Entering values in Search fields OR Clicking Apply moves focus to Results list pane
Potential Workaround
is blocked by
is cloned by
relates to
hideTestRail: Results

Stephanie Buck March 18, 2021 at 6:37 PM
Thank you, . I have created . It may need to be moved to a different feature.

Alex Mozolev March 18, 2021 at 10:34 AM
To sum up:
fixes related to ui-circulation-log module in scope of the current story were completed and can be included into R1 release after this story is closed;
DateRangeFilter related fixes that are required to be done in common component, in my opinion, should be split into a separate task and added to stripes backlog to be worked on in R2.

Alex Mozolev March 18, 2021 at 8:38 AMEdited
The task is partially done.
submitting by Enter key, results are returned
submitting by Apply button, results are returned
submitting by Enter key, no results returned
submitting by Apply button, no results returned
I didn't meet some of the requirements on Date fields. The reason for that is the Dates section is in fact a common `DateRangeFilter`.
It lacks the API for focus management. Also it doesn't submit on Enter.
For the moment I couldn't add this functionality to it because of code freeze on common components before the release.
Another thing is this component is going to be reworked (see and this discussion in slack). It lacks using of the Datepicker fields insdtead of just the text ones, has some problems with validation, and so on.
I suggest not to invest in adding focus related API to the current implementation until that rework.
I would also suggest separating focus-related scenarios for DateRangeFilter in another ticket.
So for now, what requirements are not met for Dates:
"Hit Enter" - doesn't work. Only Apply button works.
If no results are returned - the last visited date field is not focused. Instead focus remains on the Apply button.
The case when results are returned - does work. The focus goes to the results pane

Alex Mozolev March 5, 2021 at 12:52 PM
The task was estimated by analogy with , which was pretty straightforward.
Although on investigating the problem further, it turns out that additional efforts are required here.
Somewhat similar stories and are implemented, but in this task the logic is different and more complex - so the approach of those tasks is not fully applicable.
I'm trying to work out some kind of pattern for focus management tasks like this, so that we could more easily reproduce the solution in other places
I think, actual effort estimation here should be about 8 points.

Alex Mozolev December 21, 2020 at 1:51 PM
On this ticket, not yet.
is on the snapshot, yes


Given I am on the Circulation log
When I click Apply
AND results are returned
Then focus should move to Results List pane
Given I am on the Circulation log
When I click Apply or Hit Enter in a date field
AND no results are returned
Then focus should remain in the date field that the user has in focus under Search & Sort
Given I am on the Circulation log
When I enter a value in the following fields: User barcode, Item barcode, Description
AND hit Enter
AND results are returned
Then focus should move to Results List pane
Given I am on the Circulation log
When I enter a value in the following fields: User barcode, Item barcode, Description
AND hit Enter
AND no results are returned
Then focus should remain in the field I entered a value