2023-3-21 Bulk Edit Working Group Meeting Notes

Attendees (please add your name):

Magda Zacharska Jennifer Eustis (OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee Amanda Ros Lynne Fors Jackie Magagnosc Thomas Trutt Erin Weller Christine Tobias Monica Arnold Kim Wiljanen Lisa Smith Peter Martinez Scott Perry Donald Depoorter 

Note Taker:  

Robert Scheier

Meeting Recording:




  • Attendees  - please add your name to the list of attendees
  • Meeting host -  please turn on Transcript option for the meeting 
  • Item notes survey - deadline March 27th
  • Other topics?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:02:51
Let's start with housekeeping, and please add your name to the list of attendees.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:03:08
I think we already have transcripts running.

[Bob Scheier (Holy Cross)] 10:03:13

[Magda Zacharska] 10:03:14
Thank you very much. Hmm. The next, I think, is the item note survey.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:03:23
If you did not respond, please do so. By the end of the week, your feedback is always very valuable and helpful.


  Development updates

[Magda Zacharska] 10:03:35
Is there anything else anyone would like to bring to our attention?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:03:51
If not, then I will move to the next agenda development update. The links are to the status, snapshot, and scrum board. We are starting development on Poppy. But we are mostly working on addressing issues from bugfest.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:04:23
You can see the list of the Jira's that were identified during bugfest, and most of them, as you see, are either close or in bug fix review which means that we are fixed and waiting for final verification by me in the bugfest environment.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:05:01
One is in the Code Review and 2 more are in review and that is happening on the snapshot environment before the module is released. There are 2 issues that I would like to bring to your attention.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:05:07
One issue that is actually not part of Bulk Edit but is affecting it. It is related to scheduling jobs.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:05:28
It is blocking authority records export, eholdings jobs, and blocking, to some extent Bulk Edit. This manifests the way that Bulk Edit fails, and it fails intermittently. And from my conversation with the developers I had this morning, the issue has been addressed and will be deployed to the bugfest environment this afternoon.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:06:15
Is the development team Bama?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:06:19
Yes, this functionality is actually assigned to the Bama team. However, it affects other modules and we wanted to have it done as quickly as possible. It was just not fair to ask the Bama team to address it.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:07:13
The other issue is on the UI side. 

[Magda Zacharska] 10:07:26
In Bulk Edit, but also other modules, you see this blue rectangle button. It only displayed until you do another click.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:07:47
This is happening for all other apps. Actually, I was not able to recreate it on Export Manager, but the Jira is created, and I hope the Stripes Force team will be able to resolve it for the Orchid release.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:08:07
That's bizarre.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:08:11
And the last.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:08:16
And the last issue that I would like to address is what you see most likely in production releases prior to Orchid. If you are using Bulk Edit, sometimes you see the "unexpected something went wrong" error message, MODBULKOPS-58 - Getting issue details... STATUS .

[Magda Zacharska] 10:08:46
The reason is we discovered that in Orchid the UI actually allows for entering NULL values.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:08:57
So in Inventory when you open a record, select, and then decide not to populate the form, and you click save, the backend will save the NULL property.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:09:13
So here's the link to the story UIIN-2334 - Getting issue details... STATUS . Bulk Edit obviously needs to handle these cases gracefully.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:09:27
And we addressed this in Orchid. But if you see this, please be aware that this is a known issue addressed in Orchid.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:09:43
Any questions on those Jiras I walked through? I will put those in the chats.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:09:51
For the NULL values issue, does it all data types?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:10:02
So we saw that in holdings, user records, and in some other Inventory places.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:10:15
We need to handle the cases gracefully. I don't think we should allow empty values if there is no data. I will add these Jiras to the chat since they are not Bulk Edit bugs, but related to Bulk Edit.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:11:48
Checking in Chat.

Thomas Trutt: They where doing some changes on what data was going to be exported. Is this related to : UIIN-2322 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Erin Nettifee: no, i don't think so thomas
Thomas Trutt: Reacted to "no, i don't think so..." with 👍

[Magda Zacharska] 10:12:16
Okay, thank you for this information. I will take a look and make sure we handle this as well.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:12:34
If there are no questions regarding the bugfest updates, I would like to move to usability testing.


Orchid UAT Scenarios

Test data

Test environment (short-lived)

Test users:

  • bulkinapp
  • bulkinapp2
  • bulkcsv

[Magda Zacharska] 10:12:58
There were not many changes to functionality when it comes to Bulk Edit as we were working mostly on architectural changes, but still, I would like to hear your feedback.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:13:13
I want to ask for a volunteer to do the UAT while the group is looking, and everybody is welcome to provide feedback on what they see on the screen.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:13:27
We will be using the test environment. The link is in the agenda.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:13:35
The environment is short-lived. It's a Rancher that was set up for UAT purposes.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:13:45
We can keep it live a little bit longer if you want to do some additional user acceptance testing afterward, let's say to the end of the week, and then we will shut down the machine.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:13:59
I have created 3 test users, 2 for Bulk Edit in-app. They have slightly different permissions, but both should have permission to do Bulk Edit in-app functions.

    • bulkinapp
    • bulkinapp2

[Magda Zacharska] 10:14:19
There's one user was created to edit user records using the Bulk Edit CSV approach.

    • bulkcsv

[Magda Zacharska] 10:14:28
The link to test data has 3 or 4 files with user barcodes, Item barcodes, and HRIDs.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:14:56
I opted for smaller numbers because we are in the process of doing performance tests, and the results of those tests probably will be known by the end of the week.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:15:10
From what I've heard, the performance is better than it was in the prior releases, but I am not sureon the numbers yet. It definitely allows for larger record sets to be Updated.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:15:28
So next time we meet I will have better information. So don't be alarmed that those test files only have a small set of records. You are welcome to create your own file and use it in this environment.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:15:49
Do we have a volunteer. Not everyone at once? (smile)

[Magda Zacharska] 10:16:48
Anyone, please.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:16:53
I can do it.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:16:55
Thank you, Jennifer.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:17:08
So if you click the test environment, the user name and passwords are the same.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:20:41
OK Jennifer can you change the columns?

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:20:44
Sure. Let's see...let's have title cool. Let's see.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:20:55
Oh, let's see these that's a lot of information.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:20:58
Let's see these I'm gonna be scrolling forever.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:21:01
Alrighty! Wow! We're just. I wonder what happens if I choose all of them!

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:21:16
There's not like a select all feature.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:21:17
So this is my question exactly. Is that something you think would be helpful?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:21:26
How often are upi going to use all of them, selecting a lot of them?

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:21:32
Well for me.

[Ros, Amanda L] 10:21:32
I wouldn't suspect that we would use all of them, but it might be nice if there's some way to save a set of them.

[Ros, Amanda L] 10:21:43
Say I'm doing some of them, you know, and I normally know which columns I'm going to continually want so that I don't have to select them every time.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:21:48

[Magda Zacharska] 10:21:51

[Erin Nettifee] 10:22:18
Yeah. So I was gonna suggest what Jacky just said in the chat to that. I think a way to like clear all would probably have more utility because if you clicked like 15 of them, then you needed to do another job...

[Erin Nettifee] 10:22:43
I know we talked a lot about the behavior of the columns and whether they would reset on different screens, but I don't remember what the decision was.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:22:52
What we decided and what is implemented is that the selection persists. So when you select the columns, the selection will persist through all the screens,. So, you will see them in on the are you sure form and the confirmation.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:23:17
You are welcome to continue with all selected columns, but I would what I would suggest.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:23:23
You select only those that you will be editing.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:23:58
Yeah, it's difficult to because they appear in?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:24:06
Yes, so in alphabetical Order.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:24:09
Yeah, well, not that funny? Yeah. Cause then, cause I'm kinda so like looking through and.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:24:18
I guess. I don't. Maybe not. That I don't know...

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:24:25
Let me know what ...

[Magda Zacharska] 10:24:28
Yeah, I can see how difficult it is.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:24:33
Alright! I'll just leave it at that.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:24:35
Okay. Sounds good. Do you have the loan type? Yes, you have it.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:24:36

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:24:40
I, yeah, the permanent and temporary. And then I've got the permanent and temporary location, effective location, status, and then a bunch of other stuff.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:24:58

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:24:58

[Ros, Amanda L] 10:24:59
I don't see a title because I brought up wanting to play with it.

[Ros, Amanda L] 10:25:05
Also, I'm playing with the holdings. One I don't see a title.

[Ros, Amanda L] 10:25:11
okay, maybe it's different for holdings?

[Ros, Amanda L] 10:25:23
For holdings. Yeah. Okay. Alright.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:25:24
Are you? Are you looking for holdings? Yes, for how? It will be different.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:25:31
Holdings? May not have a title. I don't remember if Holdings is one of the properties.

[Ros, Amanda L] 10:25:35
It has a shelving title. I'm sorry I'm I didn't.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:25:40
I see that this lack of alphabetical order it's difficult to handle. I made a note of it. Jennifer, before you continue with the Bulk Edit, can you go to the action menu and save the files, down matched records (CSV)?

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:26:04

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:26:07
I certainly can.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:26:07
So this creates a file with almost everything.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:26:22
It's not only the top rows but the entire 25 records.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:26:32

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:26:36
Alrighty looks good.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:26:37
And this downloaded file will always have all the fields. This is not affected by the selected columns on the screen.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:26:48

[Magda Zacharska] 10:26:52
Okay. So I think we are ready to move to start Bulk Edit.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:26:59
Alright! Is everyone ready? I'm going to press the button.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:27:07
Thank you, and I would suggest we change all the properties.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:27:21
Actually, I like when you add a new row, it only presents the properties left to add. That's actually kinda nice instead of having everything presented again.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:27:38
Great. The actions you can see are different because it depends on what you can do with them, and the property for status is grayed out because you can only replace and you have to replace.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:27:59
You cannot clear the value because this is a required field. So you need to populate with something.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:29:31
There we go.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:29:32
Another comment before you go further. The permanent loan type is also grayed out.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:29:42
It's a required field, so you need to populate it with something.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:29:45
That's why you have only the "replaced with" option, and once you select all the fields and the values that you would like to use, the confirm changes button becomes active.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:29:59
Alright. Are you ready? Here we go. I'm good at pressing buttons, so are you sure?

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:30:11
Yes, and here we've got the preview.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:30:16
So, so here's one thing that I noticed that we lose the column header labels when we scroll. I don't know if it is possible to make these sticky.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:30:29
Oh, okay. Yes. Definitely.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:30:51
Alright. Yeah. And I'll just download the preview.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:30:56
Oh, that works!

[Magda Zacharska] 10:31:00
So this file will show you how the data will look once you click confirm changes and the data is saved.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:31:10

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:31:15
And I'm going to commit changes.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:31:28
So now the data is being saved in the database.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:31:32
Yay, everything was changed.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:31:37
And they're no errors.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:31:39
No, no, there are no errors. So this was really nice, and I can download the changed records.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:31:48
I don't know if it's because I'm working on a small laptop. But the download-matched records are kind of stuck behind there.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:32:01

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:32:05
It could be just. I'm on a small laptop.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:32:08
I will look into it.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:32:10
And yeah, I'm also on Zoom. So maybe that's it.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:32:14
But I was able to download all of those, alright.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:32:19
That was awesome. Thank you, Jennifer, and are there any comments from anyone participating anyone?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:32:28
Anything in the chat, nothing in the chat.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:32:34
No, I think the comments are still from the column selection discussion.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:32:45
Jennifer, before we let you go. Can you do another part of the usability test?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:32:50
Which are logs?

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:32:52

[Magda Zacharska] 10:33:09
Can you select? Completed?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:33:13
And can you select item inventory -  items (in record types)?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:33:21
Here we go. So this is completed. This is your job.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:33:25
Can you check if there it was done by? You need to scroll down to the run by. It's your username in bulk in the app.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:33:41
This is the user you used reviewing the columns that are.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:33:47

[Magda Zacharska] 10:33:49
So it is not.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:33:53
Oh, yeah. Here. Yeah. Sorry. The zoom controls are all over the place.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:34:00
Yeah, this is what I plan to change in the app.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:34:04
I would expect my username. I, well, yeah, this is alright. Yeah.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:34:07
Yes, so this is your username. This is your username.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:34:10
So actually, that's good. I am the "bulk in-app" user right now.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:34:14
And if you scroll a little bit to the right, you see this editing in the app tells you that you edited the records in App, not through CSV.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:34:27
And here are the actions.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:34:30
Oh, this is actually, I really like this, the file that was used.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:34:51
Exactly, you still have a chance to retrieve previous Bulk Edit job files from the Bulk Edit Logs.

[Jennifer Eustis (she/her)] 10:35:15
So a question about that. I mean over time, this is going to be a lot of files. Is there a way to purge the files after a certain time period, you know, we used to do 90 days? Will that be possible?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:35:43
So we have a feature in our backlog for this. In Orchid it will be purged after 90 days.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:36:04
In the following releases, we will implement purging, and they will be able to purge the files and the logs.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:36:55
Erin, you volunteer for users. Would you like to do the users now?

[Erin Nettifee] 10:37:02
Sure I can do that.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:38:08
I want to say that I am finding this group user acceptance testing very helpful for me. Is it helpful for you?

[Erin Nettifee] 10:38:21
Yeah, I found it helpful to watch somebody do it. Who would be doing it a lot because I wouldn't do inventory stuff a lot. So that was helpful for me.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:38:36
I agree. I also found this with other sites, if you have somebody that normally uses the system go through it, sometimes bugs or workflow issues pop up that you normally don't think about even if you're describing it as the person that'd be doing it. You sometimes do things unconsciously that will show up. So, yeah, I think this is helpful.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:38:57

[Ros, Amanda L] 10:38:58
I agree.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:39:01
Thank you. It's definitely very helpful for me, because this is also from me, like observing how users will interact with our software.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:39:49
I actually put a note into the Google Doc about it while it was noodling around.  I actually thought the type column was deprecated but I looked at the GitHub definition and it actually hasn't been deprecated. But it's not visible in the UI. I don't think that's a big deal, but it might be worth asking Patty Wanninger about this.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:40:26
So that was just one piece of feedback.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:40:28
This will be more user records feedback, than Bulk Edit feedback. We are only displaying what is there. But I definitely follow up on that.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:40:43
Looking through the columns, everything looked mostly as I expected. I do think for the birthday I would not show the time stamp. In the Users App, it definitely doesn't show the timestamp.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:41:13
Okay, that's definitely a Bulk Edit issue.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:41:17
In addresses, I'm not quite sure what the UUID is.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:41:24
This should be the address type.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:41:28
Okay? So that's supposed to be the address type. Okay?

[Magda Zacharska] 10:41:31
And it's the same with the preferred contact type.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:41:35
Okay. Okay.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:41:36
Well, the preferred contact type ID is fine. But the UUID might be a bug.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:41:38
Yeah, I think that's okay. If we're just exposing the data.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:41:43
But the UUID, I'm not sure what to do with that.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:41:48
Yeah. And then I think everything else looked the way I would have expected. This is the only one that has custom fields in it.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:42:35
I would like to see if the file download also has the address type as an ID. Can you open the file.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:43:28
Yeah, so this is the address column.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:43:31
It also shows the UUID. So this is definitely a bug.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:43:36
Thank you.


[Erin Nettifee] 10:43:48
Change the patron group.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:43:53
Here we go!

[Erin Nettifee] 10:44:13
Expiration, date.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:44:19
There we go. Okay.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:44:27
59 records will be changed.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:44:31
That persists the way through Yup.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:44:38
I can download the preview.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:44:42
Yeah, that looks like what I would expect.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:44:50
Okay. Okay.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:44:58
15 records have been changed.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:45:02
Alright! So there's the patron group.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:45:12
And the expiration date. Yup!

[Erin Nettifee] 10:45:16
I can download my changed records.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:45:24
Yeah, that looks good.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:45:34

[Erin Nettifee] 10:45:38
Erin is asking about notes. So user notes are a separate object.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:45:48
So I don't know if that has come up.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:45:53
User notes. I did not hear about them.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:45:58
Right because the notes plug-in is what is used.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:46:11
So. But yeah, I think that looks good.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:46:15
Can you take a look at the logs?

[Erin Nettifee] 10:46:27
Yeah. Let's see. Okay, so this was me playing a little bit earlier.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:46:37
So we have data modification.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:46:45
Completed. So this was the job I was playing with earlier.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:46:49
And then this is the job that I just did. So it's interesting.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:46:54
So it started running when I started the job.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:46:59
That must be because that didn't take 6 min.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:47:07
This is the 6 min from the moment you actually started working on the job like doing the changes and then processing.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:47:15

[Magda Zacharska] 10:47:21
So maybe the column heading is misleading. It's not really the moment it started running the updates. 

[Ros, Amanda L] 10:47:40
Do we even need the term running for either of those columns?

[Erin Nettifee] 10:47:47
It's really useful to be able to see how long the job took to complete processing once I click the button that says do the job.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:47:55
It's really useful to see that time. I don't know that I need to know how long it took me from what I was doodling around and looking at the columns, tweaking, etc.  But in terms of performance, or if I'm trying to troubleshoot something I didn't understand it would be really useful for me to be able to ...

[Erin Nettifee] 10:48:19
Yeah, so, Lynn, can you describe how it works in Data Import because that's a good comment.

[Lynne Fors] 10:48:26
So in Data Import, the started running and ending running is from the moment you click run after you have uploaded your file and selected the import job profile that you want to apply to your file. It is the actual time that the system is taking to process your file to do whatever changes you told it to do.

[Lynne Fors] 10:48:53
So I find this heading in Bulk Edit to be a little misleading.

[Lynne Fors] 10:48:58
If it's from the moment you upload your file to the moment it's finished processing, the changes, I would it is taking a really long time to process 15 records. Im only doing a handful of changes. There must be something wrong.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:49:14
This is not like a P1, but I do think this is a tweak that would make it easier to understand and more useful.

[Lynne Fors] 10:49:20

[Magda Zacharska] 10:49:22

[Lynne Fors] 10:49:27
Yeah, and I might also suggest maybe making the order of the columns match Data Import for consistency sake.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:49:27

[Lynne Fors] 10:49:48
I feel like a lot of catalogers are going to be doing a lot of bulk editing of inventory.

[Lynne Fors] 10:49:57
Cause. I could see with Jennifer's like, I don't see the running like the by column.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:49:59
Yeah. Okay, that's very good point. Thank you.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:50:10
That's also an odd sort, Magda. Do you see this sorting. It is out of order.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:50:40
Okay, oh, so this is really weird. This is not even a string sorting. It is something else.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:51:18
Maybe we might have to change these filters, too.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:51:21
The start date and the end date. I don't remember what those are filtering on.

[Erin Nettifee] 10:51:28
Are those on this started running and ended running?

[Erin Nettifee] 10:51:36
Does that still make sense to people?

[Erin Nettifee] 10:51:39
If this was like the job, the actual job time.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:51:48
Yeah, I would make the naming the same between the 2, no matter what they are.

[Thomas Trutt] 10:51:56
So if it's started running then yeah, it should be started running and running.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:51:57

[Magda Zacharska] 10:52:27
Thank you very much. This was very helpful for me.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:52:32
As I said, the environment will be up until the end of the week.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:52:37
Please feel free to add your comments.

[Ros, Amanda L] 10:52:42
Can I add something real quick? I was playing with the holdings, Bulk Edit, and selected all of the columns, the title is actually labeled as instance.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:53:06

[Ros, Amanda L] 10:53:07
So for consistency, and because I mean, like when Jennifer did the items, it is labeled title.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:53:25
I do believe we have a functionality that allows us to rename the existing properties to whatever we want.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:53:36
But I will double-check with development. Thank you.

[Ros, Amanda L] 10:53:47
I will say that I've shown this to people here, and everybody still finds it rather confusing that the query search tab is there when there is no query functionality.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:54:19
The best way in the production is just to not assign this permission to the user.

[Ros, Amanda L] 10:54:26
Okay. Alright, that's good to know. I can go in and take people's permissions away.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:54:31

[Magda Zacharska] 10:55:42
What was on our schedule for today's agenda I move to the next meeting, because I want us for to have time for the UAT.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:55:55
Thanks again, and then have a good rest of your day.

[Magda Zacharska] 10:56:10
Bye, bye, bye.

00:03:38	Erin Weller:	I have one too! lol
00:08:27	Thomas Trutt:	They where doing some changes on what data was going to be exported.
00:11:29	Thomas Trutt:	Is this related to : https://issues.folio.org/browse/UIIN-2322
00:11:59	Erin Nettifee:	no, i don't think so thomas
00:12:23	Thomas Trutt:	Reacted to "no, i don't think so..." with 👍
00:12:26	Magda Zacharska:	MODBULKOPS-58
NULL values not handled gracefully
00:12:38	Magda Zacharska:	MODEXPW-388
Scheduled Bursar jobs stop Bulk edit's, Authority control, eHoldings jobs
00:12:50	Magda Zacharska:	STCOR-707
Apps icons replaced with blue rectangle on apps menu
00:18:51	Thomas Trutt:	Sorry I’m taking care of issues on our production system.
00:23:51	Jackie Magagnosc:	It could also be helpful to be able to unselect everything with one click
00:25:12	Scott Perry:	I sometimes use select all, then deselect (especially when I'm intending to view most).
00:34:43	Lynne Fors:	Definitely making those column headings sticky would be a great improvement!
00:34:59	Christine L Tobias:	+1 Lynne and Jennifer
00:35:27	Thomas Trutt:	Without a FOLIO wide settings save function it may not be possible. 🙁
00:36:21	Peter Martinez:	Reacted to "It could also be hel…" with 👍
00:40:09	Kimberly Wiljanen:	Yes
00:40:26	Scott Perry:	Yes.
00:40:37	Lisa Smith, Mich State:	Yes!
00:44:05	Erin Weller:	Can we add "notes" as a column?
00:46:19	Erin Weller:	Replying to "Can we add "notes" a..."

I don't need it for what we can bulk edit but I'm thinking ahead to when we can maybe bulk delete records and I would definitely want notes included
00:49:18	Lynne Fors:	It is a bit misleading especially for those of us who use Data Import
00:52:29	Thomas Trutt:	0 comes after 15… 🙂
00:52:56	Thomas Trutt:	Maybe 0 is actually null on the backend?
00:54:57	Lynne Fors:	That's not super intuitive