Story: Save Work | BF Thin Thread


Current situation or problem:

As a cataloger, I need to continually save work performed on a resource description, so that I can minimize the amount of effort that would have to be reconstructed due, for example, to a system failure. 

In scope

  • Saving work automatically over a set period of time (e.g. every 60 seconds) over the duration of a session

  • Saving work manually at any time during the session

  • Returning and displaying a resource description from its most recent save state

Out of scope

  • "Undo" / "Redo"

  • Closing work on a resource description

  • Publishing a completed resource description to the database

  • Deleting a completed resource description to the database

  • Restoring a resource description to anything other than the most recently saved state

  • Recording administrative data for actions taken during a session

Use case(s)

1. Automatic save - success

  • Given a cataloger has pulled up a resource description in the BIBFRAME editor

  • The system should update and save any edits made to the resource description automatically every 60 seconds

  • So the resource description is current within the previous 60 seconds in the database

2. Automatic save - fail

  • Same scenario as 1, except that the automatic save is not successfully executed, 

  • The cataloger can continue cataloging, but the resource description will be saved only through the last save action successfully executed

3. Manual save - success

  • Same as scenario 1

  • Except the cataloger chooses to save the work performed, by manually by clicking a 'Save' icon and/or button

  • When the save action is successful, a visual cue is displayed to the cataloger confirming the save action

  • And the resource description is updated in the database

4. Manual save - fail

  • Same as scenario 3

  • Except the manual save action failed

  • So no confirmation cue is displayed to the cataloger 

  • And the resource description in the database is current only through the previous save action (e.g. automatic save)

When the cataloger has successfully made changes to a resource description (automatically or manually), then the next time staff pull up the resource description, the system displays the values from the most recent version of the edited resource description

Proposed solution/stories

Links to additional info


  • After a successful manual save, should the automatic save cycle be recalibrated with the manual save, or should the cadence be determined when the resource description is first called up in the editor?

  • Changes to schemas may affect whether a field/component is a literal or a link - we'll need to settle on a tactic for accommodating such changes



Potential Workaround



  • 19 Jul 2023, 09:10 AM
  • 19 Jul 2023, 09:08 AM
  • 19 Jul 2023, 09:08 AM
  • 18 Jul 2023, 01:36 PM



TestRail: Results



Tetiana Tymoshenko July 25, 2023 at 6:58 AM

Tested on missinglinks env
Build version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.45 (BE), #65 (FE)
Test cases and evidences attached.

Anuar Nurmakanov July 4, 2023 at 11:20 AM

, I guess that it must be a version from his local machine. We will have a versioning approach one day. But for now, I would suggest assuming that we have the local version, which has priority. If it is not what we want, we create a new story to make it right. , what do you think?


Siarhei Karol July 4, 2023 at 10:02 AM

There is a question about loading saved data.

For example, 2 catalogers (John and Susan) edited the same record.
John made changes in the morning and those changes were automatically saved on his local machine (in the local storage).
Then Susan opened the record that evening (without saved changes from John, they were saved only locally on his computer), made changes and saved them manually in the database.
The next day, John decided to continue his work and opened the record.

What changes should he see: from the database or from his local computer? Should the cataloger see the latest saved changes (in the example, from the database, as they were made later)?

Could you please clarify this?

Doug Loynes June 28, 2023 at 4:24 AM

At the Tuesday Stand Up, we agreed to modify the Jira ticket to differentiate saving work to the local browser vs. saving edits to the BE database. 

  • Whenever the cataloger explicitly chooses the 'Save' option, then the changes to the resource description should be written to the BE database

  • Automatic saves (every 60 seconds) should be saved to the cataloger's browser.






Story Points


Development Team


TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created June 23, 2023 at 3:49 AM
Updated June 7, 2024 at 5:35 PM
Resolved August 1, 2023 at 12:33 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs

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