- Add ui-checkout.viewRequests and ui-checkout.viewLoans Permission to ui-checkout.all permission setUXPROD-3039Resolved issue: UXPROD-3039
- Users that are deleted or deactivated can stay logged in in folio until their token expires (=for a VERY long time)UIU-1324Resolved issue: UIU-1324
- Change due date: Loans page slow to reflect new due dateUIU-1294Resolved issue: UIU-1294
- FE: (3-APB-A) Create Patron Blocks Conditions TableUIU-1272Resolved issue: UIU-1272Anna Melnyk
- "object with keys {valid}" error in SSO settingsUITEN-114Resolved issue: UITEN-114Michal Kuklis
- Prevent user from adding multiple organizational hierarchy elements with the same codeUITEN-48
- Security update eslint to >= 6.2.1 or eslint-util >= 1.4.1UITAG-26Resolved issue: UITAG-26Владислав Велицкий
- Security update eslint to >= 6.2.1 or eslint-util >= 1.4.1UISE-117Resolved issue: UISE-117Владислав Велицкий
- Codex App: When you access the app the focus should be in the Search boxUISE-114Resolved issue: UISE-114
- Requests App: When you access the app the focus should be in the Search boxUIREQ-347Resolved issue: UIREQ-347Igor Godlevskyi
- Support moving request above pageUIREQ-301
- [Query Builder] Refactor valueSourceApi + source handling in the same fieldUIPQB-110
- Fix security vulnerabilities reported by GitHubUINOTES-78Resolved issue: UINOTES-78Khalilah Gambrell
- Settings > Notes: Run Accessibility Checker and Color Contrast AnalyzerUINOTES-75Resolved issue: UINOTES-75Yelyzaveta Khokhlova
- Security update eslint to >= 6.2.1 or eslint-util >= 1.4.1UINOTES-70Resolved issue: UINOTES-70Владислав Велицкий
- Fix "webpack-bundle-analyzer" security vulnerabilityUINOTES-29Resolved issue: UINOTES-29Sobha Duvvuri
- Story: Delete resource description | BF Thin ThreadUILD-13Resolved issue: UILD-13Doug Loynes
- STORY: Publish resource descriptionUILD-12Resolved issue: UILD-12
- Story: Close Work | BF Thin ThreadUILD-11Resolved issue: UILD-11Siarhei Karol
- Story: Save Work | BF Thin ThreadUILD-10Resolved issue: UILD-10Doug Loynes
- Succeeding titles. Make the Title element required. Instance (edit view)UIIN-1034Resolved issue: UIIN-1034Michal Kuklis
- Allow "Awaiting delivery" items to be marked MissingUIIN-799Resolved issue: UIIN-799maksym_dryha
- Holdings and item segment. Filter by the Holdings permanent location (in addition to effective - UIIN-199)UIIN-679Resolved issue: UIIN-679Matt Connolly
- Filter by the effective locationUIIN-199Resolved issue: UIIN-199Matt Connolly
- Settings > eholdings > Fetch Knowledge Base configurations collectionUIEH-879Resolved issue: UIEH-879maksym_dryha
- FE: Settings: CRUD Access Status TypesUIEH-828Resolved issue: UIEH-828Владислав Велицкий
- Security update eslint to >= 6.2.1 or eslint-util >= 1.4.1UIEH-818Resolved issue: UIEH-818Владислав Велицкий
- eholdings App: When you access the app the focus should be in the Search boxUIEH-815Resolved issue: UIEH-815Владислав Велицкий
- Ability to view multiple institutions eholdings appUIEH-810Resolved issue: UIEH-810
- Update Expand/Collapse Search & filter pane UI designUIEH-809Resolved issue: UIEH-809Khalilah Gambrell
- New: Display Custom labels and allow users to enter dataUIEH-806Resolved issue: UIEH-806
- View Title+Package - Display Custom labels and allow users to enter dataUIEH-805Resolved issue: UIEH-805Khalilah Gambrell
- eholdings App: When you access the app the focus should be in the Search boxUIEH-790Resolved issue: UIEH-790Khalilah Gambrell
- Provider/Package/Resource Detail Record: Add the Assign button to the Notes AccordionUIEH-699Resolved issue: UIEH-699
- Provider/Package/Resource: View a note pageUIEH-698Resolved issue: UIEH-698Igor Godlevskyi
- Provider/Package/Resource: Edit a note pageUIEH-696Resolved issue: UIEH-696maksym_dryha
- Provider/Package/Resource: Create a note pageUIEH-693Resolved issue: UIEH-693maksym_dryha
- Q4 2018 ReleaseUIEH-578Resolved issue: UIEH-578Jeffrey Cherewaty
- Title - Package Detail: Display Custom label and editable textbox (back-end)UIEH-207Resolved issue: UIEH-207
- Edit Title+Package: Display Custom labels and allow users to enter dataUIEH-185Resolved issue: UIEH-185Владислав Велицкий
- DateRangeFilter focus updateUICIRCLOG-54Resolved issue: UICIRCLOG-54Stephanie Buck
- Entering values in Search fields OR Clicking Apply moves focus to Results list paneUICIRCLOG-29Resolved issue: UICIRCLOG-29Stephanie Buck
- Clicking Circulation log app should move focus to first field.UICIRCLOG-28Resolved issue: UICIRCLOG-28Stephanie Buck
- Patron note usually not displayed in checkout when the patron is a proxyUICHKOUT-790Resolved issue: UICHKOUT-790
- Bigtests consistently failing with "Calendar settings settings should have proper amount of links"UICAL-105Resolved issue: UICAL-105Anna Melnyk
- Notes: Run Accessibility Checker and Color Contrast AnalyzerSTSMACOM-311Resolved issue: STSMACOM-311Владислав Велицкий
- Increase of character limit for notes to 3500STSMACOM-295Resolved issue: STSMACOM-295Владислав Велицкий
- Delay in seeing Note type in Notes ListSTSMACOM-273Resolved issue: STSMACOM-273Khalilah Gambrell
- Assign/Unassign: More than 20 notes repeats and does not show all notesSTSMACOM-272Resolved issue: STSMACOM-272Khalilah Gambrell
- When creating a note, the Stripes assignment title appears when it should notSTSMACOM-262Resolved issue: STSMACOM-262Khalilah Gambrell
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