Provider/Package/Resource: Edit a note page







As a librarian, I want to edit notes on any communication I have with a sales person or support person regarding the resources my library purchases or have access.


Pane header dropdown requirements

  • Display Unassign option in the dropdown if the note has been assigned to at least one note

    • Selecting Unassign will unassign the relationship between the note and the record you are currently on

  • Display Delete option in the dropdown

    • Selecting Delete will delete the note thus breaking the relationship between the note and all records tied to the note.

Unassign Note Confirmation Modal Screen
Screenshot See Delete note confirmation modal screenshot below as model

  • Modal header: Unassign note

  • Message: The note <<Note title>> will be unassigned.

  • Buttons to display: Cancel | Unassign

Unassign Toast Notification
Screenshot See Delete note toast notification screenshot below as model

  • If user clicks Unassign button on modal then return user to previous screen and display toast notification

  • Toast notification message: The note <<Note title>> was successfully unassigned. [Will need to consider length note title]

Delete Note Confirmation Modal Screen

  • Modal header: Delete note

  • Message: The note <<Note title>> will be permanently deleted from <<total # per record type>>.

    • If two record types then separate counts with 'and' . Example: The note Renewal FY2020 will be permanently deleted from 5 providers and 3 packages.

    • If more than two record types then separate with commas and final record type count should be separated with a comma plus 'and'
      Example: The note Renewal FY2020 will be permanently deleted from 5 providers, 3 packages, and 145 titles.

  • Buttons to display: Cancel | Delete

Delete Toast Notification

  • If user clicks Delete button on modal then return user to previous screen and display toast notification

  • Toast notification message: The note <<Note title>> was successfully deleted. [Will need to consider length note title]

Acceptance Criteria
Given I edit a note
When I click Save
Then return me to previous page
AND display toast notification message The note <<Note title>> has been updated.
AND the note under the Notes accordion should have an updated date+time stamp and if applicable updated by person

Given I am an editing a note
When I click Unassign
Then display a Unassign note confirmation modal

Given I click Unassign
When I click Unassign button on Unassign note confirmation modal
Then return to previous page and display toast notification
AND note should no longer display under Notes accordion for that record

Given I am editing a note
When I click Delete
Then display a Delete note confirmation modal

Given I click Delete
When I click Delete button on Delete note confirmation modal
Then return to previous page and display toast notification
AND note should no longer display under Notes accordion for that record OR any record that was assigned to that note

Given I click Delete or Unassign
When I click Cancel on the confirmation modal
Then keep me on the Edit note page

Development Team




Story Points





TestRail: Results






Fix versions

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created April 26, 2019 at 9:45 PM
Updated May 31, 2019 at 3:00 PM
Resolved May 31, 2019 at 3:00 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs