2023-9-19 Bulk Edit Working Group Meeting Notes

Attendees (please add your name):

Magda Zacharska Amanda Ros Jennifer Eustis Christine Tobias Jackie Magagnosc Lynne Fors Thomas Trutt Kimie Kester Kathleen Moore Sara Riggs Jeanette Kalchik Robert Scheier Sara Colglazier Kim Wiljanen

Note Taker: Christine Tobias 

Meeting Recording:




  • Attendees  - please add your name to the list of attendees
  • Meeting host -  please turn on Transcript option for the meeting 
  • Who can take notes today?
  • Meeting on October 3rd will be only first 30 minutes (10-10:30 AM ET)
  • Looking for volunteers to help with writing tests for accessibility testing
  • Other topic?

October 3rd (10-10:30 AM ET): UAT for Lists App

October 17: UAT for Bulk Edit (Poppy) functionality

We need volunteers to write accessibility tests. Any of our member libraries able to assist? Is the Accessibility Work Group still convening? If so, could they help?


  Development updates

Development status: Finishing Poppy release work, focusing on Consortia app, Data Export, and OAI-PMH.

Outstanding issues from Orchid UAT:

  • UIBULKED-276: Rename "Instance" column for holdings records preview. Requires front-end and back-end development.
    • As a result, will add Title, Publication, and Publisher for holding records the same way it is displayed in the Holdings record in Inventory.
  • UIBULKED-275: Order alphabetically the list of available columns.
    • Filter added but requirements still need to be written. Will be moved to Quesnalia release.

3Query tab - hide for Poppy or rely on permissions? 

Previously, Query tab worked only for User records; Items and Holdings were not supported.

Query tab redesign:

  • Front end: UXPROD-3785. (See also UXPROD-3643.)
  • Back end: UXPROD-4149. Will not be functional for Poppy release.
  • Should we hide the Query tab or use the build query permission?
    • Consensus on hiding the Query tab until it is functional.

4Changing note type: Order of actions

Continue from 9/5 meeting: Changing note types

Behavior varies depending on order of actions submitted because bulk edit executes the actions sequentially in one round; the actions are not compounded nor executed independently. Bulk edit is performed on a "snapshot" of Inventory records.

For example,

Bulk edit #1: Administrative Note → Action Note

Bulk edit #2: Check-in Note → Administrative Note

Bulk edit #3: Action Note → Check-in Note

  • Bulk edit #3 is performed on all "snapshotted" records with Action Notes. It will not perform the action on the new records created in Bulk edit #1.

Much discussion/confusion about this functionality.

Discussion tabled. Will revisit after UAT.

5Discovery and staff suppressing instance records  - (UXPROD-3992)

Continue from Sept 5th meeting:

Unique resource identifiers for bulk edit of Inventory - Items, Inventory - Holdings, Users? UUID, HRID, System-controlled identifiers (LCCN, ISBN, ISSN, OCLC).

Duplicate records are identified and error report can be downloaded (.csv).

Check boxes to remove duplicates from list? Will need to show entire record rather than preview. Functionality will be available in future release. (Quesnalia)

Suppressing records that have Source MARC: Changes are made to the Instance record only. Underlying MARC is not changed.

Columns selected by default. Although user cannot edit the list, user can change the default selection. This selection is user specific and persist.

Columns selected by default for Fast Add: Instance status term, Resource title, Publication date, Resource type, ISBN, ISSN, Suppress from discovery.

Magda's spreadsheet: Instance records column by accordion

Are there columns we should not include by default? No. Let's include them all and leave the option for users to select the columns they wish to include.


Bulk edit - FOLIO holdings electronic access - (UXPROD-4008)

Bulk edit Electronic Access - Change Relationship

Allow edit elements of the electronic access:

  • change URL relationship
    • bulk edit performed on all identified records
  • remove/add/replace a part or entire URI
    • Adding URI: New row (electronic access entry) is added with URI populated and remaining fields are empty.
  • remove/add/replace a part or entire Link text
    • Find and replace performs bulk edit on relevant records based on a perfect match.
  • remove/add/replace a part or entire Material specified
  • remove/add/replace a part or entire Link text URL public note

Fields that are controlled vocabulary, selection will be made via a drop-down menu.