | (patronGroup in (“Faculty" ,"Staff”)) | |
2. | Search for items associated with a specific location | = (equal) in != (not equal) not in | List of existing locations, ordered alphabetically | (effectiveLocation == "Main library") | |
3. | Search for loans associated with a specific loan type | = (equal) in != (not equal) not in | List of existing locations, ordered alphabetically | (loanPolicy == "Example Loan Policy") | |
4. | Search for holdings records associated with a given instance | = (equal) in != (not equal) not in | User enters values in the textbox | (instanceId in "c6371474-cf48-4386-962f-64c6e1069c97", "78654f38-2f68-46df-8518-146763450d2d") | |
5. | Search for requests by requestor Id | = (equal) in != (not equal) not in | User enters values in the textbox | (requesterId=="74aa0bed-02fc-4c1e-a39d-e6d97e910a88") | |
6. | Search for instances with a given title | = (equal) in != (not equal) not in contains does not contain starts with | User enters values in the textbox | (title == "interesting") (title contains "interesting") (title starts with "interesting") | |
7. | Search for instances with a specific statistical code | = (equal) in != (not equal) not in | List of existing statistical codes | (statisticalCode=="Actions: recat- Catalog as serial") | |
8. | Search for instances with a nature of content | = (equal) in != (not equal) not in | List of supported nature of content values | (statisticalCode=="Actions: recat- Catalog as serial") | |
9. | Search for requests with a given queue position | = (equal) != (not equal) > (greater than) < (less than) | User enters values in the textbox | (position >1) | |
10. | Search for users that have status active | = (equal) != (not equal) | True, False are available in the dropdown. | (patronGroup in (“Faculty" ,"Staff”)) and (active==true) | |
11. | Search requests that have request date in specified request range | = (equal) >= (greater than or equal) | User selects date from the date component | (request.requestDate>="2022-10-06T04:00:00.000" AND request.requestDate<="2022-12-17T04:59:59.999") | |
12. | Search for items with a given status | = (equal) in != (not equal) not in | List of supported item statuses, ordered alphabetically | (status in ("Available", "Checked out") | |
13. | Search for requests with a specific request type | = (equal) in != (not equal) not in | List of supported requests types, ordered alphabetically | (requestType == "Hold") | |
14. | Search for records that were created in a specified request range | = (equal) >= (greater than or equal) | User selects date from the date component | ((instance.metadata.updatedDate>="2022-11-29T05:00:00.000" and instance.metadata.updatedDate<="2022-12-30T04:59:59.999") | |
15. | Search for requests by requester's barcode | = (equal) in != (not equal) not in contains does not contain starts with | User enters values in the textbox | (request.requester.barcode=="74910788) | |
16. | Search for requests by item's barcode | = (equal) in != (not equal) not in contains does not contain starts with | User enters values in the textbox | (request.item.barcode =="088995912) | |
17. | Search for requests by instance's title | = (equal) in != (not equal) not in contains does not contain starts with | User enters values in the textbox | (request.instance.title starts with "Interesting") | |
18. | Search instances (or holdings or item records) with electronic access containing a specific value in URI | = (equal) in != (not equal) not in contains does not contain starts with | User enters values in the textbox | instance.electronicAccess.linkText contains “http://”) | |