2021-08-30 Meeting notes

2021-08-30 Meeting notes



Rachel Fadlon Martina Schildt Ian Walls Shawn Nicholson

Discussion items

10 minFinancial update, FOLIO funded DevsPaula
  • Treasurer's update and discussion of how to handle the departure of Zak Burke prior to the end of our commitment to his funding, and what it might mean for our commitment to Michal Kuklis (can we extend?).
  • Reviewed wish list budget
  • Reviewed estimated budget
    • 207k membership fees have come in of 232k.  Full membership will come in.
    •  EBSCO and OLF money still needs to be separated
    • Google season of docs is a pass through
    • We should be able to keep Michael as a developer for a full year
    • No funding for a second developer.  We would need an additional 45k
  • ToDO:  SOmeone reach out to Michail about having funding for the  rest of the year.  Paula will reach out to Simeon and MDG.
  • Harry to review spreadsheet in Cap Planning
  • Will have a discussion with TC, PC and roadmap group and Cap planning group to discuss where additional funding will go.  Deadline for Sept 13 meeting.
 10 minPrivate Slack Channels Team

 The community raised the issue of there being private Slack Channels on FOLIO's Slack in its #general channel:

There are a number of private channels in FOLIO's Slack workspace. For an open project, I believe this is problematic, because:

      • Private channels are not listed to non-members; you won't know about conversations you're not invited to, even if you're interested and have something to contribute.
      • Private channels cannot be accessed or searched by non-members, so all the discussions therein are hidden from the community at large. This is not open.
      • Private channels cannot be converted to public. Once in a private channel, that conversation stays out of our public record in perpetuity

There is a good discussion on that channel: https://folio-project.slack.com/archives/C1EPYQKCL/p1630063132015700

Code of conduct is an example where it should be private, but should Slack be used for that?

Locked channels to allow keeping a group small and efficient prior to opening up to a larger group.

Should the community council have a recommendation, or set any restrictions on creating private slack channels? 

Should we setup community guidelines for what is a proper discussion on Slack?  Yes.

We should go back and clean up Slack after guidance is in place.

Are there GDPR issues that we need to be concerned about?

Default should be open channels.

ToDo:  We should do this is a future CC call.  Aim for the end of September.

30 minFY22 GoalsTeam

Review, comment and add to rankings that have been done on our Goals and Objectives spreadsheet

ToDo:  Need more time to review and rank by the larger group.  Due in 2 weeks.

10 minUpdates from other initiativesTeam

Tom.  We need a list of Development resources and what they work on and also provide an update on what Cap planning does.  ToDo for an upcoming meeting.

Grants group

New Members Group

FOLIO WOLFCon Planning

Communication Channels - Meeting 8/31

Meeting times and other collaboration protocols


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