Siarhei Karol
Siarhei KarolReporter
Doug Loynes
Doug LoynesPriority
Story Points
Development Team
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created June 23, 2023 at 9:23 AM
Updated June 7, 2024 at 5:35 PM
Resolved July 10, 2023 at 1:40 PM
Current situation or problem:
As a cataloger, I need the ability to close out a resource description displayed in the BIBFRAME editor, so that I can move onto work on another description.
In scope
Closing out a description in BIBFRAME editor
Out of scope
Closing out the BIBFRAME editor application
Use case(s)
1. Close - warning
At any time, the cataloger can elect to close out work on a resource description by clicking an appropriate icon or button
When the cataloger selects 'Close'
Then a warning message displays with options
'Save and Close' - to save work done on the resource description before closing out the description
'Close' - to continue closing out the resource description without saving most recent changes
2. Close - Save and Close
Given scenario 1
And the cataloger chooses the 'Save and Close' option
The resource description is saved in its current state to the database
And the resource description is no longer displayed to the cataloger
And no confirmation message is displayed (since the resource description is no longer visible)
NOTE: The 'Save' option will display irrespective of whether any changes have been made to the resource description since the last auto save action.
3. Close - Close
Given scenario 1
And the cataloger chooses the 'Close' option
And no changes made during the session are saved to the back end
The resource description is no longer displayed to the cataloger
And the database is not updated
NOTE: The resource description is saved only through the most current save action. Any changes made to the resource description after the most current save action will not be written to the database.