2021-04-26 Meeting Notes




Former user (Deleted)

Paula Sullenger

Rachel Fadlon

Kathleen Berry

Tom Cramer

Simeon Warner

Boaz Nadav Manes

Leander Seige

Rachel Besara


keven lw

Ian Ibbotson (Use this one)

Kirstin Kemner-Heek

Former user (Deleted)=

Discussion items




FOLIO Communications

Rachel will walk us through what types of communication channels have been used for FOLIO in the past, which ones were successful, whether there is/should be a guide for which communications go where, etc.

Notes:  Rachel shared communication channels including folio.org which has calendar of events, blog, branding resources, links out to wiki, github. Announcements can be sent to Community Outreach SIG. There is also a newsletter, but slowed down by COVID-19. Newsletters has 5K subscribers, typically more casual followers. There is also Twitter, which used is to promote events, blogs, live-tweets events and retweets from community members. General inquiries go to: info@folio.org and gets directed to appropriate group/persons. 

Slack is best avenue for active community members (2K+). 

Rachel working with Forum Facilitator Group to develop a series onboarding videos. Expect these to be posted on the OLF YouTube channel. All forum recordings live there.

Like the idea of formalizing communication streams particularly to cultivate active community transparency alongside engagement and updates for external audiences or new members. 

Mentions struggles with identifying presenters for conferences beyond a core 10 or so members. 

Boaz suggest possible communications subgroup for CC. Suggestion that this work happens as part of the Onboarding subgroup's focused work, giving some thought to the globalized FOLIO community/audience.

As an example, Keven shared: recent event in Suzhou China : https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=5049044
The video are already online: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1aV411J7BB/

Need to also consider frequency of communications.

CC will consider ex officio or observer participation for Rachel Fadlon moving forward.

Communications channels:

Website (www.folio.org ): includes top events, news, blog and resources (like the release badges)

Newsletter (Constant Contact): Over 5000+ subscribers. The cadence was monthly, would love to make it quarterly.

Wiki: this is community facing and could use come cleaning up

Twitter: we use this to promote events and news. 2369 subscribers

Calendar (Trello): This is where we post events (conferences, presentations and webinars) (https://trello.com/b/A27ucwg8/events )

YouTube: We have a subchannel on the OLF’s site. We use this to save recordings of FOLIO Forums, and post videos. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9QQ852WJhU&list=PLMocoPoiGkwfNHau9jqASXk5BAwcd5ekk )

In addition:


Email lists within the project (for SIGs, ALLSIGS, etc.)

OLF Board updatePaula/Tom

Paula's term runs through Jan 2022

OLF approved its membership structure and will pursue institutional memberships - large overlap with our potential institutional members; much lower threshold than FOLIO - $1KUSD vs $2500USD

-suggests more attainable for smaller institutions; good to build a base, but new to grow higher level memberships too

WOLFCon 21 - 

  • sessions planned; two FOLIO sessions, integrations and VuFind

WOLFCon '22 - now scheduled for September

OLF Board changes - David Carlson retiring, Deborah Jakubs stepping down. Recruitment will be done to balance representation; call for nominations expected next month; looking for reps with legal knowledge or skill sets/perspectives

Discussion of combining benefits for OLF/FOLIO membership; will need t outline this for clarity

Treasurer updatePaula

Scott Anderson has been serving as OLF/FOLIO Treasurer

Transitioning FOLIO responsibilities to Paula but may not be complete until end of June - Scott may handle most transactions to finish out the FY

Paula has not yet been added to bank accounts, etc.

OLF/FOLIO accounts and payments have been intermingled for a long time and there is no clear picture of FOLIO's basic operating costs - suspect this will be greater than we've estimated

Handling official transactions using people's personal or work email addresses has caused many significant problems that take a long time to untangle.  Setting up treasurer@folio.org address and highly recommend do the same for other official positions - Secretary & Manager

OLE will close its accounts on June 30, and remaining $$ will be split between OLF & FOLIO - this will not be a significant amount

EBSCO is contributing about $100K USD to infrastructure costs. 

Updates from sub-groupsTeam

3 Resource subgroups:

  • Appeal to current Members - working on a draft letter to members for contributions to bridge current gap
  • Identify grant opportunities - pondering if it is a free for all or scoped parameters for applying
  • Grown the membership - has not met yet

 Election subgroup - no update

Onboarding subgroup - has not met yet

Other businessTeam

Question of Quorum - when is it needed and how many members are required?

Suggestion of developing bylaws?

Suggestion of 9 as the quorum for this foundational period.

Suggestion that "lazy consensus" method works for CC akin to the rest of FOLIO decision-making.