Inventory Metadata Elements (beta) - draft

The inventory is where bibliographic records, as well as associated holdings and item records, are stored. For the FOLIO alpha release the initial defined metadata elements were implemented. FOLIO beta release will include elements identified by the Metadata Management SIG, and elements identified by e.g. the Data Migration Subgroup, Reporting SIG

Inventory consist of four entities:

Full support for MARC bibliographic record creation and editing will be provided through a separate MARC cataloguing app (MARCcat) for the initial FOLIO release.  While the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) of Instance/Holdings/Items in Inventory UI is intended to support brief/on-the-fly record creation in the FOLIO specific format, and via e.g. the Order app using the templated input form. Cataloguing staff maintaining records in MARC21 will be required to use the MARC cataloguing editor MARCcat to enter/edit bibliographic records in MARC format.

Note that the "Proposed Mapping from MARC" field is meant to be illustrative rather than prescriptive; we expect that libraries may elect custom mappings for some or all fields.


Instances - Bibliographic Metadata for Inventory
Element NameDetails



Proposed Mapping from MARCComments
Instance IDSystem-assigned, non-repeatable, read-only, maps to instance-id in Codex✓N/A

Using the UUID type 4.

MM-SIG, Data Migration Subgroup and others have requested a 'human readable' Instance id.

Metadata sourceSystem-assigned, non-repeatable, read-only, maps to instance-source in Codex✓N/A 
Resource titleText, non-repeatable, maps to instance-title in Codex✓

245 $a,b,c,f,g,h,k,n,p,s

Differentiate between title statement and uniform title in UI display
Alternative titleText, repeatable, maps to instance-altTitle in Codex✓

246 $a,b,f,g,h,n,p

247 $a,b,f,g,h,n,p

240 $a,d,f,g,k,l,m,n,o,p,r,s

130 $a,d,f,g,h,k,l,m,n,o,p,r,s,t

Differentiate between varying form of title, former title, and uniform title in UI display
EditionText, non-repeatable, maps to instance-version in Codex✓250 $a,b 
Series statementText, repeatable, maps to instance-series in Codex✓

490 $a,v

830 $a,d,f,g,h,k,l,m,n,o,p,r,s,t,v

Resource identifierText, repeatable, maps to instance-identifier-value✓


010 $a,z

020 $a,z

022 $a,y,z

024 $a,z

027 $a,z

028 $a,b

030 $a,z

035 $a,z

074 $a,z

Locally-defined fields

Resource identifier typeSelect, repeatable, maps to instance-identifier-type✓ 

Values to include ISBN, ISSN, Standard Technical Report number, Publisher Number, CODEN, Control Number (001), GPO Item Number, LCCN, System Control Number, Other Standard Identifier, and locally-defined identifiers


Differentiate between types in UI display

ContributorText, repeatable, maps to instance-contributor✓

100 $a,b,c,d,e,f,g,k,l,n,p,q,t,u

110 $a,b,c,d,e,f,g,k,l,n,p,t,u

111 $a,b,c,d,e,f,g,k,l,n,p,q,t,u

700 $a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u

710 $a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,k,l,m,n,o,p,r,s,t,u

711 $a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,k,l,n,p,q,s,t,u

720 $a,d,f,g,h,k,l,m,n,o,p,r,s,t,x

Differentiate between personal name, corporate name, and meeting name

Distinguish relationship based the MARC Code List for Relators

Ideally will link to appropriate name authority file for record creation

Subject headingsText, repeatable, not included in Codex✓600, 610, 611, 630, 648, 650, 651, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 662, 690, 691, 695, 696, 697, 698, 699Ideally will link to appropriate subject authority file for record creation
ClassificationText, repeatable, not included in Codex✓

Classification identifier typeText, repeatable, not included in Codex✓

 PublisherText, repeatable, maps to instance-publisher in Codex✓

260 $b

264 $b

Place of publicationText, repeatable, not included in Codex✓

260 $a

264 $a

Publication dateText, repeatable, maps to instance-date in Codex✓008/07-14 
URLText, repeatable, not included in Codex✓856 $uDisplay 856|u when present UNLESS data from KB is provided
Resource typeSelect, non-repeatable, maps to instance-type in Codex✓-

The MM-SIG has requested this to be a repeatable field.

Will use the RDA Content standard

FormatSelect, non-repeatable, maps to instance-format in Codex✓007Will use the RDA Carrier standard
Physical descriptionText, repeatable, not included in Codex✓300 $a,b,c,e,f,g 
LanguageSelect, repeatable, maps to instance-langugage in Codex✓008/35-37 
NotesText, repeatable, not included in Codex✓500, 501, 502, 505, 505, 506, 507, 508, 510, 511, 513, 514, 515, 516, 518, 520, 521, 522, 524, 525, 526, 530, 533, 534, 535, 536, 538, 540, 541, 542, 544, 545, 546, 547, 550, 552, 555, 556, 561, 562, 563, 565, 567, 580, 581, 583, 584, 585, 586, 588, 59XDisplay 500,505, 583, 59X fields in Bib/Item UI, perhaps with indicator showing that other note fields exist?
Date added to FOLIOSystem-assigned, non-repeatable, read-only, maps to instance-lastModified in Codex✓  
Record created by (user)System-assigned, non-repeatable, read-only, maps to instance-lastModified in Codex✓

Record date updatedSystem-assigned, non-repeatable, read-only, maps to instance-lastModified in Codex✓

Record updated by (user)System-assigned, non-repeatable, read-only, maps to instance-lastModified in Codex✓

Suppress from discoveryY/N flag, non-repeatable, not included in Codex
 Denotes a bibliographic record that should not be displayed in the discovery interface
Suppress from staff viewY/N flag, non-repeatable, not included in Codex
 Denotes a bibliographic record that should not be displayed in staff interfaces UNLESS a "show all" option is selected
Previously heldCheckbox, non-repeatable, not included in Codex
 Indicates that a resource was previously held but deaccessioned; critical for determining Hathi Trust rights and similar


In the inventory, the MARC bib-holdings-item structure will be utilized; in contrast, the Codex "flattens" the holdings and item data for a given item into a single entity.  For data entry and display purposes, however, the UI may present both the holdings record and associated item records in a single display.


Holdings Metadata for Inventory
Element NameDetailsStatus UIProposed Mapping from MARCComments
Holdings IDSystem-assigned, non-repeatable, read-only, maps to holdings-id in Codex✓

Using the UUID type 4.

MM-SIG, Data Migration Subgroup and others have requested a 'human readable' Holdings id.

Holdings permanent locationText or select, non-repeatable, maps to location object in Codex✓852 $bThe permanent shelving location in which an item resides; typically, this is the lowest-level of the location hierarcy -- e.g., Reference, Main Stacks, etc.
Holdings temporary locationText or select, non-repeatable, maps to location object in Codex

Call numberText, non-repeatable, maps to location object in Codex✓852 $h,i (indicators specify scheme) 
Holdings statementText, repeatable, maps to coverage object in Codex✓

853/863 pattern and enum/chron paired fields for basic bibliographic unit

854/864 pattern and enum/chron paired fields for supplements

855/865 pattern and enum/chron paired fields for indexes

866 summary holdings

UI will need to accommodate entry mechanism for paired field data

UI will need to provide a way of collapsing and expanding lengthy holdings statements

Suppress from discoveryY/N flag, non-repeatable, not included in Codex
 Denotes a holdings record that should not be displayed in the discovery interface


Item data is proprietary – i.e., does not conform to a specified standard.

Items Metadata for Inventory
Element NameDetails



Item IDSystem-assigned, non-repeatable, read-only, maps to item-id in Codex✓

Using the UUID type 4.

MM-SIG, Data Migration Subgroup and others have requested a 'human readable' Item id.

Item barcodeText, repeatable with a single active barcode, maps to item-barcode in Codex✓
Item permanent locationSelect, non-repeatable, maps to location object in Codex

Item temporary locationSelect, non-repeatable, maps to location object in Codex✓

Besides temporary location, items need temporary loan type.

For example, the loan type of an item on course reserve typically has a shorter loan period. Each reserve location has several possible loan periods.  The permanent loan type needs to be saved so that it can be used when the item is taken off reserve.

Permanent loantype

Temporary loantype

EnumerationText, non-repeatable, maps to coverage object in Codex✓E.g., v. 3
ChronologyText, non-repeatable, maps to coverage object in Codex✓E.g., 2012
Piece identifierText, repeatable, maps to item-copyNumber in Codex✓May be used for copy number or other identifier that distinguishes one item from another
Number of piecesText, non-repeatable, not included in Codex✓Used when an item is returned to ensure that all parts (e.g., 7 CDs in a set) are present
Item noteText, repeatable, not included in Codex✓E.g., signed by author
Loan typeSelect, non-repeatable, not included in Codex✓

Used to determine circulation privileges

Also need a temporary loan type.  See comments for Temporary location

Item statusSelect or system-applied, repeatable, maps to item-itemStatus in Codex✓Some statuses can be applied only through a system action (e.g., checked out, on hold), while others can be manually applied. Multiple statuses can apply – e.g., an item can be both checked out and damaged at the same time.
Suppress from discoveryY/N flag, non-repeatable, not included in Codex
Denotes an item record that should not be displayed in the discovery interface

The Package represents a container of either Instances and/or Items. As such it provides the ability to group these together for any number of reasons.

Packages Metadata for Inventory
Element NameDetails



Package IDSystem-assigned, non-repeatable, read-only, maps to package-id in Codex

Using the UUID type 4.

MM-SIG, Data Migration Subgroup and others have requested a 'human readable' Package id.

Package identifierText, maps to packageId in Codex

An external identifier used to track the Package (e.g. a barcode)

Package nameText, maps to packageName in Codex
A name (or label) associated with the Package
Package descriptionText, maps to packageDescription in Codex
A free-form description of the Package
Package typeText, maps to packageType in Codex
The type of package - what sort of collection does it represent. (e.g. DVD box set; bound with; archival cardboard box; etc..)
Vendor idText, maps to vendorId in Codex
Link to vendor object associated with this resource (could be in another domain)
VendorText, maps to packageVendor in Codex
Name of vendor for display purposes
PlatformText, maps to packagePlatform in Codex
Platform hosting the e-resource.

Array containing Instance or Item objects

Item countNumber, maps to item-copyNumber in Codex
Number of items found in the itemsArray
Selected countNumber, maps to selectedCount in Codex
Number of items in the ItemsArray that are selected ("are held"). Mostly relevant for e-resources
Package coverageObject
Coverage object for the package itself, rather than its contents. See Content object
Is selectedBoolean, maps to isSelected in Codex

Selection state ("is it held?") of the package itself, rather than its contents. Mostly relevant for e-resources

Suppress from DiscoveryY/N flag, non-repeatable, not included in Codex
Denotes an item record that should not be displayed in the discovery interface