quickMARC - MARC21 Validation

quickMARC - MARC21 Validation


Table of Contents

NOTE: Validation rules only apply to Create/Edit/Derive via quickMARC. No impact to Data import. 

Global Rules across all MARC record types

#MARC tag number / indicator / subfieldActionValidation ruleUI error message or UI responseJIRA issue(s)
Add a new field > Empty MARC tag and subfield text boxes

UI response: Record is saved and the field is removed.

Add a new field >Empty subfield text box but MARC tag box is populated 

Cannot save a field without a subfield

UI response: Record is updated/created and the field is removed.

Add a new field > Empty MARC tag but subfield text box has a value (example $c c2016) 

Cannot save a field without a valid MARC tag

UI error message: Record cannot be saved. A MARC tag must contain three characters.

Add a new field > MARC tag is populated but subfield text box has only subfield code (example $c)  

UI response: Record is saved and the field is removed.

Add a new field > MARC tag is populated but subfield text box has value but no subfield code (example c2016)  

UI response: Subfield code $a is populated before the value

Saved field > Cleared MARC tag and subfield text boxes

UI response: Record is saved and the field is removed.

Saved field > MARC tag remains and subfield text box has been cleared

UI error message: Missing a subfield value for a MARC tag


Saved field >MARC tag remains and only subfield code entered (ex. $c) 

Assume all subfield values have been removed 

Cannot save a field without a subfield value

UI response: Removes the entire field

Saved field > MARC tag remains and subfield code has been cleared but subfield value remains (ex. c2016) 

non-Leader and fixed fields must have a subfield code 

UI response:  when only 1 subfield the record saves and populates the $a subfield code.

UI response: when all the subfield codes are removed it saves the record and populates $a at the beginning of the subfield, the rest of the codes remain missing.

Saved field > MARC tag cleared but subfield text box has a value (ex. $c c2016)Cannot save a field without a valid MARC tag

UI error message: Record cannot be saved. A MARC tag must contain three characters.

11Tag number

Must be 3 numbers only

UI error message: Record cannot be saved. A MARC tag must contain three characters.

12Tag number

No symbols, alphabet. Just numbers.

UI error message:  Invalid MARC tag. Please try again.   

13Indicator 1 
  • An indicator must have a value.  
  • Not available for the following fields: 
UI response:  If not then auto-populate with / 
14Indicator 2 
  • An indicator must have a value. 
  • Not available for the following fields:
UI response:  If not then auto-populate with / 
  • Leading subfield code a is autopopulated for all field except for Leader and fixed fields

UI response: Leading subfield code $a is autopopulated when adding a new field

  • Required 
  • Non-repeatable 
  • System generated

UI response: I was able to add a 005 but it was greyed out, could not edit. Saving deleted it.

  • Required 

UIQM-459 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  • Non-repeatable 
UI: error message Record cannot be saved with more than one 008 field
19999 f f $s $i 
  • Required 
  • Non-repeatable
  • System generated 

UI response:  Automatically removes the duplicate 999 ff 

Bibliographic Record

MARC field number / indicator / subfieldValidation ruleUI error message or UI responseJIRA issue(s)
  • Must have 24 characters
UI error message: Record cannot be saved. The Leader must contain 24 characters, including null spaces.

2Leader (editable positions) - invalid character enteredMust have a valid value for positions: 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 18 and/or 19. See https://loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bdleader.htmlUI error message: Record cannot be saved. Please enter a valid Leader <<editable position number>>. Valid values are listed at https://loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bdleader.html

UIQM-234 - Getting issue details... STATUS

MODQM-164 - Getting issue details... STATUS

3Leader (non-editable positions)

Only positions 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 18 and/or 19 can be edited 

UI error message: : Record cannot be saved. Please check the Leader. Only positions 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 18 and/or 19 can be edited in the Leader.

For certain positions (TBD): Upon hitting Save button then the quickMARC will automatically update to valid position value. 

MODQM-225 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Required 
  • Non-repeatable (NR)
  • System generated 
UI response: I was able to add a 001 but it was greyed out, could not edit. Saving deleted it.
  • Non-repeatable (NR)
UI error message: Record cannot be saved with more than one 010 field.

UIQM-382 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Required
  • Non-repeatable (NR)

UI error message: Record cannot be saved without field 245.

UI error message: Record cannot be saved with more than one field 245.

  • Non-repeatable (NR) (Not yet implemented)

UI error message: Record cannot be saved with multiple 1XXs.  

MODQM-388 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UIQM-600 - Getting issue details... STATUS

8Subfield 9

9Subfield 0

Authority Record 

MARC field number / indicator / subfield Validation ruleUI error message or UI responseJIRA issue(s)
  • The Leader must contain 24 characters, including null spaces

UIQM-419 - Getting issue details... STATUS

MODQM-229 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UIQM-381 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • 06 position must have a "z" value

  • Editable: 05,17, 18

UI error message:  Example - Entering an invalid  Leader position 08 value.  

Record cannot be saved. Please enter a valid Leader 08. Valid values are listed at  https://www.loc.gov/marc/authority/adleader.html

  • Required 
  • Non-repeatable (NR)
  • System generated 

  • Non-repeatable
UI error message: Record cannot be saved with more than one 010 field.

UIQM-330 - Getting issue details... STATUS UIQM-196 - Getting issue details... STATUS

010 $a 
  • Can only have one subfield a
UI error message:  010 can only have one $a. 

UIQM-395 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Required - Must have only one  1XX MARC Tag
  • Non-repeatable (NR)

UI error message:  Record cannot be saved. Cannot have multiple 1XXs. 


Holdings Record

MARC field number /Ind 1 / Ind 2 / subfieldValidation ruleUI error message or UI responseJIRA issue(s)
LeaderThe Leader must contain 24 characters, including null spaces

UI error message: Record cannot be saved. The Leader must contain 24 characters, including null spaces.

MODQM-226 - Getting issue details... STATUS

LeaderOnly positions 05, 06, 17, and 18 can be edited in the LeaderUI error message: Record cannot be saved. Please check the Leader. Only positions 5, 6, 17, 18 can be edited in the Leader.

  • Required
  • Non-repeatable (NR)
  • System-generated

  • Required
  • Non-repeatable (NR)

UI response: Field is greyed out, no editing allowed

Removes duplicate 004

UIQM-167 - Getting issue details... STATUS

006No change from MARC bib validation

Note  Tried to add 006 [under 852] chose s for type, the rest autopopulated with \ add 852, saved

Viewing the source record I saw that only the s saved

007Unexpected length of the field
No change from MARC bib validation

Note  Tried to add 007 [under 852] choose text for type, SMD box with a \ also appeared

UI response: Record was created with 007 t 

008 - AcqEndDateUnexpected length of the field. Must have four characters

UI error message: Record not saved. Please check the character length of the fixed fields.

010Subfield length should be more than 3 characters
No change from MARC bib validation

Add 010 [under 852] \\$a 1 with adding an 852

UI Response: record saved

852 $b
  • Required

a.) Record cannot be saved. An 852 is required.

UIQM-165 - Getting issue details... STATUS

852 $b
  • Valid $b value

UI response: Location is in a drop down menu

Entered subfields manually with an incorrect location - one that wasn't listed.

UI response: 852 $b contains an invalid Location code. Please try again.

852 $b
  • Non-repeatable (NR)

UI error message: Record cannot be saved. Can only have one MARC 852.

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