2023-6-27 Bulk Edit Working Group Meeting Notes

2023-6-27 Bulk Edit Working Group Meeting Notes

Attendees (please add your name):

Magda Zacharska Amanda Ros Lynne Fors Christine Tobias Kim Wiljanen Sara Colglazier 

Note Taker: Christine Tobias 

Meeting Recording:




  • Attendees  - please add your name to the list of attendees
  • Meeting host -  please turn on Transcript option for the meeting 
  • Who can take notes today?
  • High Level Bulk Edit Roadmap has been updated to accommodate new release schedule
  • Bulk edit Orchid Service Patch- to address security issues in Java library (MODBULKOPS-109)
  • CSV vs In-app poll
  • Other topics?

Notetaker: Christine Tobias

  • Bulk Edit Roadmap schedule updated
    • Accommodates release schedule
    • Subject to change depending on development resources
    • Module has been released and awaiting deployment in Orchid and Bugfest.
  • CSV vs In-app poll
    • How many are using csv approach in production? Respond to survey.

      • CSV approach = downloading .csv file, making changes, saving and uploading new .csv file 
    • Big jobs such as fiscal year rollover use .csv approach

    • Comments:
      • CSV allows editing all fields, but requires skill and is cumbersome

      • Invest in in-app approach


  Development updates

Development status: Snapshot has the most recent code. 

3Orchid UAT follow up
  1. MODEXPW-417 - Address type is represented by UUID instead of value  
    1. Address Type is represented by UUID instead of value

    2. Unique value of address field. Prevents update of unique identifiers. Will not allow change in .csv approach.

  2. UIBULKED-275 - Order alphabetically the list of available columns
    1. Will add feature to filter/search by column name
    2. Once filtered, how do you continue to build your list?
    3. Provide a multi-select box? https://folio-org.github.io/stripes-components/?path=/story/components-multiselect--actions.
      1. Comments: If multi-select is an option in one app, it should be available in Bulk Edit also so that apps behave consistently. 
      2. Will our selection be saved for next session? Will we have to uncheck the boxes to make a new list?
    4. In Agreements, there is an option to type in a filter, check it. This allows multiple selections. Click on x to remove all selections. Could this work the same for Bulk Edit?
  3. UIBULKED-281 - Filter by start and end date  - what should be the expected behavior?
    1. End Date? Search for past transactions? By date report was run? 

    2. Labeling causes confusion. Columns are labeled: "Started running" and "Ended running" and filters are labeled "Start Date: To From" and "End Date: To From". Labels will be changed as an easy fix. 

    3. Could we have a Filter by User option?

Meeting adjourned: 11:01am (ET)

 Poppy UAT follow up

  1. UIBULKED-314 - Remove "New bulk edit" button
  2. MODBULKOPS-120 - Correct encoding of extended ASCII characters while saving matching records
  3. Error message consistency: field level errors and warnings vs. record level errors and warnings
  4. Logs - sorting/ filtering by users

6Bulk edit holdings notes - (UXPROD-4020)Bulk Edit - Item, Holdings and Instance Notes

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