2023-7- 25 Bulk Edit Working Group Meeting Notes

2023-7- 25 Bulk Edit Working Group Meeting Notes

Attendees (please add your name):

Magda Zacharska  Amanda Ros Lynne Fors Kathleen Moore Christine Tobias  Robert Scheier Jackie Magagnosc Kara Hart  Sara Colglazier Thomas Trutt Jennifer Eustis Autumn Faulkner Kimie Kester Jenn Colt 

Note Taker:

Christine Tobias 

Meeting Recording:




  • Attendees  - please add your name to the list of attendees
  • Meeting host -  please turn on Transcript option for the meeting 
  • Who can take notes today?
  • Other topics?

Notetaker - Christine Tobias 

2List app demo by Kathleen Moore 

Problem statement: Data in FOLIO is difficult to access and shape into actionable information.
The Lists app provides an actionable list in FOLIO at point of need.

Live demo:

Test environment contains 8m records.
Lists: Shows lists you have created or lists that others have created and you have access to
Visibility: Shared or Private
Record types: Items, Loans
  - Example shown: Expired Patrons List; Loan status = Open; User Active = False
Actions: Choose columns to be visible

Use Cases:
  - Create a custom list when report isn't available in FOLIO.
  - Create lists of records across apps and across record types.
  - Enable actions and workflows.

  - Records metadata is static; Updates - record metadata is changed but remains on list. Refresh list to view updated list (or re-run query). Click on View updated list.
  - Create new list: Actions: New; Build query - Select field(s); Select operator (==, !+,); Select Value; Click + to add. Create Boolean if applicable.
  - Test Query button to preview list. Displays first 100 records.
  - To save list: Run query & click save button
  - Lists can be refreshed or edited
  - Lists data updated in real-time
  - Export records from a list to .csv file

  - User Acceptance Testing - July/August 2023
  - Gather feedback; List UI enhancements; Submit app for Technical Council and Product Council approval (July - November 2023)
  - GOAL: Lists App available for all FOLIO adopters with the extended Poppy release (November 2023)

 - Cannot not upload your own list
 - .csv files generated include all columns; Does not limit to selected columns.
 - Difference between shared and private? Shared = created by you or another user and shared (access to view/edit the list). Private = created by you and not shared (others do not have access to view/edit list).
 - Why no fields related to Holdings? Some labels are not correct and are in the process of being fixed.
 - Are there limits to number of results? Up to 250K records.
 - Can you see only your lists if they aren't private? No, not at this time.
 - Tagging? No, not at this time.
 - Can you make a private list shared? Yes. 
 - Filtering/ Searching? There currently is no search box in the left pane (above the "reset All" button). Why?
 - Can you sort before exporting? No. You'd have to sort the exported .csv file.


  Development updates

Development team update: 

Options to bulk edit Notes (Administrative, Check in, check out, Item) and Suppress from discovery.

 - Notes are not saved as a alpha string; Rendered by Note type. Do not have ; in notes as this currently renders as %3B in string.

  - You can still bulk edit records by Notes.

Additional scenario added to Bulk Edit - Suppressing/Unsuppressing Bound-with Items:

 - Scenario 5: User triggers bulk edit by submitting Identifier of Item B (barcode, UUID, HRID)

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