Contextual Field Help

Target releaseQuesnelia (R1 2024)

UXPROD-3940 - Getting issue details... STATUS



Populating fixed field positions is difficult and likely requires consulting additional resources to ensure the right codes are used. Adding dropdowns with available codes for each position supports both efficiency as well as accurate data entry.


1What do you like about the implementation of the "Type" field dropdown in the 006/007 fixed fields?

Lloyd - This looks good to me. I would like to see several buttons that would fill in a default 007 for various material types. So there could be a book button, CD, DVD, etc. Then I could tweak fields from there. Or maybe when you select g, or whatever, from the Type pull down that automatically fills in the rest of the 007 with defaults.

Lynne - This also works for me. I like how the description of the code is included and reduces the number of times a cataloger needs to refer to references to make the best choice. Also, I love Lloyd's suggestion to have built in material type workforms and would love to see that implemented. It would save a lot of time.

Cammeron - I like this, as it combines the best of both worlds: clarity/explicitness, and brevity. I like that I don't need to have a separate window, for example, to edit the 008, Leader, etc; it is all right there. However, if I need guidance for which byte to select, it's also readily spelled out. My biggest suggestion, which I believe this interface accommodates, is that one can simply hit one key, on the keyboard. I'd like to be able to type "a" to get language material, and not have to switch to my mouse to select it manually from the list.

2What do you not like about the implementation of the "Type" field dropdown in the 006/007 fixed fields?

Cammeron - Is one able to tab to this field, or must one click it? In our current ILS, we use a macros that both add fields and toggle different bytes. For example, I can press Ctrl+Shift+B and I get a 504 generated with the text "Includes bibliographical references" and the 008/24 byte is filled in with a "b." Being able to navigate all of this with the keyboard can make things easier for some users, and it also potentially lets one set up shortcuts like that.
3What are your thoughts about extending the implementation of the  006/007 Type dropdown to the positions of the leader?

Lloyd - This would be useful in all fixed fields.

Lynne - I agree that this would be useful in all fixed fields.

Cammeron - Makes sense and would be helpful.


Is it preferable to be able to see the uneditable/undefined positions in the fixed fields and leader?

Currently, the full leader is visible, but for the 006/007/008, only the positions that can be edited are visible: 

Leader implementation:

  • Shows system-generated values (such as "4500")

006 implementation:

  • Does not show undefined fields for computer files:
    • 01-04
    • 07-08
    • 10
    • 12-17
  • Note: blank positions are still visible in the source view

Lloyd - I want to be able to see all the values.

Lynne - I would also want to see all the values.

Cammeron - I'm not sure that would be critical for me, but I rarely have the need to work with all of the values. I do feel strongly that, between the two interfaces on the left, the 006 one is much friendlier than the LDR one. If we have the whole width of a monitor to work with, let's make use of it, rather than trying to compress things. One other note, though: When I work in Voyager, and want to glance at a fixed field to make sure that the data I need is in place, I rely on other familiar bytes to help locate what I'm looking at. For example, if I want to see that I have a bibliography added, I see that it's in the first byte of that cluster in the middle. But I'm never going to count 24 bytes in to see; I just know where in the string it should be appearing, and what should be nearby it (to the right of the cluster for illustration options, and before the series of 0 or 1). I suppose this is an argument for having all of the values visible, and if not, at least having consistency about which values are visible, so that I can rely on the environment of what characters surround a particular byte to help me locate myself.
