As a library staff member whose library is in the same tenant as other libraries I want to be able to view other libraries eholdings apps So that I can see what resources I maybe able to access
If multiple EBSCO KB credentials are setup for a tenant then display an app context menu dropdown
Dropdown should display all eholdings app that have been setup
Display format <<Institution Name>> - eholdings
The dropdown should indicate selected eholdings
The selected eholdings should also appear in the Results list paneheader as <<Institution Name>> << Record Type>> Results OR somewhere on the UI must clearly indicate which eholdings are being viewed.
As a library staff member whose library is in the same tenant as other libraries
I want to be able to view other libraries eholdings apps
So that I can see what resources I maybe able to access
If multiple EBSCO KB credentials are setup for a tenant then display an app context menu dropdown
Dropdown should display all eholdings app that have been setup
Display format <<Institution Name>> - eholdings
The dropdown should indicate selected eholdings
The selected eholdings should also appear in the Results list paneheader as <<Institution Name>> << Record Type>> Results OR somewhere on the UI must clearly indicate which eholdings are being viewed.
Use Context Menu app dropdown
Screenshot - closed dropdown
Screenshot - expanded dropdown
Screenshot - Show institution name in pane header