2023-2-7 Bulk Edit Working Group Meeting Notes

2023-2-7 Bulk Edit Working Group Meeting Notes

Attendees (please add your name):

Magda Zacharska Don Depoorter (OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee Jennifer Eustis Scott Perry

Monica Arnold Sara Colglazier Kim Wiljanen  Amanda Ros Lynne Fors Jamie Jesanis (Unlicensed) Jackie Magagnosc Peter Martinez Kimie Kester 

Note Taker:  

Robert Scheier

Meeting Recording:




  • Attendees  - please add your name to the list of attendees
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[Magda Zacharska] 10:02:13
Please everyone add your name to the list of attendees.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:02:26
Can someone please enable the transcript?

[Erin Nettifee] 10:02:36
It's on

[Magda Zacharska] 10:02:36
And are there any other topics we would like to discuss in the housekeeping part?

[Erin Nettifee] 10:02:52
I don't think so.

  • Collect feedback on the columns names (bulk edit will display now all record columns)Development updates

Magda Zacharska] 10:02:54
A quick reminder. If you can add examples of item notes to the spreadsheet that I share the link to in the Slack channel. Examples of administrative, items, and check-in notes would really be appreciated by myself and the developers once we work on this. And thank you to those who already have provided examples

[Magda Zacharska] 10:03:34
I updated the use cases list and added Jura tickets to use cases.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:03:52
Some of the features are very high level. We will not be working on them for several releases. Some may be very generic. If you added a use case to this list, please take a look at the Jiras that are linked with your use case to be sure that they meet your expectation, and please comment either on the Jira directly or reach out to me.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:04:43
I wonder if we should at some point reorganize the use case page to pull the ones that have been done onto another page or pull them out.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:04:58
Or maybe put them at the bottom of the list.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:05:00
Yeah, just to make it a little bit easier to navigate.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:05:05
Although you can filter. So I guess that helps.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:05:11
Or we can just add the status completed, and then the filter on the status.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:05:21
And we have the high-level map which both you and I have done some updates to Magda. That can be another place for people to see what is coming next.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:05:36
Yeah. So you are talking about the "High-Level Roadmap." There will be, definitely changes to this

[Magda Zacharska] 10:05:56
I know the scope for Poppy will change, and the deletion will most likely move to the next release, Quesnelia, because of that we will take some other features that I would like to discuss today. The reason for the delete features move is that we are still working on defining the best approach, common approach, and how to handle a record deletion in FOLIO. So once this work is completed, we will circle back to Bulk Edit deletion of records.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:06:43
Any questions on this?

[Erin Nettifee] 10:06:50
None for me. I don't know others. Please do chime in if you have questions.

Item status In Process (MODEXPW-348)

Follow up fron the last meeting:

  • Data import provides option to change status from in Process to Available
  • Bulk edit will support item status changes from  in Process to Missing and Withdrawn (as in Inventory right now) - MODBULKOPS-28 currently scheduled for Poppy

[Magda Zacharska] 10:06:59
Before I jump into the development updates a quick update on the "item status in process."

[Magda Zacharska] 10:07:30
We talked about this last week. I promise to post this into slack, and I forgot.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:07:35
I have confirmed that the Data Import App provides the option to change the status from in process to available. Bulk Edit will support the change from in process to missing or withdrawn to match the behavior of Inventory.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:08:06
Magna, before you keep going. Sara has a question about the item notes spreadsheet of examples.

[Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)] 10:08:16
Okay. I'm sorry. I didn't want to interrupt the flow of things. I see there are 3 tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet, administrative note, check-in/check-out note, and item note. Was there discussion around the note that is the item that's called the description of pieces and the number of pieces?

[Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)] 10:09:14
And the reason I bring these up is that we've discovered that if you want something to both appear as a check-in and check-out note, rather than duplicating the note, you can just add this description of pieces, and it will function exactly the same way. It pops up, and people have to see it when they're checking in and checking out an item. So we have been using it for things where we want a note for both check-in and check-out.

[Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)] 10:10:07
Or there you see it in the item data section. So the number of pieces, description of pieces. You don't have to have something in the number of pieces but you can. And in the description of pieces you can put endless text, and when you check something in or check something out, it will pop up just like the check and check out note.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:10:30
You do have a Jira Magda for the call number type.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:10:37
For the call number to update the prefix and suffix.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:10:45
I don't know where the piece date is actually stored on the record.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:10:47
So this is actually not even a part of the call number component.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:10:53
Okay. So Bulk Edit piece data probably is a used case that needs to be added.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:11:04
So, to be honest, when I'm talking about notes, I do not have the number of pieces and a description of the pieces in scope.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:11:15
Yeah, I assumed you were talking about the accordion-labeled item notes.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:11:20
Actually, I was talking about administrative notes in this part. I'm talking about item notes and this covers all the types that are listed here. And I am talking about check-in and check-out notes.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:13:11
I don't. I don't think the pieces stuff has been discussed, so I think it's a new use case.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:13:16
Sara, I have a question for you. Did you say that if you populate the description of pieces or the number of pieces, it will behave as a checking checkout?

[Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)] 10:13:33
Yes, correct, and for both

[Erin Nettifee] 10:13:34
But it is a different modal. It's a different appearance in the UI.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:13:42
 But Sara, the description of pieces if you populate it, will not auto automatically populate the check-in and check-out notes. They will be separate, right?

[Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)] 10:13:59
Yes. But by using the pieces notes you only have to have a single note and not duplicate check-in/Check-out notes when they are the same.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:14:45
Does it mean that you are not using check-in check-out notes anymore?

[Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)] 10:14:50
We are for other things, but not for those things where the note is the same for both check-in and check-out.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:15:56
So we will be talking about this about the feature for notes a little bit later today. The number of pieces and description of pieces are not a part of this and I did not plan for it. I will double-check the call number components feature. I know that the number of pieces and description of pieces are not a part of the call number component, so we may need to add another feature for this later. But thank you very much, Sara. This was very helpful. I was not aware of this approach that the library is using.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:16:48
Going back to item status in-process items, we will implement support for changing the item status from in-process to missing or withdrawn in Bulk Edit as it is implemented in the inventory. But, this will be work done in the scope of the Poppy release.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:17:18
For the development update, I have slides prepared because I think it works a little bit better. The links are to the scrum board and the snapshot environment. However, the snapshot environment at this point does not have the latest code because we are conducting the regression test to make sure the changes we are making are not breaking existing functionality.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:17:55
What has happened since the last time we met?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:18:03
The integration of the back-end work with the front-end UI is still ongoing and the team is using their own instance of FOLIO so as not to break anything.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:18:20
The module has been approved by PC. The last time we met, this was still ongoing.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:18:27
The Bulk Edit rework test is starting today. And by this, I mean the tests that are being executed by the QA Team based on the test plan in Testrail for Bulk Edit.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:18:46
And once the functional tests are completed, the plan is to be done by February tenth, and there are no regressions, those will be merged into the master branch and will be available in the folio-snapshot environment. Any questions on this?

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:19:20
The only question I had, and I maybe you're going to get to this, is how it was gonna look and feel afterward. Will we look at permissions for that?

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:19:40
I only have that question because I forget how it looks.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:19:54
I have some screenshots. I can walk you through the developer's environment so you are not taken by surprise. The main change that you will see will be to some of the predefined columns.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:20:18
You can select from all the columns that are in the record. So the screenshot on the bottom, is what currently exists (the top image is what is proposed). You have a pre-defined list of columns that you could choose from.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:20:39
This was from the feedback you provided. If you wanted to have more flexibility in selecting columns with Orchid you will be able to select those columns.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:20:52
There are questions that I would like to ask you regarding the labels on this screen.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:21:01
In Nolana, we changed the label "Active" to "Status" and the data elements from "True/False" to "Active/Inactive". We can do this again if it's needed. But I do believe this hides how the data is stored. What would be your preferred rendering of the data?

[Erin Nettifee] 10:23:59
I don't have a strong opinion.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:26:55
The other issue is how the data is being rendered. And this is on my second slide. 

[Magda Zacharska] 10:27:45
The question is mostly about notes. Notes is a repeat repeatable field. So, when you look at the second line we repeat every note separated by pipes. There is no other way we can actually render it right now. The problem did not exist before, because we did not allow you to see the notes. Are there
any comments about that?

[Erin Nettifee] 10:28:41
Does the data wrap the notes?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:28:44
Well, wrapping on the ui. This is a good point.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:31:14
It looks like it is not wrapping in the dev environment (Firebird rancher).

[Erin Nettifee] 10:31:18
Yeah, I mean, I guess I'll defer to Kimie and the and you know the Ui discussions.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:31:25
But I guess my preference would be that at some point it would wrap because if you have a field that could be an infinite length, it's at some point that just becomes unusable.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:31:37
But others please definitely chime in.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:31:46
Yeah, I agree. It's a lot of scrolling. If we could wrap...

[Magda Zacharska] 10:32:02
Okay. So we definitely, I will definitely put this as a requirement. I don't think we will be able to meet it for the Orchid release, though.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:32:14
So what will happen is each note will be separated by a pipe. But the wrapping will be added in the next release. I  just wanted to hear your feedback about whether separating each entry by a pipe is clear for you.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:32:50
Will people understand that the value of "false" in the notes data string is referring to whether the notes are public or not? 'm not sure if it could be a point of confusion.

[Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)] 10:33:48
I agree. It's really hard to remember what is false and what is true. This is definitely been a problem in other apps it would be better to say something like "staff only" or at least "Yes/No because isn't that what it is in the app?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:34:28
We can fix that. I agree this is confusing. And I saw also in the chat suggestions for the column rendering. All those are very good comments, and we definitely will take them into account, but they will be out of scope for the Orchid release. The false staff or public. That will definitely include in the Orchid release.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:35:24
In this example, we can see that we can now select all fields in the holdings, including the holdings statements.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:35:38
And we show everything when the field is not populated. Right now it showing NULL when there is no value. This will be removed and will just be blank.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:36:00
Are there any comments about this, or can we move to the user permissions?

Bulk edit - user permissions (UXPROD-3468)

Follow up from the last meeting with proposed changes to the confirmation ("Are you sure?")

[Magda Zacharska] 10:36:12
I would like to follow up on our conversation last week. We all agreed that we will add another radio button and the preview should be the same as is in the user records.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:37:31
We also agreed that there will be multiple selections that will allow you to filter and add/remove. The fields will be repeated because at the same Bulk Edit, you can add, and you can also remove permissions.  So I think there are no changes to this.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:38:00
We had additional columns last time when for permissions. But I talk with the developers and they suggested that to be consistent, we can continue to have the data that is on the user record in the preview, but at the top, we add 2 lines for permissions to be added/removed.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:38:29
I like this approach better because it gives us a little bit more space to list those permissions that are being added/removed.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:39:00
I like that because permissions can get quite lengthy. I have another wrapping question. Will the permissions added/removed wrap?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:39:30
So we can definitely add that to the requirements that it will wrap.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:39:51
So another comment about this page regards the download preview. I have a slide here.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:39:59
The file will contain the whole record user record with the added column for permissions.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:40:17

[Magda Zacharska] 10:40:50
On the confirmation screen, I have a question. Should we again display all the fields that are part of the user record again?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:41:12
And how do we render here the permissions that were added or removed? Do we repeat the same way as it was on the "are you sure" form before the changes were committed?
Or do we add the columns? What would be the preferred way?

[Thomas Trutt] 10:41:46
I would say if you do add the text for add/remove permissions, I would do the same thing as on the first screen, just for consistency's sake. Although honestly, I don't think it's needed on the confirmation screen.
But I would defer to what everyone else thinks.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:42:12
Yeah, I don't know that I have a strong opinion

[Ros, Amanda L] 10:42:17
Yeah, I don't have a strong opinion about it one way or the other.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:42:29
I do believe it would make sense to display on the confirmation page some notification that those following permissions were added/removed, and below, are the records that were affected.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:43:05
My concern is when we start adding data into the columns, we will very easily run out of space, because those permissions tend to be lengthy, and there may be multiple permissions. So it is easier to monitor on top of the page
then in the columns.

[Peter Martinez] 10:43:28
Do you have an example of what it looks like when there's an error?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:43:40
So there will be an additional accordion with the errors. I don't have a screenshot right now, but I think most of you are familiar.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:43:59
So this error reporting will not change.

Bulk edit - suppressing item records from discovery (UXPROD-3989)

Review the requirements

[Magda Zacharska] 10:44:24
So next part, that I would like to talk is about item notes, but we have only 15 min time left, so I would like to jump to the suppression first, and then we will come back.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:44:41
I think suppression is pretty straightforward. Maybe I am underestimating what needs to be done.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:44:50
I would like to get your feedback on this as well.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:44:57
The behavior is you start a Bulk Edit of the item records, as you normally do.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:45:03
And then on the Bulk Edit form, you will have an additional option, which will be suppressed from discover.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:45:17
And this will only affect item records, not holdings or instances.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:45:22
That will be covered in different features and in different releases.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:45:28
Once you select, suppress from discover, you will have 2 options available: set true/false.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:45:41
Setting it to true will make the item suppressed from this discovery. Setting it to false will make it available to discover it. Any comments on this?

[Ros, Amanda L] 10:45:56
Magna, my question is at least for us. I can't think of an example where we would want to suppress the item, but not suppress the holdings, possibly a serial record.
But for monographs, if we're going to suppress an item, we're also going to want to suppress the holdings. So I know you said that would be in a later release, but are
6 or 7 down the road?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:46:49
Hold links in the Quesnelia release. Instances in the Rocket release.

[Ros, Amanda L] 10:47:08
OK, that makes me a little more comfortable with it.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:47:22
The reason for this is that with every record type, the complexity increases. In holdings, we need to take into account the behavior of the I'm underlying MARC records.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:47:37
And for instances, this will definitely be complicated, because suppressing holdings will need to also suppress holdings and items automatically. So if we start from the bottom setting with items, then we will get to the holding part of the work that will already be done.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:48:08
That's why I would like to start with items, to begin with.

[Ros, Amanda L] 10:48:14
Okay, that makes that. That makes sense, at least to me.

[Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)] 10:48:18
And if I can just interject. At the 5 colleges, this is actually really needed, because we do frequently have to suppress items independently of suppressing at the instance level because we share bibs. So starting from the bottom up makes a lot of sense for us.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:49:36
If you select set true, will you know that you are suppressing from discovery? Or should the verbiage be different?

[Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)] 10:49:53
Since I was previously the one who had a problem with true and false,  I would say that here I do not have a problem with the term false. It seems pretty clear in this context.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:50:39
I think this is a pretty simple implementation, and we should be able to breeze through this quickly. That's why I wanted to get your feedback. I will go with the additional option, "Suppress from discovery", and select true/false.

Bulk edit - in app - item notes (UXPROD-3713)

Review the requirements.   Please add examples of the item records notes: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iqwaCQH_Jlz45z7PAqUkZ7bT0a1lvFwJ9dpqbiLJboA/edit#gid=1225919958

[Magda Zacharska] 10:51:06
No, we have 9 min left. Let's at least start talking about the items.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:51:38
The question is because the list is getting longer and longer do we order those options alphabetically?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:51:51
If we do this, then the groupings will be lost. For example, temporary/permanent loan type and temporary/permanent item location groupings will be lost.

[Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)] 10:52:15
I feel that the notes that belong together need to stay together. So purely alphabetical doesn't work.  Because binding copy, action note, and copy note all come from the same drop-down so it would be nice if they were alphabetical within themselves.

[Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)] 10:52:39
But it should be clear that they're together and just like check-in and check-out notes shouldn't be separated. I feel like those have to stay together

[Magda Zacharska] 10:52:56
Or maybe we can come up with some other way of grouping them so it's easier for you to find them and also to see the dependencies.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:53:09
The question I have is since the list is long, should this have the type ahead control?

[Thomas Trutt] 10:53:25
I think that would be helpful. I also had a different suggestion, and please feel free to toss it out.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:53:32
But instead of using a single dropdown, what if you use 2?

[Thomas Trutt] 10:53:37
One would be the note type. So you could say, location, note type.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:53:41
And then it shows the different note types underneath that will give you a way of filtering things out.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:53:47
I don't want to disagree with what Sara said.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:53:53
I honestly do not like disordered drop drop-down lists. But, I understand it does make sense to keep them grouped together.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:54:06
If you can't do a double selection box, I know some selection box types do allow you to do headers. So maybe like a header with what the note type is with the sub notes underneath.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:54:16
It might also be helpful either way. Yes, I would say that I would do a type ahead for these.

[Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)] 10:54:21
Could we use a prefix, for example adding an item in front of item notes so they sort alphabetically but keeps the grouping?

[Erin Nettifee] 10:54:44
I don't like getting away from the label.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:54:49
So this is something that we will need to discuss with a Kimie because this will come up in other areas as well.

[Peter Martinez] 10:55:10
The one suggestion about having 2 separate selections I think would be preferable to headers, because I've gotten lost when scrolling down through long lists where I skipped to another header without realizing it.

[Peter Martinez] 10:55:44
But the 2 selectors would make everything much clearer, I think

[Magda Zacharska] 10:55:53
And the last question that I have is, are all those note types equally important, or are some of them, and more frequently used and need to be prioritized? So, for example, are you using administrative notes more frequently than action notes?

[Thomas Trutt] 10:56:20
I think you're gonna get a different answer depending on what section of the library they're in. So if you're talking to somebody in binding, then binding is more important, etc. So it's going to change by the department.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:56:31
Okay, so basically, all of them will need to be implemented at once.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:56:48
Let's say we select checking notes as an option.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:56:52
And now we have supported actions.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:57:03
I don't think there will be some additional, but I think we need to have find and replace and find and remove. And so this would be, removing the text within the note, but it will not remove the note.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:57:37
Add to note. This will be appending the note to the existing one.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:57:52
Remove all notes, make staff only, and change the note type, for example, this was a checking note, and now it will be a checkout note.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:57:57
I think what I've heard today, you also mentioned duplicating a note.

[Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)] 10:58:09
That would be so so awesome, because all of our notes got migrated in as one type of thing, and we really need a lot of them elsewhere.

[Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)] 10:58:22
And we have not figured out how to accomplish that, besides doing it manually, which is really really hard.

[Ros, Amanda L] 10:58:29
Yeah. And I totally echo what Sara is saying.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:58:34
Lynn brought up in the chat, just to mention that libraries can add their own item note types.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:58:44
I am aware of that, and we did it in other parts of the FOLIO where the list of options will be generated automatically depending on the values that are provided in the settings.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:59:23
And I think we have 1 min left. We covered a lot.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:59:27
I did not expect we will be able to go to all this today.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:59:31
So thank you very much. Do you have any comments before we part for today?

[Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)] 10:59:41
I just added, maybe in the chat find and duplicate 2.

[Magda Zacharska] 11:00:16
But let's talk about this next time when we meet.

[Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)] 11:00:20

[Magda Zacharska] 11:00:20
Thank you very much for your feedback, and have a good rest of the day, and see you in 2 weeks.

Query tool (UXPROD-3785)
Bulk Edit Use cases

Follow up questions on:

NumberUse case Notes

Add a similar feature to Sierra Global Update that allows you to see the data from the fields of the same type (author, subject, title, etc.) present in a set (review file) of records.  

Use case  Identify bib records from the daily headings reports that have not been sent for authorities processing. 

Example: Backstage inserts a code indicating that a bib record has been processed in the 040 field. I can view all the 040 fields from a set of records using the “toggle” function in Global Update and select records for future authorities processing. 

Use case – Find patterns of problems in a set of records. 

Example: During record loading, some MARC fields may end up being duplicated. Sierra Create List searching cannot find duplicate fields, but the “toggle” function in Global Update helps identify affected records. 


Ability to temporarily add or remove a MARC field in SRS.

Use case – To temporarily exclude some bib records from authorities processing, we add a 9XX note and re-write the monthly search query to exclude records using that note. 

Example: The recent EEBO record load was huge, so we had to temporarily exclude them from the month’s authorities processing query.  

36When the 3-part Item State is available/developed, there will be the need to identify item records based on a 1-part item state, location, etc. in order to update them with one or more of the 3-part states.  This could be done based on a list of item records (HRIDs or Barcodes), or by location alone, depending on how the 1-part item state is used with location, or other data, at individual institutions.

Ability to identify records with certain characteristics (a particular 650, for example) and permanently add a MARC field in SRS and Instance to those records.

Use case: In-house record enhancements (adding new controlled vocabularies such as LCGFT or LCMPT)

57We want to be able to find and delete duplicate fields.  We want to be able to specify the field or fields where we want to remove duplicate data. 
00:09:07	Thomas Trutt:	sounds straight forward
00:09:54	Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C):	May I ask a question when it fits in about the Item notes examples spreadsheet
00:15:25	Thomas Trutt:	I would agree
00:16:39	Thomas Trutt:	as Erin said its a separate module for pieces. If you have pieces as well as a check-in note you get two modules.
00:25:41	Bob Scheier (Holy Cross):	The label in Users App is “Active"
00:31:44	Erin Nettifee:	i just looked at a user record in the underlying json and the field is "active" as a Boolean - value is true or false - so the UI change would make sense to me
00:33:52	Kimie (Keemee) Kester:	It would be nice if it could wrap. I agree
00:34:09	Ros, Amanda L:	wrapping is better
00:34:10	Lynne Fors:	Wrapping notes would be preferred
00:34:10	Thomas Trutt:	agreed, wrap and multiple lines.
00:34:37	Bob Scheier (Holy Cross):	Can we wrap after so many char
00:34:51	Kimie (Keemee) Kester:	space | space
00:34:53	Bob Scheier (Holy Cross):	I would not want each pipe to wrap
00:34:53	Kimie (Keemee) Kester:	;-)
00:35:18	Thomas Trutt:	its going to depend on the user looking at it.
00:35:38	Jamie Jesanis:	Wrapping or a "See more" expandable functionality
00:36:02	Thomas Trutt:	or a popup.
00:36:21	Erin Nettifee:	we could consider trying to take advantage of functionality like acquisitions has with the blue (i) that you can hover over to get help text
00:36:40	Ros, Amanda L:	I like Jamie's suggestion
00:36:46	Thomas Trutt:	i like that. It woudl allow for better formatting of the note text.
00:41:17	Thomas Trutt:	looks good to me.
00:45:52	Bob Scheier (Holy Cross):	I was thinking to just put download in the column for permissions to indicate you can see these details when you download the file.
00:46:03	Bob Scheier (Holy Cross):	I think I have seen this elewhere
00:50:23	Lynne Fors:	I can see suppressing items from discovery for withdrawn monographs as a use case
00:52:03	Bob Scheier (Holy Cross):	I think this should be consistent
00:52:50	Bob Scheier (Holy Cross):	It seems confusing to sometimes use the UI terminology and they use the backend data terminology
00:57:12	Lynne Fors:	I like the double select idea
00:58:14	Lynne Fors:	Would reduce accidental errors being applied to records possibly
00:59:25	Lynne Fors:	How will custom item notes be handled?  They are unique to each library
00:59:48	Erin Nettifee:	can libraries add their own note types?
01:00:25	Erin Nettifee:	ah, i see you can
01:00:44	Lynne Fors:	We migrated in custom notes, for example reserve notes
01:00:54	Erin Nettifee:	Reacted to "We migrated in custo..." with 👍🏻
01:01:21	Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C):	Find and duplicate to ??

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