FE: (3-APB-A) Create Patron Blocks Conditions Table
Potential Workaround
- 18 Dec 2019, 04:34 PM
- 18 Dec 2019, 04:20 PM
has to be finished together with
is blocked by
is cloned by
hideTestRail: Results
Holly Mistlebauer April 20, 2020 at 5:22 PM
@Anna Melnyk, I just tested this at https://folio-snapshot.aws.indexdata.com/ at is works great. Thanks much!
Darcy Branchini April 15, 2020 at 9:50 PMEdited
@Anna Melnyk, please see Holly's note in Slack on Vega channel that @Zak Burke and her want to have a conversation about this issue.
Holly Mistlebauer April 6, 2020 at 1:28 PM
@Anna Melnyk: I'll test this after I have finished testing the Q1 2020 release. Thanks...
Holly Mistlebauer December 18, 2019 at 4:38 PM
1. Changed this page from Yes/No to check marks.
2. Changed text by check mark to indicate that check mark means "block borrowing", "block renewals", "block requests."
3. Agreed to put it in Users.
4. Have changed "Actions" to "Conditions" to make it less confusing. Will also present 2 alternatives at separate meeting with Marc. <==This is the only open item!
5. n/a
Cate Boerema December 16, 2019 at 7:14 PM
In grooming, it was noted that:
1. The boolean menus are not consistent with the checkboxes used for similar manual blocks on the user record
2. The boolean menus are not really clear. Does "no" mean patron would be blocked or not?
3. Where do we do the backend work? If we put this in Users, you get a bunch of stuff in Users that you might not need if you are not using circulation? Flipside is if we put it in Circulation, but then Users would be dependent on circulation. Decided to stick it in mod-users.
4. Some felt the UX was a bit confusing. Could some of these settings be sub-settings of others?
5. This is a very different model from the other policies that hook into circ rules. Holly has already discussed this with the other circ POs and the RA SIG and "we definitely don't want these in the circ rules"
We'll circle back to this and related issues tomorrow.
To see how this JIRA issue integrates with the other automated patron blocks JIRA issues please see the diagram at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D9tZE-EgTZYRV28Wc2ghpfHIdnqBwpr2/view?usp=sharing
Purpose: Allow institution to set actions to be blocked, if any, for six initial situations and to set a custom message to be displayed.
1. Scenario
Given Settings ==> Users
When displayed
Display in format as show by attached screen mock-up Patron-blocks-conditions.jpg, adding Patron Blocks section with Conditions option for this user story
2. Scenario
Given Settings ==> Users ==> Conditions
When Conditions selected
Then display six Conditions that could results in blocking as shown in the third column of the attached screen mock-up Patron-blocks-conditions.jpg
3. Scenario
Given six Conditions displayed
When one Condition selected
Then open page as shown in attached mock-up Patron-blocks-conditions.jpg
Borrowing is set to no check mark
Renewals is set to no check mark
Requests is set to no check mark
Message to be displayed is set to blank
"Save" button is grayed out
4. Scenario
Given one Condition open for editing
When change made
Then validate page
If Borrowing and/or Renewals and/or Requests is check marked, then Message to be displayed is required; Display this error message if it is not present: Message to be displayed is a required field if one or more Blocked actions selected
If Message to be displayed is entered, then Borrowing and/or Renewals and/or Requests must be set selected; Display this error message if no block action is selected: One or more Blocked actions must be selected for Message to be displayed to be used
"Save" button should remain grayed out until all validation has been passed
5. Scenario
Given Condition has passed validation
When "Save" button selected
Then save entered data and display success toast as shown in attached mock-up Patron-blocks-conditions-success.jpg
The purpose of this user story is to allow an institution to set conditions to be blocked, if any, for six initial conditions and to set a custom message to be displayed.
The first step in this task to to change the design of the Settings ==> Users section of FOLIO to add a Patron Blocks section with two new sub-sections: Conditions and Limits (as shown in the attached screen mock-up Patron-blocks-conditions.jpg) This user story covers the "Conditions" option and UIU-1167 covers the "Limits" option.
There are six hard-coded situations that the institution may select to set up patron blocks for (also shown in attached screen mock-up Patron-blocks-conditions.jpg):
Maximum outstanding fee/fine balance
Maximum number of items charged out
Maximum number of lost items
Maximum number of overdue items
Maximum number of overdue recalls
Recall overdue by maximum number of days
The fields for each situation are defaulted as follows (also shown in attached screen mock-up Patron-blocks-conditions.jpg):
Borrowing is set to no check mark
Renewals is set to no check mark
Requests is set to no check mark
Message to be displayed is set to blank
The field validation is as follows:
If Borrowing and/or Renewals and/or Requests is selected, then Message to be displayed is required; Display this error message if it is not present: Message to be displayed is a required field if one or more Blocked actions selected
If Message to be displayed is entered, then Borrowing and/or Renewals and/or Requests must be selected; Display this error message no block is selected: One or more Blocked actions must be selected for Message to be displayed to be used
After updating the record, a "success toast" should be displayed, as shown in attached screen mock-up Patron-blocks-conditions-success.jpg.
Please see Holly with any questions or comments. Thanks!