MARC implementers

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MARC implementation topics, questions or issues

Topic Status legend:

OPEN - To be discussed

BLOCKED - The group is waiting for further information or some specific action to be completed before progress can continue

IN PROGRESS - Discussion is ongoing and work is potentially in progress

CLOSED - Discussion resolved and required actions completed

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  1. @mention yourself in the "Interested parties" column and add your institution name

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Active Topics


Topic and description / use case

StatusDate added

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Discussed at meeting + notes

Action required

Ability to insert diacritics for a MARC field 

A future FOLIO version will have the capability to insert diacritics from the quickMARC screen."Is there any current plan on when this would be? and is there any plan to allow such an option in instance only records?



Jeanette Kalchik, Stanford Univ 

Laura E Daniels (Cornell)

Lynne Fors (Wellesley)

Lisa Robinson (Michigan State)

Covered requirements 

  • Localization support
  • Easy to discover characters
  • How to insert character
  • Accessibility 

Post meeting note: Would it also be possible to add key commands? Jeanette Kalchik 

Created a spike

UIQM-503 - Getting issue details... STATUS  

7/11 update: Since FOLIO is web based. We cannot build a tool. We cannot find a good Chrome plug-in to recommend. For now we will provide Documentation Working Group with information and we will add a tool tip. cc: Christine Schultz-Richert 


Where should I store migrated authority linked bib field IDs

Stanford plans to migrate legacy authority IDs to subfield 0. Discussed whether there are in issues with this plan. 


Vitus Tang, Stanford University 

No issues with this approach -
  • Need to add a story related to Overlay handling
  • Document migration tips 
  • And also address UIQM-511 - Getting issue details... STATUS  
3Marc authority functionality in Orchid: it's great to have the ability to link through from the quickMARC record to the Marc Authority app.  How is it envisaged that libraries will deal with legacy headings?  I can see us adding links to all new bib records, but what about the x thousands of existing records?  Would there be a clever way to leverage authority data in bib records? (we get ours from Backstage)



Ben Taylor / Trinity College

Heather Cleary / Otis College of Art & Design

Adam Cottle / Skidmore College

November 15th meeting will be a discussion with NLA as to what they are doing. 

Will add documentation

I am also interested in how the Authorities app handles legacy headings.  I'm especially interested if/how the authorities data is getting sent to EDS (or other discovery systems).



Heather Cleary / Otis College of Art and Design

Adam Cottle / Skidmore College

December 13 2023 - will be a requirements gathering session.

Mich State and Wellesley loads authorities to VuFind. Does not use FOLIO. 

Next step: schedule a meeting with Demian Katz  and discovery contacts to make sure we understand expectations

View Source - change delimiter to $ 

UIIN-2476 - Getting issue details... STATUS



Laura E Daniels / Cornell University

Use case for UXPROD-3910 Create authority record within the UI

My* library collects/archives the doctoral theses of all of our graduating PhD students. The majority of these theses will not be published in the academic press. However, our policy is to create a name authority record for each of the students. We prefer the authority records NOT be stored on OCLC, as they are strictly for local use, therefore we need to be able to create them in FOLIO.

(*Based on past experiences with libraries in MOBIUS.)


20 Sep 2023

Vivian Gould / MOBIUS

quickMARC subgroup meeting, 20 Sep 2023

Additional meeting to discuss: November 15 or possibly November 29