2023-5-2 Bulk Edit Working Group Meeting Notes

2023-5-2 Bulk Edit Working Group Meeting Notes

Attendees (please add your name):

Magda Zacharska  Kim Wiljanen leeda.adkins@duke.edu Erin Weller Jennifer Eustis (OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee Sara Colglazier Monica Arnold Jackie Magagnosc Christine Tobias Donald Depoorter Jeanette Kalchik 

Note Taker:  

Jennifer Eustis 

Meeting Recording:




  • Attendees  - please add your name to the list of attendees
  • Meeting host -  please turn on Transcript option for the meeting 
  • Bulk edit documentation:
  • Orchid release notes are updated - please review and let me know if any changes are needed.
  • Other topics?

Jennifer Eustis is taking notes.

Bulk edit only allows to update Inventory statuses and not all statuses. In the Tips & Tricks, there is a list of what can be changed.

Release notes have been updated. Please look at these and highlight any changes needed. There is a new module, Bulk Edit Operation. There is more technical information related to how bulk edit operates. The permissions section was also updated.


  Development updates

Please see the links to the various boards and snapshot environment to play with the newest version of Bulk Edit.


Bugfest updates

Orchid has been released!

key summary type priority status


Questions from dev team:

  • MODBULKOPS-98 Previews reflect fewer records if the record has a field with line breaks
  • UIBULKED-275 Order alphabetically the list of available columns

MODBULKPS-98: Previews that don't show all records if there is a line break

For example, if a record has a field such as notes where in that field there is a new line.

The developers would like to represent the new line with a slash, slash n, or pipe characters. They would display in the display and in the csv.


It would be fine to replace it. This would also be normalizing the data. We shouldn't change the data that is in the field. One option is to remove it. Another option is to put the pipe character.

The pipe character means different things such as being a field separator.

In the barcode and electronic access fields, if you quickly copy from somewhere else, you can get an empty line. When you save, you don't see the empty line. When you view the record, it looks normal. When you click in, it looks like there's no barcode. When you expand the field, then you see the empty lines. We see this in LDLite as well. Can we fix these issues of empty lines?

If we remove those lines, then there are no spaces or breaks. This would be fine for some fields but maybe not others such as notes.

Would it be possible to have an option to normalize the data? In the error accordion on the preview page, the records with carriage returns would be displayed. What about downloading the errors and then being able to upload those identifiers to then remove the carriage return or trim white spaces. This is additional functionality.

For notes, it could be the case that there is a carriage return present that is intentional. We don't want these to be removed in these cases. We don't want to remove it or squish it either. We want the paragraphs preserved.

Let's table this for now and come back next time with some ideas from the developers.

UIBULKED-275: Alphabetical display of columns

The list of columns to be displayed is long. We asked if this list can be in alphabetical order. This can be done. But this means that the preview also displays in alphabetical order.

Temporary location might not be next to permanent location. Could we have Location - Permanent and Location - Temporary? We could also click things on and off to have fields fall next to each other.

We could update the label to be Location - Permanent or Temporary. We would need to do effective location.

Magda will create a list of the order and look into renaming the label in display.


Bulk edit - in app - item notes (UXPROD-3713) -  follow up on survey results and Actions priorities.   Item notes examples 

Responses can be seen by clicking on the survey results. The most important are find and replace and find and remove.

  1. Duplicate note

What is the use case for a note to be duplicated? Perhaps, when collections are moved, the note is duplicated on a note being duplicated on many records. Notes are used a lot for reserves. The workaround is to update the records with the same text.

Duplicate note in the same item record. This might apply to the check in and check out note. In this case, the note needs to be duplicated in both fields.

This was ranked lowest and work may be done later.

2. Clarification on the Find and Remove behavior

Use case: item has 2 check in notes. Remove ALL function will remove both notes.

This is expected behavior.

Use case: item has 2 check in notes. Find "Special reserve" and remove. Both check in notes have this string removed OR item has one check in note.

The second one makes more sense. This is to find the string and remove the note.

What about the case such as Special Reserve and Special Reserves or Special Reserve follow by a space? If you search for Special Reserve with no space, it won't find the one with the space. Yes. We could use an asterix. If there is no space, the "Special Reserve " will only match on Special Reserve or Special Reserve. (with a period) and no space but not Special Reserves.

We need to come back to the expected behavior of find.

3. Find and Replace

Use case: item has 2 check in notes. Find "Special Reserve" string and replace with "Reading room". Both check in notes have now Reading room.

Could you find and replace with nothing? Y. This is the use case of finding a string and removing that string.

This is good and expected.


Bulk edit app permissions vs  inventory and user records edit permissions - continuation from the previous meeting

Review expected behavior for the bulk edit when users have bulk edit permissions but do not have required edit/view permissions for editing each record type. 

Bulk edit permissions

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