MARC Features
MARC Features
- Autopopulate with leading subfield $a
- Display who last updated information record
- Change Delete modal messaging
- Modifying LDR
- Shortcut Keys
- Running Macros
- Undo field deletion
- Undo field edits
Data import
- Applicable changes
quickMARC app
- Display Bib record
- Search Bib record
quickMARC app
- Display Authority record
- Search Authority record
quickMARC app - General
- Hierarchical layout display
- View multiple records handling
- Running Macros
Data import
- Applicable changes
- Edit
- Derive
- Support moving a MARC holdings to another MARC bib
- Support moving items from one MARC holdings to another holdings
Data import
- Applicable changes
- Batch editing support
- Set MARC record for deletion
- Search bib records
- Store Authority record
- Import authority record - Create and Update actions
- View Authority record
- Edit Authority record
- Search Authority records
- Browse MARC Authority record
- Set MARC record for deletion
- OCLC Single import
- Link MARC bib + MARC authority
- Batch editing support
- Export authority records
- Export holdings with or without bibs
- Store MARC holdings
- Connect MARC holdings to FOLIO holdings record
- Link MARC holdings to MARC bib record / FOLIO instance record and FOLIO items
- Assign HRID
- Edit holdings record
- Create a holdings record via Inventory and Orders
- Derive holdings record
- Batch editing
- Export holdings records
- Import holdings - Action: Update
- Import bib record and create a holdings record based on data
, multiple selections available,
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High Level - MARC Features List
High Level - MARC Features List
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