2023-7-11 Bulk Edit Working Group Meeting Notes

2023-7-11 Bulk Edit Working Group Meeting Notes

Attendees (please add your name):

Magda Zacharska Amanda Ros Christine Tobias Kim Wiljanen Peter Martinez Scott Perry Thomas Trutt Erin Weller Kimie Kester 

Note Taker:

Christine Tobias

Meeting Recording:




  • Attendees  - please add your name to the list of attendees
  • Meeting host -  please turn on Transcript option for the meeting 
  • Who can take notes today?
  • Other topics?

Christine Tobias is the notetaker.

Other topics: Documentation deadline is postponed due to extended Poppy release date. The Docs WG meets tomorrow and will affirm a new deadline.


  Development updates

Development status: Discussion of "suppress from discovery" for holdings and items.

Scrum board:

UIBULKED-275: Alphabetical order of columns. Discussed during 6/27/23 meeting.

3Questions from the development team
  • Expected behavior when updating bound-with items (MODBULKOPS-125)
  • Applying suppression to item records when their suppression status differs from holdings record (MODBULKOPS-126)


  • Icon indicates item that is bound-with. Are we okay with this? This will help us see all of the items attached to a holding. 
    Is there a use case for suppressing a holding that is not a bound-with?
    If there is a barcode applied to >1 item (bound-with), would we suppress the individual items? 
    Is there a use case where the bound-with would be suppressed for one holding but not for another?

Questions from development team:

  • What is expected behavior when suppress from discovery option for holdings is set to "set True" and "apply to item records" is checked? Holdings record and associated items remain/are suppressed.
  • Warning message in error window that bound-with item will not be updated. Will show list of records that were not updated with bulk edit.
  • How should this warning message read? Do we need a warning message? In current implementation, if values are not changed, the message confirms that nothing was updated. Yes, we need to have a message to FYI user about the expected behavior.


 Poppy UAT follow up

  1. UIBULKED-314 - Remove "New bulk edit" button
  2. MODBULKOPS-120 - Correct encoding of extended ASCII characters while saving matching records. Issue fixed and closed. Issue was with how spreadsheet renders data, not with MODBULKOPS. Magda has added a note to the jira. Tip: Import from .csv by selecting UTF-8 works.
  3. UIBULKED-318 Add user filter to Logs tab  

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