Access status type | text box | 75 characters | Required
Description | text box | 150 characters | Not required Last updated/time | <<Last updated Date + Time stamp>> Source | <<Last Name, First Name or System that made last update>>
Access Status Types limit
Maximum number of access status types | 15
Create an access status type
Edit an access status type
Remove an access status type
Same as Settings > Notes > Note Types.
You are able to save/edit/delete each row
Acceptance criteria
Given I am on settings > eholdings > access status types
When I click the new button Then a new row should display that includes the following fields: Access status type, Description, Last updated date/time and Source
Given I am on settings > eholdings > access status types When I add the 15th access status type Then user should not be able to add more types.
Given I am on settings > eholdings > access status types When I click edit on an access status type row Then I should be able to change the access status type and description fields
Given I am on settings > eholdings > access status types When I click delete on an access status type Then allow the deletion to continue
Given I am on settings > eholdings > access status types When access status type field is blank on a display row(s) Then display [Field is required] in red inline
Given I am on settings > eholdings > access status types When access status type field has more than 75 characters entered Then display [Exceeded <<character limit number>>. Please revise.] in red inline
Given I am on settings > eholdings > access status types When description field has more than 150 characters entered Then display [Exceeded <<character limit number>>. Please revise.] in red inline
@Khalilah Gambrell, I think this is a behavior of EditableList component which we use in this story. By the way it could be possible to fixed it. I think it could be fixed in a scope of UIEH-841 cause in both cases, it is work with the same component. How do you think?
Khalilah Gambrell February 21, 2020 at 2:03 PM
Cancel button seems a bit cut off
Владислав Велицкий February 21, 2020 at 1:33 PM
@Khalilah Gambrell, possibly tomorrow, but it is already available on testing
Khalilah Gambrell February 21, 2020 at 1:29 PM
@Владислав Велицкий, do you know when this will be available on snapshot?
Access status type | text box | 75 characters | Required
Description | text box | 150 characters | Not required
Last updated/time | <<Last updated Date + Time stamp>>
Source | <<Last Name, First Name or System that made last update>>
Access Status Types limit
Maximum number of access status types | 15
Create an access status type
Edit an access status type
Remove an access status type
Same as Settings > Notes > Note Types.
You are able to save/edit/delete each row
Acceptance criteria
Given I am on settings > eholdings > access status types
When I click the new button
Then a new row should display that includes the following fields: Access status type, Description, Last updated date/time and Source
Given I am on settings > eholdings > access status types
When I add the 15th access status type
Then user should not be able to add more types.
Given I am on settings > eholdings > access status types
When I click edit on an access status type row
Then I should be able to change the access status type and description fields
Given I am on settings > eholdings > access status types
When I click delete on an access status type
Then allow the deletion to continue
Given I am on settings > eholdings > access status types
When access status type field is blank on a display row(s)
Then display [Field is required] in red inline
Given I am on settings > eholdings > access status types
When access status type field has more than 75 characters entered
Then display [Exceeded <<character limit number>>. Please revise.] in red inline
Given I am on settings > eholdings > access status types
When description field has more than 150 characters entered
Then display [Exceeded <<character limit number>>. Please revise.] in red inline