Doug Loynes
Doug LoynesReporter
Doug Loynes
Doug LoynesPriority
Story Points
Development Team
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created June 23, 2023 at 10:34 AM
Updated June 7, 2024 at 5:35 PM
Resolved July 20, 2023 at 12:36 PM
Current situation or problem:
As a cataloger, I need the ability to delete a resource description that hasn't been published into production, so that - for example - I can avoid having duplicate entries in the database for a resource description.
In scope
Deleting a resource description prior to publication
Out of scope
Deleting a resource description previously published into production
Deleting fields in a resource description
Deleting field values in a resource description
Recovering and restoring a deleted resource description
Use case(s)
NOTE: Requirements for production will be addressed separately from this card, but will need to be part of the Thin Thread. For now, assume resource descriptions cannot be published in production.
1. Deletion - warning
Given that a resource description is displayed to the cataloger
And that the cataloger determines that the description needs to be deleted
When the cataloger selects the 'Delete' icon or button
Then a warning message is displayed to the cataloger with actionable options
'Return' - allows the cataloger to return to the resource description
'Delete' - allows the cataloger to confirm the intention to delete the resource description
2. Deletion - Return
Given scenario 1 above
When the cataloger selects 'Return' from the warning message
Then the warning message is no longer displayed
And the resource description is displayed to the cataloger in edit mode
And resource description remains in the database, unchanged from the most recent save action
3. Deletion - Delete
Given scenario 1 above
When the cataloger selects 'Delete' from the warning message
Then the resource description is deleted from the database
And the resource description is no longer displayed to the cataloger
And a confirmation message is displayed "Resource description deleted"